similar to: Get the names of the columns in a tserie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Get the names of the columns in a tserie"

2008 Apr 10
Problem installing and using package "tseries"
I have R 2.6.2, and have tried downloading and installing the package "tseries". I get the same error when I use two different mirror sites: > utils:::menuInstallPkgs() trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 400799 bytes (391 Kb) opened URL downloaded 391 Kb package
2006 Apr 26
MacOSX package install problem: pkgs quadprog & tseries
I upgraded to R-2.2.1 on two PPC G5 computers today. Further I want to work with the tseries package for the first time. As root with R CMD INSTALL tseries_0.10-0.tar.gz I get the following gcc-3.3 -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/usr/local/lib - o arma.o bdstest.o boot.o dsumsl.o garch.o ppsum.o tsutils.o -framework vecLib -L/usr/local/lib/gcc/powerpc-apple-
2005 Aug 19
Problem with get.hist.quote() in tseries
When using get.hist.quote(), I find the dates are broken. This is with R 2.1.1 on Mac OS X `panther'. > library(tseries) Loading required package: quadprog 'tseries' version: 0.9-27 'tseries' is a package for time series analysis and computational finance. See 'library(help="tseries")' for details. > x <-
1999 Nov 27
portfolio.optim.default, Packages tseries quadprog (PR#348)
Full_Name: Ansgar Steland Version: 0.90.0 OS: Linux 6.1 FreeBSD 3.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Dear R Team, Yesterday I downloaded R 0.90.0 and the current versions of some packages (tseries, quadprog,...). I had no problems to build the program using FreeBSD 3.2 and SuSe Linux 6.1. I also re-build all packages required by tseries. I checked out portfolio.optim (package:
2019 Jul 07
Curl4, Quantmod, tseries and forecast
Dear All, I have just upgraded to Debian stable 10 and rebuilt most of the R packages. I use the R backported packages from here for the core system. I encounter some issues when updating quantmod, tseries and forecast. For instance, see the following > install.packages("tseries") which finally fails with the
2019 Jul 07
Curl4, Quantmod, tseries and forecast
Dear All, I have just upgraded to Debian stable 10 and rebuilt most of the R packages. I use the R backported packages from here for the core system. I encounter some issues when updating quantmod, tseries and forecast. For instance, see the following > install.packages("tseries") which finally fails with the
1999 Jul 14
tseries package -- license
Thanks a lot for "tseries"! The new (0.1-2) version of the tseries package contains the following in ./README : >> Author(s): A. Trapletti <>, >> B. LeBaron ("./src/bdstest.c"), >> K. Krischer, and T. M. Kruel ("./src/muin2ser.f", >> "./misc/mutinfo-1.21b.tar.gz") >>
2007 Jul 26
Problem installing tseries package
Hi, I'm running R 2.4.1 on Fedora Core 6 and am unable to install the tseries package. I've resolved a few problems getting to this point, by running a yum update, installing the gcc-gfortran dependency, but now I'm stuck. Could someone please point me in the right direction? ========R install.packages output ======= ==================================
2008 May 07
Problem installing tseries under FC7 x86_64
I have just installed the 64 bit version of R, using yum. The version is: 2.6.2-1.fc7.1.x86_64. I installed zoo without any major problem and the same with quadprog (a few warnings). However, when I came to install tseries I get the following: install.packages() Warning in install.packages() : argument 'lib' is missing: using
2007 Nov 04
Problems with garch() function tseries package R 2.6.0
Hi all, I recently updated my to R 2.6.0 and tseries package ?tseries? version: 0.10-11. When i was using R Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) with tseries 'tseries' version: 0.10-7, the code > garch(dflnRCLC1) ***** ESTIMATION WITH ANALYTICAL GRADIENT ***** Call: garch(x = dflnRCLC1) Coefficient(s): a0 a1 b1 4.985e+00 1.880e-01 6.210e-14 > worked very
2000 Jul 04
tseries bug (PR#592)
Full_Name: Przemys³aw Matuszewski Version: R-1.1.0 OS: Linux RH 6.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have a problem with the package tseries_0.5-2. The source of tseries_0.5-2 was compiled by command R INSTALL /path/to/package. There was build the tseries library. Now when I try to load the package I get the message: ........................... Type "demo()" for
2001 Jan 26
tseries 0.7-0 with R 1.2.1 dumps core (PR#827)
Dear Dr. Trapletti, I am trying to use your tseries 0.7-0 package with R 1.2.1 (the latest version) under redhat linux 6.2, but the command library(tseries) causes R dump to core with a segmentation fault. Do you have any suggestions how to fix this? Thank you, Keith Dr. Keith M. Briggs, Complexity Research Group, BTexaCT. Adastral Park admin2 pp5, Martlesham Heath, IP5 3RE, Suffolk, UK Tel:
2002 Nov 17
Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
Platform: Windows 98 R version: Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01) Package 'tseries' version: 0.9-4 Built: R 1.6.0; Win32; Mon Oct 7 14:02:38 2002) (dependanted packages 'quadprog': Built: R 1.5.1; Win32; 2002-07-03 12:20:50) I've just upgraded to R 1.6.1. By typing library(tseries) example(garch) => I've got a crash with the following message: "RGUI a causé une
2002 Nov 17
Package tseries: crash for Windows version (PR#2302)
Platform: Windows 98 R version: Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01) Package 'tseries' version: 0.9-4 Built: R 1.6.0; Win32; Mon Oct 7 14:02:38 2002) (dependanted packages 'quadprog': Built: R 1.5.1; Win32; 2002-07-03 12:20:50) I've just upgraded to R 1.6.1. By typing library(tseries) example(garch) => I've got a crash with the following message: "RGUI a causé une
2003 Jun 03
tseries "adf.test"
I have a question regarding the adf.test command in the tseries library. I have a vector of time series observations (2265 daily log prices for the OEX to be exact). I also have this same data in first-differenced form. I want to test both vectors individually for staionarity with an Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. I noticed when I use the adf.test command from the tseries library, the general
2002 Apr 29
tseries package segmentation fault (PR#1497)
Full_Name: Gang Liang Version: 1.4.1 OS: mandrake-8.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( tseries version: 0.9-1 quadprog version: 1.4-4 mva version: 1.4.1 version: platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 1 minor 4.1 year 2002 month 01
2003 Oct 03
Has anyone successfully check/build tseries for MacOSX? It seems like there is the same problem with symbols duplications. The -m like option does not seem to help. stefano
2000 Jul 04
tseries bug (PR#593)
Full_Name: Przemys³aw Matuszewski Version: R-1.1.0 OS: Linux RH 6.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have a problem with the package tseries_0.5-2. The source of tseries_0.5-2 was compiled by command R INSTALL /path/to/package. There was build the tseries library. Now when I try to load the package I get the message: ........................... Type "demo()" for
2002 Jun 06
Problem with get.hist.quote (tseries library)....
Hello, I am having a problem with the get.hist.quote command (tseries library) in the Windows version. This problem is not happening is the Linux version (Mandrake 8.2). Attached is the error message, for an example included in the help file. Also the R.Version() details is attached. Please, do you know if there is a workaround ? Thanks, Carlos. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ERROR MESSAGE
2011 Nov 20
install.package tseries
I have not been successfull in downloading tseries package in the R in my macbook air. The message sent is:Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : imposs?vel carregar objeto compartilhado '/Library/Frameworks/ Do you have any clue?