similar to: Recuperate Spectrum() amplitude

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Recuperate Spectrum() amplitude"

2016 Dec 13
Help needed: Recuperate return addresses of virtual and non virtual C++ functions with Clang and LLVM
I am working with this setup: LLVM+Clang Compiler on an Ubuntu 64bit OS. Questions: Is it possible to get the return addresses of virtual function call and non virtual C++ methods inside Clang and LLVM. Is thre a way to get the candidate addresses where the return address points back after each function return was performed. I have a few questions and hopefully you guys can help me out. The
1998 Aug 10
Samba and the PDC are fighting for being the Browse master, why?
Hello, in my log.nmb I regularly see these messages: process_local_master_announce: Server GUTENBERG at IP is announcing itself as a local master browser for workgroup PIEZO and we think we are master. Forcing election. 1998/08/10 12:57:03 ***** Samba name server FAURE has stopped being a local master browser for workgroup PIEZO on subnet ***** 1998/08/10
2016 Dec 16
Help needed: Recuperate return addresses of virtual and non virtual C++ functions with Clang and LLVM
I am working with this setup: LLVM+Clang Compiler on an Ubuntu 64bit OS. Questions: Is it possible to get the return addresses of virtual function call and non virtual C++ methods inside Clang and LLVM. Is thre a way to get the candidate addresses where the return address points back after each function return was performed. I have a few questions and hopefully you guys can help me out. The
2016 Dec 21
*********Recuperate return addresses of virtual and non virtual C++ functions with Clang and LLVM
I am working with this setup: LLVM+Clang Compiler on an Ubuntu 64bit OS. Questions: Is it possible to get the return addresses of virtual function call and non virtual C++ methods inside Clang and LLVM. Is thre a way to get the candidate addresses where the return address points back after each function return was performed. I have a few questions and hopefully you guys can help me out. The
2006 Jun 09
barplot dataframes w/ varying dimensions
Hi all, I would like to do a barplot of a dataframe like this one: alfa beta gamma delta qwert 56.5 58.5 56.5 58.5 asdfg 73.0 73.0 43.0 73.0 zxcvb 63.0 63.0 43.0 63.0 yuiop 63.0 63.0 43.0 63.0 with the labels of the rows and columns. I would like to have something that works for dataframes with varying dimensions, and so far I haven't found any way to do it.
2018 Jul 10
custom LLVM Pass with options fails to load
Hi, I'm working on an LLVM Pass plugin and I'm running into a problem when loading it into opt. I want to have a custom option for my pass and added an llvm::cl::opt #include'ing "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" linking the dependant libs causes the following error when loading it with opt: opt: CommandLine Error: Option 'debug-pass' registered more than once! I
2018 Jul 12
custom LLVM Pass with options fails to load
Hi Philip, thanks for the quick answer. That makes sense, but when leaving the set LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS out I get an undefined symbol when loading the plugin: _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEELb0ENS0_6parserIS7_EEEE which boils down to llvm::cl::opt<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>,
2007 May 23
name of object in quotes
I am writing a function in which, at some point, I to recuperate the name of a previous object in quotes. I am currently using the function Cs() from the Hmisc library but the result is: foo <- function(xvar) { variable <- Cs(xvar) return(variable) } foo(x1) > "xvar" when I would expected to obtain "x1". Any suggestion? Thanks -- *Gonzalo Rivero* Ph.D.
