similar to: Postscript function Bug at R x64 2.12.1?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Postscript function Bug at R x64 2.12.1?"

2009 May 01
computationally singular and lack of variance parameters in SEM
Hi all, I am trying to set up a simple path analysis in the SEM package, but I am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error message or something similar with my model, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong: Error in solve.default(C) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 2.2449e-20 In addition: Warning message: In sem.default(ram = ram, S = S,
2008 Nov 15
PostScript File Dimensions
Hi List, here I go again. Well I need to save plotted objects as .eps using the postscript() function, well I can do that but all resulting object are perfect squared dimensions (x = y). I need a rectangular output something like x = 2y dimension. Is it possible? The I’m new to R and postscript image format! I’m doing this…
2009 Apr 24
Text Contrast in a Plot
Hi List, I would appreciate any suggestion on how can I make a text I’ve inserted in a plot show some contrast? With this I mean that I have a white text on a plot and I would like to make a tiny border around it in black, so even being small sized and the entire graphic being small in the text page I’ll insert it. It will be visible. Well I tried inserting a box() function inside the text()
2009 May 07
Bubble Plot Over a Map
Hi everybody, Well here is another doubt! I’m elaborating some maps, and I pretend to plot over it the abundance of species. I could do that using points(), but I’d like to use bubble() from sp package. When trying to use bubble() I face the fallowing issue: When I call the bubble function it overwrite everything I previously plotted. It doesn’t happen with points (obviously), only with
2011 Jun 07
variable selection in linear regression
Hello With due respect, have a nice time. I would like to ask some command in R. It is regarding variable selection in linear regression. In R, there is one rebuild function called "step" which selecting variables according to AIC. let say i have data [y, x1,x2,x3,x4] we start with y~b0 i compute the partial F test and choose the variable with maximum partial F to enter the
2009 Jul 12
Booting problem with memdisk + Thinkpad + USB
Hi, I encountered a booting problem with memdisk 2.83, USB and IBM Thinkpad T61, apparently the same issue as described here: The boot process always stops after "Loading boot sector... booting...". With debug tracers enabled, the last few output lines are: Loading boot sector... FR<p>Dbooting...
2006 Nov 20
My own correlation structure with nlme
Dear all, I am trying to define my own corStruct which is different from the classical one available in nlme. The structure of this correlation is given below. I am wondering to know how to continue with this structure by using specific functions (corMatrix, getCovariate, Initialize,...) in order to get a structure like corAR1, corSymm which will be working for my data. Thanks in advance.
2010 Dec 09
RES: Barplot with "Independent" Lines Y axis
Oh sorry. An example say lots more than words. The data below, when submitted to twoord.plot return the mentioned error. Rain are bars and Salt lines, the bars appear and the error occurs with the salt data. Point Rain Salt Fev/03 365.6 13 Mar/03 235 18 Abr/03 115.1 18 Mai/03 47.4 18.75 Jun/03 112 15 Jul/03 156.8 17 Ago/03 66.1 15 Set/03 149.8 14 Out/03 167,1 11.5 Nov/03 269.3 17.5 Dez/03 283.7
2002 Oct 24
model.matrix (via predict) (PR#2206)
Full_Name: Glenn Stone Version: 1.5.1 and 1.6.0 OS: win2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code produces incorrect fitted values in version 1.5.1 and an error in 1.6.0 Error in "contrasts<-"(*tmp*, value = "contr.treatment") : contrasts apply only to factors In addition: Warning message: variable ihalf is not a factor in:
2008 Nov 27
1-Pearson's R Distance
Hi again List, Well this time I’m writing for a friend (really J). He needs to create a distance matrix based on an abundance matrix using the 1-Pearson’s R index. Well I told him to look at the proxy package, but there is only Pearson Index. He needs it to perform a clustering. Well, as soon as he told me there proxy only had the Pearson index I thought: “He could just do something like
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: User friendly functions
A loose idea for *post*-0.50 development I've been giving a some (but not all that many) thoughts to whether some of the conceptual difficulties facing newcomers could be avoided by having simplified functions for common operations. We already have parts of this, e.g. in Kurts ctest routines. Specifically, I was thinking about data frames: How about
2009 Jun 03
Arc/Info Ungenerate - shp - Maps
Hi list. I would like to know if someone had already successfully loaded and Arc/Info Ungenerated (.dat – extracted from file on R. I’m able to do so with shape files using maptools functions, but these ungenerated data are making me crazy. I don’t have any of ArcGIS tools (one of them probably can do that), and I can’t find any free tool that
2012 May 29
correlation matrix only if enough non-NA values
Hi everybody. I'm trying to do a correlation matrix in a list of files. Each file contains 2 columns: "capt1" and "capt2". For the example, I merged all in one data.frame. My data also contains many missing data. The aim is to do a correlation matrix for the same data for course (one correlation matrix for capt1 and another for capt2). For the moment, I have a correlation
2010 Oct 04
i have aproblem --thank you
dear professor: thank you for your help,witn your help i develop the nomogram successfully. after that i want to do the internal validation to the model.i ues the bootpred to do it,and then i encounter problem again,just like that.(´íÎóÓÚerror to :complete.cases(x, y, wt) : ²»ÊÇËùÓеIJÎÊý¶¼Ò»Ñù³¤(the length of the augment was different)) i hope you tell me where is the mistake,and maybe i have
2007 Oct 10
corMatrix crashes with corARMA structure (PR#9952)
Full_Name: Benjamin Tyner Version: 2.6.0 RC 2007-10-01 r43043 OS: WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status RC major
2005 Oct 31
nlme error message
Dear Friends, I am seeking for any help on an error message in lme functions. I use mixed model to analyze a data with compound symmetric correlation structure. But I get an error message: "Error in corMatrix.corCompSymm(object) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)". If I change the correlation structure to corAR1, then no error. I have no clue how to solve this problem.
2007 May 18
Simple programming question
Hi R-users, I have a simple question for R heavy users. If I have a data frame like this dfr <- data.frame(id=1:16, categ=rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), var3=c(8,7,6,6,5,4,5,4,3,4,3,2,3,2,1,1)) dfr <- dfr[order(dfr$categ),] and I want to score values or points in variable named "var3" following this kind of logic: 1. the highest value of var3 within category (variable named
2009 Jun 19
Post-Hoc Test for Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
Hi list, I would like to know if there is a way in R to execute a post-hoc test (factor levels comparison, like Tukey for ANOVA) of a non-parametric analysis of variance (kruskal.test() function object). I was looking for something like the Dunn Test. I’ve searched the internet but nothing seemed to define a way to it. Do You have any suggestion? Other equivalent test maybe! Thanks in
2011 Jun 29
Indexing to Insert values from a dataframe into a matrix
Hello, I think this is a simple problem but I am not coming up with a simple solution. I think it just an indexing problem. I can easily replace values in a matrix from a dataframe when the dataframe has row and column numbers. In the example below I use row and column names and I can not get it to work #make a matrix where rows and columns are the lat and long for a bounding box of Australia
2011 Feb 09
Two Factors and a Numeric Variable in a Plot
Hi list. I'm trying to plot a graph "by" factors. Exactly, the x axis are my depths (as.factor), my left y axis are my transects (also as.factor) and I want to plot the mean and standard deviation (three samples per factor combination) of my SW (numeric) variable. The second y axis (at the right) will, probably, need to be displayed several times (for both left y axis