similar to: Problem with RODBC

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Problem with RODBC"

2006 Oct 18
Automatic File Reading
Dear All, I am given a set of files names as: velocity1.txt velocity2.txt and so on. I am sure there must be a way to read them automatically in R. It is really taking me longer to read them than to analyze them. Anybody has a suggestion to help me out with this? Many thanks Lorenzo
2006 Oct 04
RODBC: longest string is truncated
Hello R community: I'm encountering unexpected behaviour as I download string data from MySQL using the RODBC package. The unexpected behaviour is that the last character of the string is truncated. As far as I can see, this happens when some strings are of length 501 or more. Here's how to reproduce this behaviour. ## In MySQL, pick a database and run this: CREATE TABLE test ( v1
2006 Oct 13
Problemss compiling RODBC
When updating to the very last version of RODBC under freebsd 6.1 the errors below pop up but RODBC compiles till the end and, it seems, to work properly. What are those errors about? Vittorio .............................................. checking for suffix of executables... checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... grep: error while
2006 Oct 20
RODBC problem
In a mdb table, I have a text field with values of 1, 2, .... When I use rodbc to read it into R, it becomes numeric. Is it a bug or something? Thanks.
2006 Nov 17
Forming SQL Query at run-time
Hi. I am trying to get data from mysql database using a couple of queries. I do one query to find out the indexes. Then i need to use these indexes in another query, but i keep getting errors. Here is something: numb <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select distinct(comparison) from table1") count <- fetch(numb, -1) my.matrix <- as.matrix(count) rs <- dbSendQuery(con2, "select
2006 Oct 05
How to get the function names
I've defined the function getFunNames <- function(FUN){ if (!is.list(FUN)) fun.names <- paste(deparse(substitute(FUN)), collapse = " ") else fun.names <- unlist(lapply(substitute(FUN)[-1], function(a) paste(a))) fun.names } which gives what I want : > getFunNames(mean) [1] "mean" > getFunNames(ff) [1] "ff" >
2006 Oct 24
avoiding a loop
I think I asked a similar question 3 years ago to the Splus list and I think the answer was no or noone answered so noone should spend more than 5 minutes on this because it could definitely be a waste of time. My question is whether the function below can be rewritten without a for loop. apply is fine if it can be done that way but i doubt it. I call it a lot and would prefer to not loop.
2005 Apr 19
RODBC odbcCloseAll odbcClose Windows XP
Hello... After installing the precompiled version of R 2.1.0 (congratulations to the R Development Core Team) for Windows XP (Service Pack 2), I'm having problems with the "odbcCloseAll" and "odbcClose" functions within the "RODBC" package. I get pretty much the same error message for both functions: odbcCloseAll() produces: Error in
2009 Jan 26
R crashes when using the RODBC Package
Hi, I've written some code that fetches data from an Access Database (2003), processes the data, then saves the modified data back into a table in the Access database. It works if I only pass through the code once, but if I put a loop around the code so that I fetch data from a different source table, and then save it again to a different destination table, the code crashes. It is
2010 Feb 24
problem with looping on sqlSave()
Dear R users, I have a follow-up question on sqlSave(). Since most of the output from the tests I use are lists, I would like to loop to export each element of the list and append it to the sheet. Here is what I do: > library(RODBC) > test <- structure(list(m = structure(c(0.090909090909091, 0.181818181818182, 0.272727272727273, 0.363636363636364, 0.454545454545455,
2004 Oct 25
.Rprofile and RODBC
Since installing R 2.0 I've had the following 2 issues I can't find solutions for. I'm using Windows XP. 1) R 1.9 continues to read my .Rprofile file in my home directory but R 2.0 does not. How do I get R 2.0 to do this? 2) The following function no longer works in R 2.0 but continues to work in R 1.9: getExcel <- function (x) { invisible(require(RODBC)) x <-
2006 Mar 05
Sweave and long strings
Dear R-List, I use Sweave (which is wonderful) and I have a problem with the strings when they are too long according to the width of the page. For example when I do in my .Rnw document : <<UsingRODBC,echo=TRUE>>= channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="database",uid="root",pwd="password") df1 <- sqlFetch(channel,"table1",rownames=TRUE) df2
2019 Jan 30
Conexion a SQLServer
Hola, Yo empleo RODBC, previamente he creado el origen de datos ODBC en mi equipo y hago: library(RODBC) odbc_con <- odbcConnect("origenODBC") siniestros <- sqlQuery(odbc_con," SELECT * FROM tal.tal") odbcCloseAll() Con VPN en remoto y demás, sin problemas. Saludos. -------- Mensaje Original -------- Asunto: Re: [R-es] Conexion a
2010 Jul 22
64 bit use of odbcConnectExcel
Hi All, I'm using R 2.11.1 on 64 bit windows XP. The little function I wrote below I use often to import the first 1001 lines in an excel sheet to R. This works fine on the 32 bit version of R but fails on the 64 bit [both on the same machine, using the same function, importing the same .xls file]. The message from 64 bit R is: Error in sqlTables(channel1) : first argument is not an
2006 Apr 25
Hi to ALL! I am developing the small shopping cart application. Inn the I created the models with out crud (not with scaffold) I wrote my own htmls as for requirement. How can i wrote the validations for my own rhtml files Urbain -- Posted via
2010 Aug 31
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 198.4 Mb
Hi, All I have a problem of R memory space. I am getting "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 198.4 Mb" ------------------------------ I've tried with: > memory.limit(size=2047); [1] 2047 > memory.size(max=TRUE); [1] 12.75 > library('RODBC'); > Channel<-odbcConnectAccess('c:/test.MDB'); # inputdata:15 cols, 2000000
2010 Feb 23
RODBC to import/export xls files
Dear R users, I've learned today about RODBC package in order to import xls file to dataframes and export the dataframes to xls files. However I have some problems. Please excuse me if these are basic but as I said, I've just begun with this package. Also this email is quite long, but everything is related, so I don't think it would be better to split it. Moreover, there's a
2005 Oct 09
enter a survey design in survey2.9
Hi dears, I expect that Mr Thomas Lumley will read this message. I have data from a complexe stratified survey. The population is divide in 12 regions and a region consist to and urban area and rural one. there to region just with urbain area. stratification variable is a combinaison of region and area type (urban/rural) In rural area, subdivision are sample with probabilties proporionnal to
2009 Apr 02
[Bug 1585] New: Allow an `Include' option which reads another config file in place and does not error out when `Include' file not readable Summary: Allow an `Include' option which reads another config file in place and does not error out when `Include' file not readable Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 5.2p1 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Keywords:
2009 Aug 14
OT: Fortunate clueless dd chum - lvm recovery
Looks like the chum did not have to lose any data. Wiping out the MBR and the next 63 blocks apparently only wiped out grub stage1, partition table, and part of the lvm config data. I get to try to do a lvm 'recovery' at his expense now but this is my first time...has anybody ever tried restoring lvm config data back to the md/pv device? Cheers, Christopher