similar to: package installation on Mac OS X 10.3.9

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "package installation on Mac OS X 10.3.9"

2006 Sep 29
hcc not found, rcmd build
Working under Windows XP, I am compiling a package called 'pgirmess' with the command rcmd build --binary --auto-zip pgirmess I have this message error after having listed: functions text html latex example chm .... zipping help file hcc: not found cp: cannot stat 'c:/TEMP/Rbuild365620874/pgirmess/chm/pgirmess.chm': No such file or directory make[1]: *** [chm-pgirmess] Error 1
2011 Oct 16
Error in gzfile(file, mode) when checking a package with rcmd check
Hi, For the first time I have a strange behaviour when checking a package before 'packaging' the code. Looks like a file cannot be read. rcmd check pgirmess * using log directory 'U:/Documents and Settings/pgiraudo/Mes documents/R/pgir_arch/pgirmess_arch/On work/pgirmess.Rcheck' * using R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) * using platform: i386-pc-mingw32 (32-bit) * using session
2005 Jan 23
error preparing a package for lazy loading with R CMD
Dear Lister, I work with R 2.0.1 and Windows XP, and meet a strange trouble trying to make a R package with a make-package.bat file John Fox has kindly provided (see detailed script below). I am working with it since some months with excellent results (I do'nt use compiled C code so far). Just adding a new function in the R directory today, when running make-package and thus excuting
2006 Apr 10
TukeyHSDs function (pgirmess package)
Dear R-help, I have been trying to use the TukeyHSDs function in the "pgirmess" package to quickly extract all significant pairwise comparisons in an aov object. However, it seems that this function isn't working as intended when only the two last populations means being tested are significant. An example of this can be seen below: >numbers<-c(464,482,453,434,495,487)
2010 Apr 15
"°" not accepted under MacOSX
I am developping a package (pgirmess) that since long does not go through CRAN MacOSX checks, just because I have this command in one of the examples. text(mydata[,3],mydata[,4],paste(round(dirs,0),"?"),cex=0.7) It makes: <ERROR: re-encoding failure from encoding 'latin1'> text(mydata[,3],mydata[,4],paste(round(dirs,0),"+ + + + cleanEx() +
2008 May 05
troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy
Dear listers, I was used to package pgirmess under Windows with everything OK, but, for the first time, I had a trial this afternoon on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy (I have a double boot computer and work more and more under unix) and R 2.7.0. Everything went OK except this: sudo R CMD check pgirmess ..... * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'pgirmess-Ex.R' failed. The error most
2007 Oct 15
How to report successfull and unseccessful login attempts
Hi we use samba 3.0.25a on FreeBSD 6.2 and we would like to have in the logs only the successfull and unsuccessfull login attempts. We would like to read in the log file: Authentication for user [%s] -> [%s] -> [%s] succeeded or Authentication for user [%s] -> [%s] FAILED with error We have tried with log level 1 and we get only the successfull logins. We have tried with log level 2
2012 Aug 03
Multiple Comparisons-Kruskal-Wallis-Test: kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess} don't yield the same results although they should do (?)
Hi there, I am doing multiple comparisons for data that is not normally distributed. For this purpose I tried both functions kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess}. It confuses me that these functions do not yield the same results although they are doing the same thing, don't they? Can anyone tell my why this happens and which function I can trust? kruskalmc() tells me that there are no
2012 Dec 15
kruskalmc, significant differences while median values are the same
Dear list! I work with multiple Kruskal-Wallis test (kruskalmc, package pgirmess), which evaluates differences in medians among groups (5 groups). A result of a test is significant differences among some groups, while median values are the same for 4 groups (using tapply). Why? p.s.: number of samples in groups vary from 50 to 4900. Thanks to all, OV .
2009 Nov 08
rd doc truncated with R 2.10.0
Hi, I am routinely compiling a package and since I have moved to R 2.10.0, it troncates some section texts in the doc: With the following section in the rd file: \details{ The function calls gpsbabel via the system. The gpsbabel program must be present and on the user's PATH for the function to work see <>. The function has been tested on the following
2006 May 06
login generator always give login unsuccessfull
hi guys, i just did what it is written in this website to genrate login at the end i add to the database login and password but when i tried to login it give me login unsuccessfull can anyone help me thanks notice: i m beginner in webdeveloppement and especially ruby on rails -- Posted via
2005 Oct 29
LaTex error when creating DVI version when compiling package
Dear Listers, I got this message when compiling a package: * creating pgirmess-manual.tex ... OK * checking pgirmess-manual.text ... ERROR LaTex errors when creating DVI version. This typically indicates Rd problems. The message is quite explicit but I struggled a lot before understanding that the trouble comes from a single file "selMod.rd" among 44 topics. Even though I have
2008 Feb 26
AIC and anova, lme
Dear listers, Here we have a strange result we can hardly cope with. We want to compare a null mixed model with a mixed model with one independent variable. > lmmedt1<-lme(mediane~1, random=~1|site, na.action=na.omit, data=bdd2) > lmmedt9<-lme(mediane~log(0.0001+transat), random=~1|site, na.action=na.omit, data=bdd2) Using the Akaike Criterion and selMod of the package pgirmess
2005 Mar 09
Decimal point as a comma in postcript and pdf graphics
Hi, after a lengthy but unsuccessfull search I couldn't come up with a solution to the following problem: I would like to have a "comma" instead of a "point" as the decimal point in my graphics, i.e. postscript and pdf files, for I write my thesis in German. My system is: OS: Debian Unstable R-Version: 2.0.1 System locale: de_DE at euro Could someone, please, help
2007 Jul 24
Mocking Resolv::DNS?
Hello Rspecers, I have a rails project where I am calling and then using the block to check a domain name. The code snippet in question is: domain = "" do |dns| @mx = dns.getresources(domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX) end I obviously want to stub this out, especially for speed but can''t quite work out how. I
2005 Jun 28
Producing character "given" i.e. "| " with plotmath
Hello! Does someone know how to produce L(y|mu) with plotmath? Some code with unsuccessfull results: plot(dnorm(x = seq(from = -4, to = 4, by = 0.1)), type = "l") ## Not what I want legend(legend = c(expression(L(y:mu))), x = "topright") ## Strange, is this a bug? legend(legend = c(expression(L(y|mu))), x = "top") ## Group produces an error legend(legend =
2003 Jul 17
NT4 migration
Hi I am using samba-3.0.0beta3-1.i386.rpm on RedHat 9... trying to migrate from NT4 PDC to Samba PDC... reading the HOW-TO document at step 6 whioch is net rpc vampire... Unsuccessfull... when i do #net rpc vampire -S NTSERVER -U Administrator%password All NT users are created in /etc/passwd file and also home directories created without any problem..but only few user entries are created in
2017 Nov 19
Samba4 server is not accessible for logon from Windows 2008R2 SP1.
There is Samba4 4.7.2 acting as standalone server on Ubuntu 14.04.x64. Also there is Windwos 2008R2 SP1 acting as DC in the same network. And also Windows XP/7 are in this network. Logon to Samba4 is accessible from Windows XP and Windowx 7 but not accessible from Windos 2008R2. As logon to Windows clients is accessible from Windows 2008R2. Username and password is asked by Samba and provided from
2003 Jun 25
equivalence test
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, is it possible to do an equivalence test on paired quantitative datas in R? Is there a way to calculate sample size for such tests? I've tried to find some documentation on that subject but I was unsuccessfull. I'll be happy with any links on equivalence test. If such a test does'nt exist in R, i'll do it manually if I find a
1999 Apr 21
problems with samba on SGI Origin 200
Hi! I am runing samba 2.0.3 on an SGI Origin 200 server for ~25 Windows NT and Windows 95/98 clients. About 90% of the time everything works fine, but now and then files get corrupted somewhere between Samba on the server and applications on the clients. The files are actually ok on the server, reading them multiple times or from different machines eventually return an intact file. I am not