similar to: Integrate and subdivisions limit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Integrate and subdivisions limit"

2013 Jul 16
Problem following an R bug fix to integrate()
I have been told by the CRAN administrators that the following code generated an error on 64-bit Fedora Linux (gcc, clang) and on Solaris machines (sparc, x86), but runs well on all other systems): > fn <- function(x, y) ifelse(x^2 + y^2 <= 1, 1 - x^2 - y^2, 0) > tol <- 1.5e-8 > fy <- function(x) integrate(function(y) fn(x, y), 0, 1,
2012 Sep 25
how to pass a function to a function inside a function
Hi, I'm trying to compile two functions into one function. the first funtion is called 'fs' which is self-made function, another function is from the built-in 'integration' function that is copy-paste-edited. If built separatey, these functions work well. However that is not the case if combines together, where certainly I made mistake somewhere when constructing the code.
2011 Aug 29
maximum number of subdivisions reached
Why I am getting Error in integrate(f, x1, x1 + dx) : maximum number of subdivisions reached and can I avoid this? func <- function(y, a, rate, sad){ f3 <- function(z){ f1 <- function(y,a,n){ dpois(y,a*n) } f2 <- function(n,rate){ dexp(n,rate) } f <- function(n){ f1(y,a,n)*f2(n,rate) } r <- 0 r1 <- 1 x1 <- 0 dx <- 20 while(r1 >
2004 Dec 09
Hello, I am looking into description of and see under value $beta - the coefficients. When I use polynomial of degree 2 to fit surface I expect to get 4 coefficients: z = a_1 x^2 + a_2 xy + a_3 y^2 + a_4 What do beta really stand for and why do I get $beta vector of length 6? Thakns, Mark
2009 Apr 22
integrate lgamma from 0 to Inf
Dear R users, i try to integrate lgamma from 0 to Inf. But here i get the message "roundoff error is detected in the extrapolation table", if i use 1.0e120 instead of Inf the computation works, but this is against the suggestion of integrates help information to use Inf explicitly. Using stirlings approximation doesnt bring the solution too. ## Stirlings approximation lgammaApprox
2005 Sep 16
Integrate functions with loops
Hi i am having a problem with the 'integrate' function the function i want to integrate has the form sum(vector^x) i have defined the function with a for loop first - integrandtotest <- function(x) {a<-rep(0,len=2) for (i in 1:2) {a[i]<-t[i]^x} sum(a) } the results gives errors ########### Error in integrate(integrandtotest, lower = 0.1, upper =
2007 Jun 28
minor flaw in integrate()
Hi, I noticed a minor flaw in integrate() from package stats: Taking up arguments lower and upper from integrate(), if (lower == Inf) && (upper == Inf) or if (lower == -Inf) && (upper == -Inf) integrate() calculates the value for (lower==-Inf) && (upper==Inf). Rather, it should return 0. Quick fix: ### old code ### ### [snip] else {
2019 Apr 12
integrate over an infinite region produces wrong results depending on scaling
Dear all, This is the first time I am posting to the r-devel list. On StackOverflow, they suggested that the strange behaviour of integrate() was more bug-like. I am providing a short version of the question (full one with plots: Suppose one wants integrate a function that is just a product of two density functions (like gamma). The support of the
2006 Jun 02
doubt with integrate ()
Dear members, I'm getting an error with the "integrate" function. Searching in the r-help archives, I think this may have something to do with the function (it is not returning a vector but a number), but I don't see exactly what. The function to integrate was defined with a for loop first: for (i in 1:(nbcol-1)) {tdon1<-tdon[,i]
2010 Apr 27
TikzDevice and texi2dvi
Dear All, I am starting to use the tikzDevice package, but I am experiencing some (minor problems). If I try to run the script at the end of the email, I get the following error Error in tools::texi2dvi("normal.tex", pdf = T) : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'normal.tex' failed. Messages: sh: /usr/bin/texi2dvi: not found How do I install the missing texi2dvi? I found some
2013 Feb 05
integrate: Don't do this?
When I run the following function HQ2 <- function(n) { nv <- 6 * sqrt(n) fcn <- function(z) { pchisq(z^2 / 36, n - 1) * dnorm(nv - z) } ## I want the integral from 0 to infinity: f.Inf <- integrate(fcn, 0, Inf) ## Doc: "Don't do this": f.100 <- integrate(fcn, 0, 100) cbind(f.Inf, f.100) } I get, for n = 9 and
2011 Nov 10
performance of adaptIntegrate vs. integrate
Dear list, [cross-posting from Stack Overflow where this question has remained unanswered for two weeks] I'd like to perform a numerical integration in one dimension, I = int_a^b f(x) dx where the integrand f: x in IR -> f(x) in IR^p is vector-valued. integrate() only allows scalar integrands, thus I would need to call it many (p=200 typically) times, which sounds suboptimal. The
2004 Jul 08
> version _ platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 1 minor 7.1 year 2003 month 06 day 16 language R Bug: integrate(f,lower,upper,extra_args) where f <- function(x,extra_args) { body } integrate doesn't pass the extra arguments when calling f. As a first check of this finding I integrated dnorm from
2008 Sep 30
R's integrate function
Hello, I am trying to use R's integrate function to calculate the following integral for z=423: integrate(function(y,z){ sapply(y, function(y,z){ integrate(function(x,z) 1/x*dbeta(0.01,x/(0.005/1.005),(1-x)/(0.005/1.005))*dbeta(y,x/(0.005/1.005),(1-x)/(0.005/1.005))*(1-y)^z,0,1,423)$value }) },0,1,423)$value but I receive an error message saying that the maximum number of subdivisions is
2013 Apr 03
Problem with integrate function
Hello, The following code of mine is giving the error: Error in integrate(fx[[2]], 0.056, 1) : maximum number of subdivisions reached Can anyone help? Thanks and Regards. Swagato -------------------------- fv<-vector("list") fx<-vector("list") v<-0 c<-0 n<-0 NOV<-0 i<-0 while(n<200){ fv[[1]]<-function(x)1 #prior function
2001 Nov 20
warning message
Hello everybody. I would like to pose a question regarding a warning message after running a function of my own. The function I created for computing the p-value of the dw statistic has a command line like this: »dwf0 <- function(dw,eigen) { carfun <- function(x) { (prod(1+2*(eigen-dw)*1i*x)^(-1/2)-prod(1-2*(eigen-dw)*1i*x)^(-1/2))/(1i*x) } ; 1/2+integrate(f=carfun,lower = 0,upper =
2008 Oct 15
a really simple question on polynomial multiplication
Dear R people: Is there a way to perform simple polynomial multiplication; that is, something like (x - 3) * (x + 3) = x^2 - 9, please? I looked in poly and polyroot and expression. There used to be a package that had this, maybe? thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess at
2011 Nov 23
How to increase precision to handle very low P-values
Hello, Rlisters I have to compute p-values that are on the tail of the distribution, P-values < 10^-20. However, my current implementations enable one to estimate P-values up to 10^-12, or so. A typical example is found below, where t is my critical value. ########### example - code adapted from Rassoc ####################### rho01 = 0.5 rho105 = 0.5 rho005 = 0.5 t = 8 z = 2
2002 May 07
Putting obejct into Graph title
Hello all - If I want to put mean value of a matrix into the title or subtitle of a graph, how would I do this? For example, in a set of commands like below, > m.mean<-mean(m) > gplot (m, thresh=m.mean) > title (main="A2. Block Density of Matrix m\nplotted based on MDS", + sub="lines below mean density (**0.435**) suppressed") I want to ask [R] to put the
2009 Dec 18
Numerical Integration
Dear @ll. I have to calculate numerical integrals for triangular and trapezoidal figures. I know you can calculate the exactly, but I want to do it this way to learn how to proceed with more complicated shapes. The code I'm using is the following: integrand<-function(x) { print(x) if(x<fx[1]) return(0) if(x>=fx[1] && x<fx[2]) return((x-fx[1])/(fx[2]-fx[1]))