2011 Jun 18
Required libraries
Hi all, I´m trying to "recuperate" old files I wrotte and I´m trying to execute on R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13), the thing is I execute my old file and nothing happens...I suposse I need to install some library but there no appears no message, no text telling "required grafics library" or something like that. How can I see wich libraries need to execute a file? Many thanks
2009 May 13
access to the current element of lapply
Dear All, I would like to use the 'split' function on the dataframe elements contained in a list L. For example : > (df <- data.frame(cbind(c(rep('A',2), rep('B',2)), rep(1:4)))) X1 X2 1 A 1 2 A 2 3 B 3 4 B 4 > (L<-split(df, df$X1)) $A X1 X2 1 A 1 2 A 2 $B X1 X2 3 B 3 4 B 4 Now, I would like to split EACH data frame, ie, according to
2016 Mar 13
LLVM-related research position at University of Cambridge Computer Lab
Hi all, We are advertising a position for a research assistant / research associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Lab, working with LLVM targeting the Loki ( architecture. For full details please see, though the 'meat' of the advert is pasted below. The Loki project has been my main focus for a number of
2010 Jun 09
Testing for differences in amplitude and phase
Dear R-helpers, I have time series data from 16 subjects and 2 treatment groups. The seasonal variation can be best described by two harmonics, I called the frequencies omega and omega2. I now want to test whether (1) the seasonal pattern differs between the treatments (some kind of overall test). If this is the case, (2) I want to conduct tests to find out whether the amplitude of the
2011 Feb 13
calculate phase/amplitude of fourier transform function in R
I did a fourier transform on a function in time domain to get the following functions in frequency domain (in latex): $Y_1[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-\phi_1 e^{-jw}}$ $Y_2[\omega] = \frac{1}{1-(\phi_1 + \phi_2)e^{-jw} +\phi_1\phi_2e^{-2jw}}$ How do I find the spectrum of this function for given $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ coefficients and in the discretization interval $w = [-\pi:.1*\pi: \pi]$? Then, how
2004 Jul 20
DID VoIP trunk provider for metro Chicago, LA and/or Orlando.
I am looking for a provider that will provide an equivalent of DID/DOD trunks via IAX, IAX2 or SIP using numbers in Metro Chicago (prefer Skokie), LA (prefer West Hollywood or Venice), and/or Orlando (prefer Winter Garden). If I can migrate some of my existing numbers using LNP, that would be even better, but it is not a requirement. While I know that there are several companies that will
2006 Jul 31
Three questions about a model for possibly periodic data with varying amplitude
Hi dear R community, I have up to 12 measures of a protein for each of 6 patients, taken every two or three days. The pattern of the protein looks periodic, but the height of the peaks is highly variable. It's something like this: patient <- data.frame( day = c(1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26), protein = c(5, 3, 10, 7, 2, 8, 25, 12, 7, 20, 10, 5) ) plot(patient$day,
2006 Aug 15
A model for possibly periodic data with varying amplitude [repost, much edited]
Hi dear R community, I have up to 12 measures of a protein for each of 6 patients, taken every two or three days. The pattern of the protein looks periodic, but the height of the peaks is highly variable. I'm testing for periodicity using a Monte Carlo simulation envelope approach applied to a cumulative periodogram. Now I want to predict the location of the peaks in time. Of course, the
2014 Sep 15
help -----Original Message----- From: centos-request at Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 1:00 PM To: centos at Subject: CentOS Digest, Vol 116, Issue 13 Send CentOS mailing list submissions to centos at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body
2011 Sep 23
Cross Spectrum : Conversion of 2-D spectrum into a single complex array
Hi, I'm wondering why the spectrum() phase of quadrature couple isn't purely +/-pi. But mostly, I'm looking for a recommended way to take a 2-D spectrum and convert it into a single complex array. Kindly consider: # 10 Hz sine wave 10 seconds long sampled at 50 Hz deltaT = 1/50 t = seq(0, 10, deltaT) w = 2 * pi * 10 x = ts( sin( w * t ), deltat = deltaT ) y = ts( sin(
2010 Jul 26
Multichannel singular spectrum analysis (M-SSA) for R?
Does anyone know of any tools to do multichannel(multivariate) singular spectrum analysis (M-SSA) in R? Seems like this would be a useful thing to have. -Hilbert [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 10
Multi-scale SSA (singular spectrum analysis)
Hi everybody! I am searching for an R implementation of multi-scale SSA (singular spectrum analysis), which was introduced by Yiou etal (2000) (Data-adaptive wavelets and *multi*-*scale *singular-spectrum analysis<>) and further described in Ghil etal (2002). For SSA alone I found an package recently published on r-forge: