similar to: residuals in lmer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "residuals in lmer"

2005 Dec 09
Residuals from GLMMs in the lme4 package
Hello there This is the first time I have used r-help message board so I hope I have got the right address. I am trying to check the residuals of a GLMM model(run using the package lme4). I have been able to check the residiuals of REMLs in lme4 using the following: m1<-lmer(vTotal~Week+fCollar+ (1|fCat), collars) res<-resid(m1) plot(res) qqnorm(res) library(MASS) par(mfrow=c(2,3))
2011 Jul 25
Wide confidence intervals or Error message in a mixed effects model (nlme)
I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population growth rate of the mite (ranges from negative to positive) and the exploratory variable is a categorical variable (treatment). The experiment was blocked in time (3 blocks / replicates per block) and it is unbalanced - at least 1 replicate per block. I am
2006 Nov 22
differences between aov and lme
Hi, we have a split-plot experiment in which we measured the yield of crop fields. The factors we studied were: B : 3 blocks I : 2 main plots for presence of Irrigation V : 2 plots for Varieties N : 3 levels of Nitrogen Each block contains two plots (irrigated or not) . Each plot is divided into two secondary parcels for the two varieties. Each of these parcels is divided into three subplots
2011 Jun 22
analysing a three level reponse
Hello, I am struggling to figure out how to analyse a dataset I have inherited (please note this was conducted some time ago, so the data is as it is, and I know it isn't perfect!). A brief description of the experiment follows: Pots of grass were grown in 1l pots of standad potting medium for 1 month with a regular light and watering regime. At this point they were randomly given 1l of one
2005 Oct 26
R-help Digest, Vol 32, Issue 26
r-help at on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 6:00 AM -0500 wrote: Ronaldo, Try Harold's suggestion. The df still won't agree, because lmer (at least in its current version) just puts an upper bound on the df. But that should be OK, because all those t tests are approximations anyways, and you can get better confidence intervals (credible intervals, whatever) by using the
2005 Jan 13
(no subject)
Good morning, I wrote a little code in R which has to show two graphs but I can get only one. How can I adress the graphs in two files? Second, I'd like, always in the same code, to add a legend to a graph. Better, I'd like to put in such a legend a new item whose color could remind the colour ol the columns it refers to in the plot. I wrote: leg.txt<-c("control
1997 Oct 17
R-beta: more model.matrix
I am trying to show some techniques to my graduate regression class. The textbook mentioned using bootstrap samples of regression coefficients for assessing variability. I decided to show them reasonably effective ways of doing the resampling. The following is a function I wrote to create bootstrap samples of coefficients from a fitted linear regression model. bsCoefSample <- ##
2011 Jan 11
sorting question
Hi, I have a data frame with variables a, b, c (character vars) and t (time var, could be represented as POSIXct or character, depending on which is most useful. The format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CET"). Now, I want to sort the data frame in ascending order by a, b, c and then in descending order by t. Here's what I've got, but I'm not sure how to put the
2010 Jul 22
check menu button (tcltk)
Hi,   I am making a mock user interface in tcltk and I would like to add a 'check menu button' such as shown here:   Does anybody know how to do this? I am quite new to R. Cheers!! Albert-Jan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine,
2010 Apr 29
UpdateLinks = FALSE
Hi,   I'm reading 100s of excel files and many of them contain links to external files (I hate that, but that aside). Every time such a file is opened, a menu pops up asking if I want to update the links. I never want to update the links. I used the macro recorder to see what code would be needed to suppress that message, but to no avail (I tried more variations, but one attempt is shown
2010 Sep 28
How to mirror only specified directories
I am trying to mirror only select directories from one server to another with rsync through its daemon mode. Server A /export /home /A-do /A-not /A-copy /das /htdocs /docs /em /htdocs /docs /psb /htdocs /docs /X-do /X-not /X-copy Server B /export /home /extranet
2011 May 04
first occurrence of a value?
Hello, A simple question perhaps, but how do I, within each row, find the first occurence of the number 1 in the df below? I want to use this position to programmatically create the variable 'year'. I'v come up with a solution, but I find it downright ugly. Is there a simpler way? I was hoping for a useful built-in function that I don;t yet know about. df <-
2009 Jul 30
randomized block design analysis PROBLEM
Dear All user, Hello, I'm a student and I have some trouble with the experimental (columns-experiments) design of my project. I use a randomized block design with 4 treatments including a control. For each treatment, I use 3 replicates and 3 blocks. The treatments are: -T1 = COD (300 mg/Lit) COD=chemical oxygen demand -T2 = COD (200 mg/Lit) -T3 = COD (100 mg/Lit) -T4 = COD (0 mg/Lit) as
2010 Jul 04
lm( y ~ A/x ) ... how do I extract the coefficients by factor?
When regressing by month, how do I get the coefficients out into a new data set? I'm looking for [ month, a, b, c ] from the Pastor-Stambaugh model I'm using which is: r[i+1] = a + b * r[i] + c * v[i] + e the model I'm using wants to create a new dataseries based on the coefficient in each month. I'm doing a simple linear regression on DataSet, and >
2005 Oct 24
lme and lmer syntax
Hi, I have this: lme(y~x1+x2,random=~1|x1/x2) How to make this random effect using lmer? I try this: lmer(y~x1+x2+(1|x1/x2) But it dont work. Any idea? Thanks Ronaldo -- System halted! -- |> // | \\ [***********************************] | ( ?? ?? ) [Ronaldo Reis J??nior ] |> V [UFV/DBA-Entomologia ] | / \ [36570-000 Vi??osa -
2011 May 03
Rodbc quesion: how to reliably determine the data type?
Hello, How can I tell RODBC to scan all the records of an xls file to determine the data type? If the first n records happen to be empty Rodbc assumes a character, and any numbers are made <NA>. And if, for instance, the first n records contain numbers, and later they also contain characters, those characters become NA. Cheers!! Albert-Jan
2010 Apr 19
Equivalent to Python os.walk?
Hi,   I would like to recursively loop through al subfolders of a directory and do stuff with certain file types in those dirs. Is there a package/function that could do this? So it's more than Sys.glob. I'm looking for equivalent of Python's os.walk *) and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.   Thank you. Cheers!! Albert-Jan   *)
2010 Apr 21
VERY basic question about S4 classes
Hi,   I'm new to R and S4 classes. I defined a class with two methods (myMethod1 and myMethod2). I want to call myMethod1 within myMethod2. Why does the code below not work? The name 'myMethod1' doesn't appear to have meaning inside myMethod2, even though the two methods belong to the same class.     setClass(Class="SomeClass",      representation=representation(      
2010 Apr 27
sprintf() and return() oddity
Hi,   If I use sprintf and return inside a function, sprintf doesn't print anything anymore. See the non-sense example below.   > x <- function() { a <- 888 + sprintf("xxx %s", a) } > x() [1] "xxx 888" > x <- function() { a <- 888 + sprintf("xxx %s", a) + return(a) } > x() [1] 888 Is this a bug? Cheers!! Albert-Jan
2010 May 20
Hi,   Is there a built in function that returns a character vector of all subclasses of a given superclass? showClass(Class = "SomeClass") contains the info that I want, but I don't know how to access it. getSubClasses <- function(superClass) return(setdiff(getClasses(.GlobalEnv), superClass)) wíll only work if the global enviroment isn;t filled with other class definitions.