similar to: Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Translating lme code into lmer was: Mixed effect model in R"

2006 Mar 29
Lmer BLUPS: was(lmer multilevel)
Paul: I may have found the issue (which is similar to your conclusion). I checked using egsingle in the mlmRev package as these individuals are strictly nested in this case: library(mlmRev) library(nlme) fm1 <- lme(math ~ year, random=~1|schoolid/childid, egsingle) fm2 <- lmer(math ~ year +(1|schoolid:childid) + (1|schoolid), egsingle) Checking the summary of both models, the output is
2004 Jul 02
Problem in lme4
Dear List: I was able to run the following in nlme successfully, but the same model and code (same dataset) failed to run in lme4 and gave me the error message below. Any thoughts? lme(math~year, data=egsingle, random=~year|schoolid/childid) Error in lme(formula = math ~ year, data = egsingle, random = structure(list( : Unable to invert singular factor of downdated X'X
2005 Dec 22
bVar slot of lmer objects and standard errors
Hello, I am looking for a way to obtain standard errors for emprirical Bayes estimates of a model fitted with lmer (like the ones plotted on page 14 of the document available at Harold Doran mentioned ( that the posterior modes' variances
2003 Jun 25
NLME Covariates
Dear list In HLM, one can specify a covariate at one of the "levels". For example, if the data structure are repeated observations nested within students nested within schools, school size might be a covariate that is used at level 3, but not at the other levels. In HLM this is rather easy to do. However, how can one specify a covariate in R for only one of the levels? I have a
2011 Feb 05
very basic HLM question
Hi everyone, I need to get a between-component variance (e.g. random effects Anova), but using lmer I don't get the same results (variance component) than using random effects Anova. I am using a database of students, clustered on schools (there is not the same number of students by school). According to the ICC1 command, the interclass correlation is .44 > ICC1(anova1) [1] 0.4414491
2003 Jul 08
NLME Fitted Values
Dear List: I am having difficulties with the fitted values at different levels of a multilevel model. My data set is a series of student test scores over time with a total of 7,280 observations, 1,720 students nested witin 60 schools. The data set is not balanced. The model was fit using eg.model.1<-lme(math~year, random=~year|schoolid/childid, data=single). When I call the random
2004 May 28
Merging nlme output
Dear list: I am trying to merge two files together from output I get based on the coef() command. Here is what I am running into. I have two simple linear mixed models > mod1.lme<-lme(math~year, data=sample, random=~year|childid/schoolid) > mod2.lme<-lme(math~year, data=sample, random=~year|childid) I then call the coefficients and store them in the following objects using >
2003 Sep 08
lmList with NAs
Hello R-Helpers, I was trying to use the lmList function to get the lmList graphic similar to Pinheiro and Bates (pg 33). I did not have a problem creating the graphic when I used the Orthodont data frame or 2 other data sets when there are no missing values. My data has missing values. Do I need to remove the missing values before the lmList function will work? for a small example: > a
2006 Oct 17
Mixed effect model in R
Hi, I am analysing an experiment that has one fixed (6 conditions) and two random factors (11 subjects, 24 images in the conditions). I read somewhere else that you can also see such a design as a nested experiment with the hierarchy: subjects -> condition -> image. For some analysis I have one respond variable and for others I have more. The response variables are non-normally distributed.
