similar to: ODD ODD ODD stuff!!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ODD ODD ODD stuff!!"

2007 Nov 27
max() and min() functions not found
Dear List, I just installed R 2.6.1 (on Win2K) and I get a strange error in functions min() and max(): > min(1:3) Errore in .Internal(min(..., na.rm = na.rm)) : nessuna funzione interna "min" which, as you may have guessed, means 'no internal function "min" '. The same happens for max(). Maybe this is a bug in the new release, or maybe I'm missing
2009 Apr 30
Sto imparando ora ad utilizzare R. Ho un problema: devo caricare i dati da un file xls creato da me, utilizzando la funzione "read.xls" produce il seguente errore: Errore in xls2csv(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., perl = perl) : Unable to read xls file 'indagineUSA.xls'. Errore in file.exists(tfn) : argomento 'file' non valido Cosa c'è che non va? La directory
2006 Jun 28
HELP! adding new object to @objects...
hello all! I''m in deep shit for my exam tomorrow! :) as you can see, I want to search with with all params arriving from form ''se'' so I need to add the @tmp result to @tesis collection if not empty.. If I use an array for @tesis I can push @tmp but then I got errors in .rthml If I use @tesis = I can''t push (I don''t know how
2011 Oct 23
[LLVMdev] How to make Polly ignore some non-affine memory accesses
On 10/22/2011 08:41 AM, Marcello Maggioni wrote: > I was trying the new feature you introduce about printing out the > graphs, so I updated my version of llvm/clang/polly synchronizing them > to the last version, but I get this error launching clang (also , I > recently switched to MacOS X for development): > > $ clang not_so_simple_loop.c -O3 -Xclang -load -Xclang >
2004 Nov 10
Loading some function at R startup
Dear R-users, I've built these functions usefell for me to import/export data from/to Excel: importa.da.excel<-function(){read.delim2("clipboard", dec=",") ## questa funzione consente di importare dati da Excel in R ## selezionare in Excel le celle che contengono i dati, ## compresi in nomi delle colonne ## Autore: Vito Ricci email:vito_ricci at ## Data di
2011 Oct 22
[LLVMdev] How to make Polly ignore some non-affine memory accesses
I was trying the new feature you introduce about printing out the graphs, so I updated my version of llvm/clang/polly synchronizing them to the last version, but I get this error launching clang (also , I recently switched to MacOS X for development): $ clang not_so_simple_loop.c -O3 -Xclang -load -Xclang ${PATH_TO_POLLY_LIB}/LLVMPolly.dylib -mllvm -enable-polly-viewer -mllvm -enable-iv-rewrite
2011 Oct 25
[LLVMdev] [LLVMDev] Clang stopped compiling?
Hi, I'm trying to compile the latest clang/llvm SVN versions and I get this error on multiple systems : (Compiling with gcc): llvm[4]: Compiling cc1_main.cpp for Debug+Asserts build llvm[4]: Compiling cc1as_main.cpp for Debug+Asserts build llvm[4]: Compiling driver.cpp for Debug+Asserts build llvm[4]: Linking Debug+Asserts executable clang
2001 Oct 15
Crash of RGui under Windows 2000 (PR#1131)
Full_Name: Davide Fiaschi Version: R 1.3.1 and 1.2.3 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( When I try to start RGUI, it generates an error in application and R chashs. (NOTE: R worked very well with trial version of Windows 2000!) Here is the (not very informative form me) Dr Watson's report: Exception dell'applicazione: App: (pid=1140) Ora:
2011 Jan 21
TRADUCING lmer() syntax into lme()
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Freddy Gamma <> Date: 2011/1/21 Subject: TRADUCING lmer() syntax into lme() To: Dear Rsociety, I'd like to kingly ask to anyone is willing to answer me how to implement a NON NESTED random effects structure in lme() In particular I've tried the following translation from lmer to
2011 Nov 02
[LLVMdev] How to make Polly ignore some non-affine memory accesses
Mmm I found out a very strange behavior (to me) of the SCEV analysis of the loop bound of the external loop I posted. When in ScopDetection it gets the SCEV of the external loop bound in the "isValidLoop()" function with: const SCEV *LoopCount = SE->getBackedgeTakenCount(L); It returns a SCEVCouldNotCompute, but if I change the "if" block inside the loop from: if
2006 Jun 24
select or select_tag ?
