similar to: complex plots using layout()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "complex plots using layout()"

2010 Aug 24
how to plot y-axis on the right of x-axis
Dear List, I have a richness data distributing across 20 N to 20 S latitude. (120 E-140 E longitude). I would like to draw the richness in the north hemisphere and a regression line in the plot (x-axis: latitude, y-axis: richness in the north hemisphere). The above demand is done using plot. Then, south hemisphere richness and regression are required to be generated using the same y-axis above
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
Hi, in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram version obtained from the site: def.par <-
2010 Jul 01
possible to plot number line in R?
Hallo! Is there a possibility to plot a number line in R? I would like to display 3 different Intervals on the same number line. Ideally, it would be possible to add a name to each number (e.g. Interval 1, lower cut-off...and so on). I have not found a command for this. Thank you for your help. Julia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 11
Exporting a list of lists
I have a list List(Sku=" ", Shape=1, Scale=3, DayOfYear=daylist) Note: picture daylist as c(2,3,4,3) it is a list with variable length. Then I have a list of lists al <- c(al, List(List(Sku=" ", Shape=1, Scale=3, DayOfYear=daylist)) Note: same comment on daylist as above. So far this creates a list of lists just how I want it. If I do al[1] I get each member and the
2005 Dec 27
help remove duplication in my app
I''m porting an old site of mine into Rails and I''m running into some duplication that could / needs to be weeded out. For each of my actions, I have to wrap the view content in the following HTML: <div class="box"> <img src="/images/content-top2.png" class="border" /> <div class="visible"> # content
2011 Mar 03
Probabilities greather than 1 in HIST
Dear all, I am a newbie in R and could not find help on this problem. I am trying to plot an histogram with probabilities in the y axis. This is the code I am using: #TLC uniform n=30 mi=1; mx=6 nrep=1000 xbar=rep(0,nrep) for (i in 1:nrep) {xbar[i]=mean(runif(n,min=mi,max=mx))} hist(xbar,prob=TRUE,breaks="Sturges",xlim=c(1,6),main=paste("n =",n), xlab="Média",
2009 Jul 03
Deos anyone know of a summary of conformability rules? along with a specific problem
The rules for conformability of objects required for various operators remain a mystery as do some related problems like the rules for recycling in creating arrays etc. Would someone be able to direct me to where such rules are stated? In a related vein, there are all manner of operations that are readily coded in Gauss or in MATA that fail, often mysteriously, in R. Are there some
2006 Aug 21
interpreting coxph results
I am having trouble understanding results I'm getting back from coxph doing a recurrent event analysis. I've included the model below and the summary. In some cases, with minor variations, the Robust variance and Wald tests are significant, but the individual covariates may or may not be significant. My main question is: If Wald and robust tests both take into account the
2001 Oct 13
hist and normal curve
Dear R people: I would like to superimpose a normal curve on a histogram. I've seen this example in a book, somewhere. I know that you draw the hist, get the mean and sd of the data set, but then I'm stuck. Could you help, please? Thanks! Erin hodgess at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 Jan 08
IMAP client dependence on dovecot mail storage fromat?
Hi, After setting up a maildir tree with :LAYOUT=fs and accessing it with KMail and Thunderbird, various mail client-specific problems appeared, but, as I didn't try with maildir++, I would like to confirm here: does that matter for an IMAP client much if I store mail on server as ":LAYOUT=fs" or maildir++? Can it see differences? I would like to think, that IMAP protocol
2008 Aug 04
Howto Smooth a Curve Created with the Point Function
Hi all, I have this figure: created with the following steps: > x [1] 90.4 57.8 77.0 103.7 55.4 217.5 68.1 85.3 152.0 113.0 97.1 89.9 [13] 68.1 83.7 77.4 34.5 104.9 170.3 88.6 88.1 108.8 77.4 85.6 82.7 [25] 81.3 108.0 49.5 71.0 85.7 99.3 203.5 275.9 51.1 84.8 16.5 72.6 [37] 160.5 158.3 136.7 140.0 98.4 116.1
2005 Sep 25
hist(x, ...) with normal distribution curve
. I am looking for a histogram or box plot with the adding normal distribution curve I think that must be possible, but I am not able to find out how to do. Regards Knut
2019 Jun 14
Update 4.10.2 to 4.10.4: Cant create files in subdirectorie anymore
Hi everyone, since i upgraded from 4.10.2 to 4.10.4 i can't write into subdirectories of a share anymore. This worked perfectly fine before i upgraded and also works again if i downgrade.? I think either something is fishy with the 'filename_convert_internal' function of ".../source3/smbd/filename.c" or my configuration needs to be adjusted for 4.10.4. I tried several
2012 Aug 06
Overlay Histogram
Dear all, For two sets of random variables, say, x <- rnorm(1000, 10, 10) and y <- rnorm(1000. 3, 20). Is there any way to overlay the histograms (and density curves) of x and y on the plot of y vs. x? The histogram of x is on the x axis and that of y is on the y axis. The density curve here is to approximate the shape of the distribution and does not have to have area 1. Thank you
2019 Jun 14
Update 4.10.2 to 4.10.4: Cant create files in subdirectorie anymore
You're totally right and after i rechecked my conf i've seen that i already set vfs objects = acl_xattr gluster in my share definition. I just played around with these options to see if it helps. Neither combination made any difference so i guess my problem isnt related to the xattr module, it could be related to the gluster module since i did'nt check what would happen if i'd use
2006 Nov 30
newbie: new_data_frame <- selected set of rows
Hello, this is probably trivial but I failed to find this particular snippet of code. What I got: my_dataframe (contains say a 40k rows and 4 columns) distances (vector with euclidean distances between a query vector and each of the rows of my_dataframe) What I do: after scaling data my_dataframe I calculate distances. order them then extract top five hits my_dataframe <-
2010 Aug 25
SEM : Warning : Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian
Hi useRs, I'm trying for the first time to use a sem. The model finally runs, but gives a warning saying : "In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S, N = N, param.names = pars, var.names = vars, : Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian. Optimization probably did not converge. " I found in R-help some posts on this warning, but my attemps to modify the code didn't change
2012 Jul 10
how can I show the xlab and ylab information while using layout
hi R-users: I want to draw three plot into one figure by layout and the script has been shown below. But I find R does not show the xlab and ylab information completely as shown the figure attached. How can I midify the script.? thank you . xxlab<-paste(cpmd," (",ro,"%)",sep=" ") yylab<-paste(rfmd," (",co,"%)",sep=" ")
2011 Oct 05
calling a variable which in turn calls many more variables
Hi all, I am running regressions with many covariates, most of which remain the same each time (control variables). Instead of writing 30 demographic variables every regression, is there a way I could call them all at once using a variable called, perhaps "demog"? I have tried: > demog <- list(age1, age2, age3) but I get an error when I try to call a list in a regression. I also
2009 Mar 10
Plots of different aspect ratios on one page, base aligned(trellis.print)
Hello, I have an example of a 2 paneled plot, with two different aspect ratios displayed on one page. An example would help n=20 x1 <- cumsum(runif(n)) x2 <- cumsum(runif(n)) d <- data.frame(val=c(x1,x2),id=c(1:n,1:n), nt=c(rep("A",n),rep("B",n))) u1 <- xyplot(val~id | nt, data=d,aspect=1,layout=c(1,2)) u2 <- xyplot(val~id|nt, data=d,aspect=0.5,layout=c(1,2))