2006 Aug 24
lmer(): specifying i.i.d random slopes for multiple covariates
Dear readers, Is it possible to specify a model y=X %*% beta + Z %*% b ; b=(b_1,..,b_k) and b_i~N(0,v^2) for i=1,..,k that is, a model where the random slopes for different covariates are i.i.d., in lmer() and how? In lme() one needs a constant grouping factor (e.g.: all=rep(1,n)) and would then specify: lme(fixed= y~X, random= list(all=pdIdent(~Z-1)) ) , that?s how it's done in the
2003 Oct 06
Selecting a random sample for lmList()
Dear List: I have a data set with over 7000 students with about 4 observations over time per student. I want to examine the within-group fits of a random sample of this group as it takes forever to compute and draw all 7000 regressions. Here is the code I have used so far. >group<-groupedData(math~year|childid, data=scores) >group.list<-lmList(group)
2011 Jun 01
How to write random effect in MCMCglmm
Hi All, The data set that I have is a cluster data, and I want to run a HLM mixed model with multi-level response. Here is my data set: response: - Level (num: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 5 levels) Covariates: - Type (Factor: A, B, C - 3 levels) - yr (num: 2006, 2007, ...) - Male (num: 0=not Male, 1=Male - 2 levels) - Ethnicity (Factor: A, B, H, ..., - 7 levels) - ELL (num: 0, 1, - 2
2007 Apr 16
Modelling Heteroscedastic Multilevel Models
Dear ListeRs, I am trying to fit a heteroscedastic multilevel model using lmer{lme4- package). Take, for instance, the (fictive) model below. lmer(test.result ~ homework + Sex -1 + (1 | School)) Suppose that I suspect the error terms in the predicted values to differ between men and women (so, on the first level). In order to model this, I want the 'Sex'-variable to be random on
2011 Feb 07
Using Aggregate for Date
Hi, I am trying to find the min of day for each student in each year. Here is the dataset: date studentid year 1/1/05 6:07 AM 236 20082009 3/27/09 9:45 AM 236 20082009 4/29/09 8:44 AM 236 20082009 3/27/09 11:36 AM 310 20082009 4/1/09 10:43 AM 310 20082009 10/15/09 8:54 AM 310
2006 Aug 02
lme4 and lmeSplines
I'm trying to use the lmeSplines package together with lme4. Below is (1) an example of lmeSplines together with nlme (2) an attempt to use lmeSplines with lme4 (3) then a comparison of the random effects from the two different methods. (1) require(lmeSplines) data(smSplineEx1) dat <- smSplineEx1 dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat) plot(dat.lo) dat$all <- rep(1,nrow(dat)) times20
2004 Nov 28
paste command
In a previous post, I mentioned a loop being used to generate graphs. I have some sample code partially put together but have found one offending line of code that I cannot figure out what to do with. I have one data frame called grade4. If I do something like hist(grade4$math) I get the appropriate chart. Within the loop, however, I am doing this for multiple files and grades, so I use
2007 Dec 27
Problem of lmer under FreeBSD
I encounter such problem with lmer under FreeBSD, but not under Windows. Anyone knows why? Thanks. > example(lmer) lmer> (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) Error in UseMethod("as.logical") : no applicable method for "as.logical" > traceback() 9: as.logical(EMverbose) 8: as.logical(EMverbose) 7: lmerControl() 6:
2013 Aug 28
named lmer.models in,models)
Hi, For some reason on anova fails if the models are named lmer objects. Consider the following example: library(lme4) models <- list( lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1| Subject), sleepstudy), lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)) # # models is an unnamed list, works (although with warning):, models) # # after labeling the models, gives an
2006 Oct 18
lmer- why do AIC, BIC, loglik change?
Hi all, I am having issues comparing models with lmer. As an example, when I run the code below the model summaries (AIC, BIC, loglik) differ between the summary() and anova() commands. Can anyone clear up what's wrong? Thank you! Darren Ward library(lme4) data(sleepstudy) fm1<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), sleepstudy) summary(fm1) fm2<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days +
2010 Jul 29
How to get the standard error from GEE(Generalized Estimation Equations) output
I am having some difficulties to locate the standard error from GEE output. -----------sample output using list (geemodel)------------------------ Link: Identity Variance to Mean Relation: Gaussian Correlation Structure: Exchangeable Call: gee(formula = days.sick1 ~ bmi + age + gender + surveyround2 + surveyround3, id = childid, data = dat, family = gaussian,