hello PPL, I''ve seen now that the _form.rhtml generated by script/scaffold is populated by <%= text_field ''model'', ''field'' %> without _tag! but only text_field_tag is to be found in the 1.1.2 documentation.. (like in the rest of Module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper there is _tag) I''ve tried to use <%= select instead of
2011 Nov 14
[LLVMdev] How to make Polly ignore some non-affine memory accesses
Hi Tobias. I worked on enabling Polly accepting non affine memory accesses and I produced a patch. I saw that there were a lot of updates in Polly recently, so I had to redo a lot of the work I did and that slowed me quite a bit. I tested the patch on some programs and it seems to work and not to break anything, but you know the topic much better than me, so if you find something wrong please
2015 Apr 27
paquete DBmethods
Hola a todos,soy nuevo en esto de R y no tengo mucho conocimiento sobre programación, pero tengo una consulta sobre un paquete. Encontré una investigación en donde utilizaban el paquete DBmethods y estoy interesado en usarlo, mas que todo por la distancia de Gower para datos mixtos (dgower), pero el paquete ya lo he buscado y no figura en la lista de paquetes para instalar. No sé si alguien me
2003 May 20
question about Tukey test
I'm using SAS for my statistical purpose and I'm triyng to jump in the R' world. How can i implement Tukey linear test in R? In sas-code my lines are : PROC GLM; BY PARCELLA; CLASS TESI; MODEL PROD=TESI; MEANS TESI/TUKEY lines; IN R: ab<-type.convert(a$tesi) a<-cbind(a,ab) cc<-anova(lm(prod~ab,data=a)) cc2<-aov(prod~ab,data=a) tt<-TukeyHSD(cc2,ordered=TRUE) but how can
2011 Jan 14
piecewise regression
Hello everybody!!!! Quick question, if you'd like to throw a little tip: does anyone knows a function that runs piecewise regression models with coefficients estimation and inferences ? Thank you [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 06
random interaction effect in lmer
Hi dears while modeling an interaction random effect in lmer i receive the instantaneous error message > ldlM4<-lmer(ldl~rt*cd4+age+rf+pharmac+factor(hcv)+ + hivdur+(rt:cd4|id),na.action=na.omit,REML=F) *Warning message: In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8) * I think the matter lies in syntax, 'cause i sistematically receive the same message even when changing response... PS:
2010 Jan 15
the sample() function
hello R-Wizards!!!!! again i'm invoking your presence!! since all the fuss about the paradoxes on a computer algorithm generating "caos" or un-determinancy, i recently grew quite curious about the mechanism underlying the procedure of NUMBER RADOMIZATION. could anyone of you, masters, attach me the algorithm (or source code? is it right?) behind the *sample()* function, so i can
2011 Feb 08
intervals {nlme} lower CI greater than upper CI !!!????
Hi folks... check this out.. > GLU<-lme(gluc~rt*cd4+sex+age+rf+nadir+pharmac+factor(hcv)+factor(hbs)+ + haartd+hivdur+factor(arv), + random= ~rt|id, na.action=na.omit) > intervals(GLU)$fixed lower est. upper (Intercept) 67.3467070345 7.362307e+01 7.989944e+01 rt *0.0148050160* 6.249304e-02 1.101811e-01 cd4
2006 Jul 06
problema con i test automatizzati
ciao a tutti.     come al solito, sto andando avanti a piccoli passi nel creare l''applicazione depot del libro "Sviluppare Applicazioni Web con Rails". Ora mi trovo nella fase di creazione dei test automatizzati. Ma c''è una cosa che proprio non capisco: Ho la seguente classe in ~/depot/test/unit/product_test.rb require File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2005 Jan 11
default error page
Help, please. I need redirection to a custom error page, instead of the default Rails messages (e.g. Unknown action). I use WebRick, no Apache, and i think i can''t use public/.htaccess (# General Apache options). Thanks. ___________________________________ Nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: E'' molto più divertente: Audibles, Avatar, Webcam, Giochi, Rubrica… Scaricalo ora!