similar to: Once again: aov vs. lme/lmer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Once again: aov vs. lme/lmer"

2005 Oct 24
lme and lmer syntax
Hi, I have this: lme(y~x1+x2,random=~1|x1/x2) How to make this random effect using lmer? I try this: lmer(y~x1+x2+(1|x1/x2) But it dont work. Any idea? Thanks Ronaldo -- System halted! -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior ] |> V [UFV/DBA-Entomologia ] | / \ [36570-000 Vi??osa -
2008 Aug 25
aov, lme, multcomp
I am doing an analysis and would like to use lme() and the multcomp package to do multiple comparisons. My design is a within subjects design with three crossed fixed factors (every participant sees every combination of three fixed factors A,B,C). Of course, I can use aov() to analyze this with an error term (leaving out the obvious bits): y ~ A*B*C+Error(Subject/(A*B*C)) I'd also like
2008 Sep 14
Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?
Hello, I'm using aov() to analyse changes in brain volume between males and females. For every subject (there are 331 in total) I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). The data looks like this: Subject Sex Lobe Tissue Volume subect1 1 F g 262374 subect1 1 F w 173758 subect1 1 O g 67155 subect1 1 O w 30067 subect1 1 P g 117981
2007 Feb 14
nested model: lme, aov and LSMeans
I'm working with a nested model (mixed). I have four factors: Patients, Tissue, sex, and tissue_stage. Totally I have 10 patients, for each patient, there are 2 tissues (Cancer vs. Normal). I think Tissue and sex are fixed. Patient is nested in sex,Tissue is nested in patient, and tissue_stage is nested in Tissue. I tried aov and lme as the following, > aov(gene ~ tissue + gender +
2006 Aug 14
lme() F-values disagree with aov()
I have used lme() on data from a between-within subjects experiment. The correct ANOVA table is known because this is a textbook example (Experimental Design by Roger Kirk Chapter 12: Split-Plot Factorial Design). The lme() F-values differ from the known results. Please help me understand why. d<-read.table("kirkspf2.dat",header=TRUE) for(j in 1:4) d[,j] <- factor(d[,j]) ### Make
2006 Nov 14
Repeated measures by lme and aov give different results
I am analyzing data from an experiment with two factors: Carbon (+/-) and O3 (+/-), with 4 replicates of each treatment, and 4 harvests over a year. The treatments are assigned in a block design to individual Rings. I have approaches this as a repeated measures design. Fixed factors are Carbon, O3 and Harvest, with Ring assigned as a random variable. I have performed repeated measures analysis
2011 Sep 29
How to Code Random Nested Variables within Two-way Fixed Model in lmer or lme
Hi All, I am frustrated by mixed-effects model! I have searched the web for hours, and found lots on the nested anova, but nothing useful on my specific case, which is: a random factor (C) is nested within one of the fixed-factors (A), and a second fixed factor (B) is crossed with the first fixed factor: C/A A B A x B My question: I have a functioning model using the aov command (see
2006 Nov 22
differences between aov and lme
Hi, we have a split-plot experiment in which we measured the yield of crop fields. The factors we studied were: B : 3 blocks I : 2 main plots for presence of Irrigation V : 2 plots for Varieties N : 3 levels of Nitrogen Each block contains two plots (irrigated or not) . Each plot is divided into two secondary parcels for the two varieties. Each of these parcels is divided into three subplots
2010 Sep 17
lmer() vs. lme() gave different variance component estimates
Hi, I asked this on mixed model mailing list, but that list is not very active, so I'd like to try the general R mailing list. Sorry if anyone receives the double post. Hi, I have a dataset of animals receiving some eye treatments. There are 8 treatments, each animal's right and left eye was measured with some scores (ranging from 0 to 7) 4 times after treatment. So there are
2007 Aug 02
Error message in lmer
I do not think anyone has answered this. > I'm trying to run a simple one-way ANCOVA with the lmer > function in R package lme4, but have encountered some > conceptual problem. The data file MyData.txt is like this: > > Group Subj Cov Resp > A 1 3.90 4.05 > A 2 4.05 4.25 > A 3 4.25 3.60 > A 4 3.60 4.20 > A 5 4.20 4.05 > A 6 4.05 3.85
2010 Nov 04
ANOVA table and lmer
The following output results from fitting models using lmer and lm to data arising from a split-plot experiment (#320 from "Small Data Sets" by Hand et al. 1994). The data is given at the bottom of this message. My question is why is the sum of squares for variety (V) different in the ANOVA table generated from the lmer model fit from that generated by the lm model fit. The
2008 Aug 27
random error with lme for repeated measures anova
Hi, what is the appropriate syntax to get the random error correct when performing repeated measures anova with 'lme'. let's say i have 3 independent variables, with 'aov', i would write something like: aov(dep_var~(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3) + Error(subject/(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3)). With 'lme' however, i can't find the right formula. i tried
2008 Sep 13
moving from aov() to lmer()
Hello, I've used this command to analyse changes in brain volume: mod1<-aov(Volume~Sex*Lobe*Tissue+Error(Subject/(Lobe*Tissue)),data.vslt) I'm comparing males/females. For every subject I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). As aov() provides only type I anovas, I would like to use lmer() with type II, however, I have
2007 Jun 28
aov and lme differ with interaction in oats example of MASS?
Dear R-Community! The example "oats" in MASS (2nd edition, 10.3, p.309) is calculated for aov and lme without interaction term and the results are the same. But I have problems to reproduce the example aov with interaction in MASS (10.2, p.301) with lme. Here the script: library(MASS) library(nlme) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) # aov: Y ~
2007 Oct 14
repeated measures - aov, lme, lmer - help
Dear all, I'm not very sure on the use of repeated measures in R, so some advice would be very appreciate. Here is a simple example similar to my real problem (R 2.6.0 for windows): Lets supose I have annual tree production measured in 9 trees during 3 years; the 9 trees are located in 3 different mountains (sites), and each tree receive different annual rainfall (different locations). I would
2010 Nov 16
Hi everyone, I'm having a little trouble with working out what formula is better to use for a repeated measures two way anova. I have two factors, L (five levels) and T (two levels). L and T are both crossed factors (all participants do all combinations). So, I do: summary(aov(dat~L*T+Error(participant/(L*T)),data=dat4)) But get different results with:
2010 Oct 26
lme vs. lmer results
Hello, and sorry for asking a question without the data - hope it can still be answered: I've run two things on the same data: # Using lme: mix.lme <- lme(DV ~a+b+c+d+e+f+h+i, random = random = ~ e+f+h+i| group, data = mydata) # Using lmer mix.lmer <- lmer(DV ~a+b+c+d+(1|group)+(e|group)+(f|group)+(h|group)+(i|group), data = mydata) lme provided an output (fixed effects and random
2008 Sep 02
aov or lme effect size calculation
(A repost of this request with a bit more detail) Hi, All. I'd like to calculate effect sizes for aov or lme and seem to have a bit of a problem. partial-eta squared would be my first choice, but I'm open to suggestions. I have a completely within design with 2 conditions (condition and palette). Here is the aov version: > fit.aov <- (aov(correct ~ cond * palette +
2006 Jan 05
Understanding and translating lme() into lmer() model
I am newbie in R, trying to understand and compare syntax in nlme and lme4. lme() model from the nlme package I am interested in is: lme.m1.1 = lme(Y~A+B+C,random=~1|D/E,data=data,method="ML") (for simplicity reason, I am giving generic names of factors) If I understand well, there are three fixed factors: A, B and C, and two random factors: D and E. In addition to that, E is nested in
2007 Jan 20
aov y lme
Dear R user, I am trying to reproduce the results in Montgomery D.C (2001, chap 13, example 13-1). Briefly, there are three suppliers, four batches nested within suppliers and three determinations of purity (response variable) on each batch. It is a two stage nested design, where suppliers are fixed and batches are random. y_ijk=mu+tau_i+beta_j(nested in tau_i)+epsilon_ijk Here are the