similar to: adding text to y-axis per row of panels (lattice)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "adding text to y-axis per row of panels (lattice)"

2009 Jan 14
runs.test in by() statement
Hi everybody I am a recent convert from SAS so please excuse me if this is all very obvious: I want to use the runs test {runs.test() in package tseries} to test the randomness of a certain variable in a survey for each interviewer. I tried to us the by() statement but it doesn't seem to work with runs.test() as the function. Here is what I have: Consider a data frame with two variables and
2009 Jan 06
[LLVMdev] LLVM Optmizer
The following C code : #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int TESTE2( int parami , int paraml ,double paramd ) { int varx=0,vary; int nI =0; //varx= parami; if( parami > 0 ) { varx = parami; vary = varx + 1; } else { varx = vary + 1; vary = paraml; } varx = varx + parami + paraml; for( nI = 1 ; nI <= paraml; nI++) { varx =
2011 Aug 03
slow computation of functions over large datasets
Hello there, I’m computing the total value of an order from the price of the order items using a “for” loop and the “ifelse” function. I do this on a large dataframe (close to 1m lines). The computation of this function is painfully slow: in 1min only about 90 rows are calculated. The computation time taken for a given number of rows increases with the size of the dataset, see the example with
2005 Oct 05
(no subject)
hi all why does the following not work??? this was someone elses code and i couldnt explain why it doesn't work. m=matrix(c(0,0),2,1) v=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2) Y=function(X1,X2,mu=m,V=v) { X=matrix(c(X1,X2),2,1) a=(1/((2*pi)*sqrt(det(V))))*exp((-0.5)*(t(X-mu)%*%solve(V)%*%(X-mu))) a[1] } x1=seq(-1,1) x2=x1 Z=outer(x1,x2,FUN="Y",mu=m,V=v) persp(x1,x2,Z) my code:
2008 Mar 04
summarizing replicates with multiple treatments
I have a dataframe with several different treatment variables, and would like to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the replicates for each day and treatment variable. It seems like it should be easy, but I've only managed to do it for one treatment at a time using subset and tapply. Here is an example dataset: > `exampledata` <- structure(list(day = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
2012 Oct 05
avoid <<- in specific case
Hi all, I improved a function drawing horizontal histograms (code below) which uses barplot and works fine. It does,however, need to assign a function to the global environment to later find the actual location on the vertical axis, and not the number of bars used by barplot. Hopefully, running the examples below will illustrate that. As said, it works perfectly fine and does exactly what I
2009 Jan 07
[LLVMdev] LLVM optmization
The following C test program was compiled using LLVM with -O3 option and MSVC with /O2. The MSVC one is about 600 times faster than the one compiled with the LLVM. We can see that the for loop in MSVC assembler is solved in the optimization pass more efficiently than that in LLVM. Is there an way to get a optimization result in LLVM like that of the MSVC? Manoel Teixeira #include
2009 Nov 21
what do i do to fix missing packages...see error
> exampledata <- rnorm(10000) > summary(exampledata) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -4.030000 -0.666200 -0.023390 -0.009384 0.664700 4.092000 > desc <- function(mydata) { + require(e1071) + quantls <- quantile(x=mydata, probs=seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.25)) + themean <- mean(mydata) + thesd <- sd(mydata) + kurt <-
2004 Jul 22
Replace only Capital Letters
Dear All, I have these data: exampledata <- c("This is one item", "This is Another One", "And so is This") I would like to find each occurence of a blank space followed by a Capital Letter and replace it by a blank space, a left curly brace, the respective Capital Letter, and then a right curly brace. I thought the following will do: gsub(pattern = "
2017 Apr 28
ggplot dentro de una función
Hola a todos, Partiendo de: library(ggplot2); library(data.table) datos <- data.table(Date = seq.Date(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-01-10"), by = "day"), V1 = rnorm(10), V2 = rnorm(10)) Quiero crear una función para pintar un gráfico cuyos argumentos sean
2017 Nov 29
Removing a data subset
Say I have a dataset that looks like Location Year GW_Elv MW01 1999 546.63 MW02 1999 474.21 MW03 1999 471.94 MW04 1999 466.80 MW01 2000 545.90 MW02 2000 546.10 The whole dataset is at and I use the code below to do the graph but I want to do it without MW01. How can I
2008 Feb 26
Combining series of variables using identifier
R users, I have df like this a <- data.frame( indx = 1:20, var1 = rep(c("I20", "I40", "A50", "B60"), each=5), var1_lab= rep(c("cat", "dog", "mouse", "horse"), each=5), var2 = rep(c("B20", "X40", "D50",
2011 Jun 07
XML segfault on some architectures
Hi, I found an architecture-specific segfault problem with the XML package. I originally found the problem using the parseKGML2Graph function in the Bioconductor KEGGgraph package, but as far as I can tell the underlying issue seems to be with the xmlTreeParse which is called by parseKGML2Graph. I'm trying this piece of code, from the xmlTreeParse help page: library(XML) fileName <-
2012 Jan 22
hook for configuring checking of \example{} sections of the documentation during R CMD check
Dear all, In a new package, I try to check the examples given in the \example section of the Rd files. However, the examples cannot be run if the package is not instructed, during startup time, in the place where some data are to be found ( with system.file("exampleData", "xyz", package="rcqp"). Is there any hook available, or a place where some code might be
2005 Jul 05
by (tapply) and for loop differences
I am getting a difference in results when running some analysis using by and tapply compare to using a for loop. I've tried searching the web but had no luck with the keywords I used. I've attached a simple example below to illustrates my problem. I get a difference in the mean of yvar, diff and the p-value using tapply & by compared to a for loop. I cannot see what I am doing wrong.
2012 Feb 18
foreach %do% and %dopar%
Hi everyone, I'm working on a script trying to use foreach %dopar% but without success, so I manage to run the code with foreach %do% and looks like this: The code is part of a MCMC model for projects valuation, returning the most important results (VPN, TIR, EVA, etc.) of the simulation. foreach (simx = NsimT, .combine=cbind, .inorder=FALSE, .verbose=TRUE) %do% { MCPVMPA = MCVAMPA[simx]
2017 Nov 29
Removing a data subset
Reading in the data from the file x <- read.csv( "ExampleData.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) Subsetting as you want x <- x[ x$Location != "MW01", ] This selects all rows where the value in column 'Location' is not equal to "MW01". The comma after that ensures that all columns are copied into the amended data.frame. Rgds,
2010 Jul 06
Error in affypdnn package
Dear all, I am a PhD student working with Affymetrix HGU133atag array for analyzing the Latin square experiment. I was trying to generate gene expression index for hgu133atag array for PDNN model. While extracting the chiptype specific data structure, I got the following error- > library(affypdnn) Loading required package: affy Loading required package: Biobase Welcome to Bioconductor
2012 Nov 05
Potencia de la prueba T
Buen día para todos los que ven este correo. En estos días estoy estudiando la potencia de una prueba en inferencia, pero no entiendo bien como correr un codigo que lo haga pertinentemente, el codigo que corro es el siguiente, la idea es que a medida que crece el tamaña muestral pues la potencia de la prueba aumente, pero no se como hacer para que, repita la prueba variando el tamaño de la
2015 Oct 31
Example input data with example output using relative pathway in vignette of R package?
I'm putting together an R package. I would like to show example code in the vignette, where example data files (included in the package) are used to generate an (example) output file. I read about using example data in Hadley Wickham's post (, and believe I should keep my example data as raw data, as it must be parsed to generate the output. So, I