similar to: a question regarding 'lrm'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "a question regarding 'lrm'"

2003 Feb 04
testing slope
Hi all, I try to test a linear slope using offset. I have: > m2 <- glm(Y~X*V) > summary(m2) Call: glm(formula = Y ~ X * V) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.01688 -0.56028 0.05224 0.53213 3.60216 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.3673 0.8476 1.613 0.119788 X
2007 Apr 05
about systemfit
Hello. I am still a newbie in R. Excuse me if I am asking something obvious. My efforts to get an answer through browsing the mailing archives failed. I want to perform an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and to obtain AIC and BIC and to be able to impose some linear restrictions on the ADF regression so as to decide the correct order of autoregression. However I could find no obvious way to impose
2012 Feb 03
A question on Unit Root Test using "urca" toolbox
Hello, I have a question on unit root test with urca toolbox. First, to run a unit root test with lags selected by BIC, I type: > CPILD4UR<-ur.df(x1$CPILD4[5:nr1], type ="drift", lags=12, selectlags ="BIC") > summary(CPILD4UR) The results indicate that the optimal lags selected by BIC is 4. Then I run the same unit root test with drift and 4 lags:
2006 May 12
"Process R is not running" on emacs 21.2.1 using ESS 5.3.0 and R2.3.0 on Mac OSX 10.4.6
Dear R-helpeRs, I was not sure if this is ESS-specific or Mac-specific etc, so I send in the main list. I had the setup emacs+ess+R 2.2.1 running fine (on a powerbook G4). I recently upgraded R to 2.3.0 and it runs fine from the GUI and from the terminal. However, when I try to run it from emacs (which was running fine with R2.2.1) I get the "Process R is not running" message.
2006 Sep 06
R 2.3.1 and R2.3.0 crash with system() and shell() commands (PR#9208)
Works correctly for me in the Rtools directory on 2.3.1. Any more clues as to how to reproduce this? On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Johannes.Prix at wrote: > Full_Name: Johannes Prix > Version: 2.3.1/2.3.0 not 2.1.1 > OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.0503011519 > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > > In a vanilla R, version 2.3.1 or
2006 Mar 29
Substitute() changed since R2.3.0 (2006-02-02 r37243)?
Hi, I've got the following two versions of R on WinXP: A) R Version 2.3.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-02-02 r37243) B) R Version 2.3.0 Under development (unstable) (2006-03-27 r37579) and a the following "test.R" script: foo <- function(path, ...) { print(path) } bar <- function(x, ...) foo(...) wow <- function(x, ...) capture.output(foo(...)) bar(1, path=2)
2006 Sep 06
R 2.3.1 and R2.3.0 crash with system() and shell() commands (PR#9207)
Full_Name: Johannes Prix Version: 2.3.1/2.3.0 not 2.1.1 OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.0503011519 Submission from: (NULL) ( In a vanilla R, version 2.3.1 or version 2.3.0 the following crashes: system("gzip.exe") where I did nothing, prior to this command, but change the directory to my other working directory where there's gzip.exe. Same
2006 May 10
Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated (in R CMD check)
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated Warning: use of NULL environment is deprecated See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. I don't get any other warnings or errors. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be? (R2.3.0, OS X) Thanks, Hadley
2006 Aug 22
Rgraphviz installation Problem
Dear Robert, Thanks for your time. I have downloaded Rgraphviz (windows binary) from and put inside R2.3.0 library then i installed from the local zip its says package 'graph' couldnot be loaded. Am i doing the installation correctly? Still the new user. Can you guide me sir? JJ -- Lecturer J. Joshua Thomas KDU College Penang Campus Research Student, University
2005 Jul 12
Design: predict.lrm does not recognise object
Hello I'm using logistic regression from the Design library (lrm), then fastbw to undertake a backward selection and create a reduced model, before trying to make predictions against an independent set of data using predict.lrm with the reduced model. I wouldn't normally use this method, but I'm contrasting the results with an AIC/MMI approach. The script contains: # Determine full
2006 Sep 18
Help for methods
Help for help says: The 'topic' argument may also be a function call, to ask for documentation on a corresponding method. See the section on method documentation. and The authors of formal ('S4') methods can provide documentation on specific methods, as well as overall documentation on the methods of a particular function. The
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and runs with my data, but lrm does not
> On Sep 14, 2017, at 12:30 AM, Bonnett, Laura <L.J.Bonnett at> wrote: > > Dear all, > > I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: > > I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have
2008 Feb 26
lrm error message
I'm trying to learn how to use the lrm() function by simulating data using an old dataset but it's giving me an error I don't understand: (nst$regular already exists) nst$regular<-as.ordered(nst$regular) nst$age<-rnorm(n=942,mean=43.20488,sd=17.03) nst$age<-round(age,digits=0) regform<-regular~age reglrm<-lrm(regform,nst) summary(reglrm) Error in
2008 Apr 03
Design package lrm summary and factors
Hello, I have question regarding the lrm function and estimating the odds ratio between different levels of a factored variable. The following code example illustrates the problem I am having. I have a data set with an outcome variable (0,1) and an input variable (A,B,C). I would like to estimate the effect of C vs B, but when I perform the summary I only get A vs B and A vs C, even though I
2012 Sep 20
validate.lrm - confidence interval for boostrap-corrected AUC ?
Hi Does anyone know whether the rms package provides a confidence interval for the bootstrap-corrected Dxy or c-index? I have fitted a logistic model, and would like to obtain the 95% confidence interval of the bootstrap-corrected area under the ROC curve estimate. Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Nov 12
Odds ratios from lrm plot
The code library(Design) f <- lrm(y~x1+x2+x1*x2, data=data) plot(f) produces a plot of log odds vs x2 with 0.95 confidence intervals. How do I get a plot of odds ratios vs x2 instead? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Dec 13
Obtaining p-values for coefficients from LRM function (package Design)
Dear all, I'm using the lrm function from the package "Design", and I want to extract the p-values from the results of that function. Given an lrm object constructed as follows : fit <- lrm(Y~(X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7)^2, data=dataset) I need the p-values for the coefficients printed by calling "fit". fit$coef (gives a list of only the coefficients) fit$pval, fit$p,
2011 May 10
fitting non-intercept model with lrm
I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to fit a non-intercept model using lrm (and not glm). The -1 in the formula of the glm does not work with lrm. Thanks, Clarissa [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Sep 06
Logit regression, I observed different results for glm or lrm (Design) for ordered factor variables
Dear useR's, I was comparing results for a logistic regression model between different library's. themodel formula is arranged as follows: response ~ (intercept) + value + group OR: glm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group , family=binomial(link='logit')) lrm( response ~ (intercept) + value + group ) ROC( from = response ~ (intercept) + value + group ,
2009 Jun 23
How to assign fixed beta coefficients in lrm for external validation
Hi, I am planning to externally validate a logistic prediction model in a new cohort. Outcome is mortality. The betacoefficients were derived from a previous published article. It seems not possible in R to assign fixed beta coefficients to predictors like lrm (death ~ intercept+beta1*var1+beta2*var2...). How do i solve this problem? Thank you in advance. Joey L -- View this message in context: