similar to: extracting characters from string

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "extracting characters from string"

2011 Feb 01
R string help
Dear R guru: If I got a variable aaa<- "up.6.11(16)" how can I extract 16 out of the bracket? I could use substr, e.g. substr(aaa, start=1, stop=2) [1] "up" But it needs start and stop, what if my start or stop is not fixed, I just want the number inside the bracket, how can I achieve this? Many thanks yan
2011 Feb 24
Dear R user How to make the program stop at the spot where the error occurs? I mean inside the iterations,. Many thanks yan ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confide...{{dropped:10}}
2011 Feb 21
output selectively change the font
Dear brainy R users, I need to output a matrix, with two colors , meaning some elements using different color I normally use write.table(table.m, file="table file name.csv", sep=","), how could I pass the index for the color ? Many thanks yan ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are
2011 Feb 14
Bron-Kerbosch algorithm
Dear R users I need to solve the finding all cliques in a graph problem, is there a R package implementing Bron-Kerbosch algorithm? Many thanks YAn ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confide...{{dropped:10}}
2011 Jan 28
axis name editing
Dear All, I'm generating a heatmap, is there a way to make Y axis name display horizontally, X axis name display vertically? I tried using "horiz=TRUE": axis(1,at=1:dim(cor.meta.m)[1],labels=gsub("module","",pw.names),horiz=T RUE) but got warning message and the name is not displayed as I wish: Warning message: In axis(1, at = 1:dim(cor.meta.m)[1],
2011 Apr 04
add zero in front of numbers
Dear R users, I need to add 0 in front of a series of numbers, e.g. 1->001, 19->019, Is there a fast way of doing that? Many thanks yan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 06
function order
Dear All I'm trying to sort a matrix using function order, Some thing really odd: e.g. abc<-cbind(c(1,6,2),c(2,5,3),c(3,2,1))## matrix I want to sort if I do abc[ order(abc[,3]), increasing = TRUE] the result is correct [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 2 3 1 [2,] 6 5 2 [3,] 1 2 3 But if I want to sort in decresing order: abc[ order(abc[,3]), decreasing = TRUE] the
2011 May 17
submit R package
Dear all, I'm just wondering how to submit a package to cran? I followed the instruction, using anonymous as username and my email address as password, but it didn't connect. Any hints? Yan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 24
function for grouping
Dear All, I'm wondering if there is a R function could give me all the combinations of the grouping/cluster result, given the number of the groups. e.g. 3 objects: x1 x2 x3, number of groups is 2 so the result will be group1:x1,x2; group2: x3 group1: x1;group2: x2,x3 group1: x1,x3;group2: x2 many thanks yan
2011 Apr 01
regression line on boxplots
Dear R users, I'm trying to add a regression line on my boxplots (something like:boxplot(c(1:3),c(4:6),c(5:8))) But I can't see it. Please help !!! It's not a April fool's joke!!! Yan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 25
function restrictedparts
I am using function restrictedparts, but got error: restrictedparts(281,10) Error in integer(len) : vector size specified is too large Calls: restrictedparts -> integer In addition: Warning message: In restrictedparts(281, 10) : NAs introduced by coercion Error in integer(len) : vector size specified is too large Calls: restrictedparts -> integer is there a similar function can deal with
2012 Jul 12
using glmnet for the dataset with numerical and categorical
Dear R users, if all my numerical variables in my datasets having the same units, may I leave them unnormalized, just do cv.glmnet directly(cv.glmnet(data,standardize=FALSE))? i know normally if there is a mixture of numerical and categorical , one has to standardize the numerical part before applying cv.glmnet with standardize=fase, but that's due to the different units in the numerical
2011 Apr 01
mean in the boxplot
Dear R users, How to show mean in the boxplot instead of median ? Many thanks Yan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Sep 10
Re: [PATCH nbdkit v3 2/6] main: Tighten up characters permitted in config keys.
On 9/10/18 10:27 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > Previously key=value on the command line allowed the key to be pretty > much anything that didn't contain an '=' character. Even empty > strings were permitted. > > This tightens up the permitted keys so they must contain only ASCII > alphanumeric, period, underscore or dash characters; must not be an > empty
2018 Sep 08
Re: [PATCH nbdkit v2 2/6] main: Tighten up characters permitted in config keys.
On 09/08/2018 03:15 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > Previously key=value on the command line allowed the key to be pretty > much anything that didn't contain an '=' character. Even empty > strings were permitted. > > This tightens up the permitted keys so they must contain only ASCII > alphanumeric, period, underscore or dash characters, and must not be > an
2006 Nov 01
Position of a specific letter in a character string
Dear useR, x is a character string In R: > x<- '32159_3' Which function could enable me to determine the position of underscore in x? In here, the underscore is on the 6th digit of x. --- Yours Sincerely Leon [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Aug 12
Replacing underscore character in Windows GUI
Hello, all, I'd like to propose that now that the underscore-as-assignment-operator is to be removed from R (good thing, too), that the Windows GUI should replace the underscore ``_'' with the proper assignment operator ``<-'' when you type in the underscore character. This is the current default behaviour in the ESS mode in emacs, and seems to me to be a generally good
2007 Jul 06
Make #underscore reversible
Hello All, I''ve submitted a patch ( to enable #underscore to be reversible. I had trouble creating a class named "CRSContact", and it turns out that underscore and camelize are not reversible in cases where there are 3 or more capital letters. As there is a dependency between class name and file name I think it would be beneficial for
2001 Oct 11
Underscores and Fortran code
This might more properly be filed as a bug report, but ... I came upon the following problem while trying to dyn.load a library of Fortran code into R. I'm running RedHat 7.1 on a Pentium III laptop, with R version 1.3.1 (latest rpm from CRAN) and gcc/g77 version 2.96. My library has a number of Fortran subroutines that have underscores in their names for readability. By default g77
2007 Feb 15
underscores ($name_$foo) in string assignments
Hello In a component, I was trying to do: $bar = "lets make a new string with $name_$foo in it." however the "$name_" fails to appear in the resulting string: "lets make a new string with valueOfFoo in it." Is there something special about $name_ here? If I replace the underscore with a dash (... $name-$foo ... ) it works fine. thanks Jesse Jesse