similar to: function masking and gmp questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "function masking and gmp questions"

2007 May 23
Question concerning "pastecs" package
Hi I just installed the pastecs package and I am wondering: is there an english (or german) translation of the file pastecs.pdf? If not, is there an explanation somewhere of the object of type 'turnpoints' as a result of turnpoints(), especially the "info" field? Thanks, Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE
2006 Mar 15
Additional arguments in S3 method produces a warning
Hello, I just notice this: > x <- c(1:4,0:5, 4, 11) > library(pastecs) Loading required package: boot > tp <- turnpoints(x) > extract(tp, = FALSE, peak = TRUE, pit = FALSE) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE Warning message: arguments after the first two are ignored in: UseMethod("extract", e, n, ...) >
2009 Sep 16
Good evening to everybody. I have a data of four columns - three of the columns represent date while the fourth is counts. Setting 4000 as my minimum point/value, I wish to find out the number of counts that are less or equal to 4000 and the dates they occur. I have installed pastecs and have been trying to use turnpoints function to do this. I have not been much lucky. I am a still learning. I
2002 Dec 29
lowess + turnpoints = doubling integers?
Happy New Year, r-helpers! I am using lowess to smooth a scatter plot, xx<-lowess(xinput,f=.04) #defaults for other args followed by turnpoints(xx$y) #defaults for other args I plot the smoothed result as well as turnpoints (using yy$tppos) on top of raw data plot. Result is exactly as expected, graphically. For another purpose, I calcuate the difference between turnpoints (representing
2011 Dec 01
strange row numbering after rbind-ing a list
"Not that it really matters, but" Can someone explain how the row numbers get assigned in the following sequence? It looks like something funky happens when rbind() coerces 'bar' into a dataframe. In either sequence of rbind below, once you get past the first two rows, the row numbers count normally. Rgames> (foo<-data.frame(x=5,y=4,r=3)) x y r 1 5 4 3 Rgames>
2009 Sep 18
Help a newbie
Hello, To me as a beginner, every problem looks big. Below is what I was asked to do as part of a code that will solve my problem. I have used read.table to read my data into R and assigned the column names with colnames(dat)<- ... . But to go from txt<-" to the last " at the bottom of the table below is what I am unable to do. Could anybody please tell me how to type or arrive at
2009 Jan 27
working with tables -- was Re: Mode (statistics) in R?
Ok, so I'm slowly figuring out what a factor is, and was able to follow the related thread about finding a mode by using constructs like my_mode = as.numeric(names(table(x))[which.max(table(x))]) Now, suppose I want to keep looking for other modes? For example, Rgames> sample(seq(1,10),50,replace=TRUE)->bag Rgames> bag [1] 2 8 8 10 7 3 2 9 8 3 8 9 6 6 10 10 7 1
2009 Sep 17
Turning points in a series
Good morning once more. My problem of yesterday has been addressed. Having learned a few tricks from that, I wish to ask another question in connection with that. My data is a cosmic ray data consisting of dates and counts. When I plot a graph of counts versus dates, the resultant signal shows a number of maximum and minimum points. These minimum points (turning points) are of interest to me.
2005 May 16
Turnpoints (pastecs): How to specify a limit on the number of tur npoints?
Hello, I'm trying to get a few turnpoints for a financial time series. There is a function in pastecs that does that. However, I get a large number of turnpoints: library(pastecs) data(EuStockMarkets) dax <-EuStockMarkets[,1] plot(dax) turnp <-turnpoints(dax) summary(turnp) #gives 925 peaks/pits!!! How can specify to get only 30 turnpoints? Second question: the extract function
2011 Sep 13
stupid lm() question
I feel bad even asking, but: Rgames> data(OrchardSprays) Rgames> model<-lm(decrease~.,data=OrchardSprays) Rgames> model Call: lm(formula = decrease ~ ., data = OrchardSprays) Coefficients: (Intercept) rowpos colpos treatmentB treatmentC 22.705 -2.784 -1.234 3.000 20.625 treatmentD treatmentE treatmentF treatmentG treatmentH
2010 Nov 11
gmp package installation on CentOS 5.2
Hello, Last year, I installed CentOS 5.2 on an HP Proliant Server. Along with other packages, the gmp and gmp-devel version 4.1.4 packages were installed. To the best of my knowledge these packages do not come from the gmp team. Recently, I built an rpm package for gmp 5.0.1 for CentOS 5.2. I tried to update the gmp package by command rpm -Uvh gmp-5.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm but the update failed
2002 Jul 26
Is there a function for finding local extrema.
I have a vector with about 100.000 values representing a quite regular function (sinusoid like). I would like to find all local maxima of this function (should be about 4000). Is there a native routine for R? Thanks in advance Eryk. -- _|_ \|/ \|/ Eryk Witold Wolski tel :0049-(0)30-8413-1543 w w ?v? 'v? \'v'/ MPI Moleculare Genetik fax :0049-(0)30-8413-1139 |
2016 Sep 07
How to install gmp in R on fedora
Hello. I have installed R with dnf. Also I have installed gmp and gmp-devel with dnf (I think gmp was already installed). In R I did > install.packages('Rmpfr') But then I get configure: error: GNU MP not found, or not 4.1.4 or up, see What must I do? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jan 02
[PATCH] Fix gmp stubdom build when DESTDIR is used
The default make targets in the top level makefile set DESTDIR which gets applied when the stubdom makefile tries to do a make install within gmp to install libgmp.a to the cross root. Ian, do you want to apply this to your tree and commit the whole thing or would you prefer I roll out a fresh new patch set with all updates applied? Signed-off-by: Matthew Fioravante
2009 Nov 29
lm() notation question
Hi, A recent thread provided a (working) construct for lm: lm(as.matrix(freeny[ix]) ~., freeny[-ix]) Can someone explain what is meant by the formula in that expression, that is, what does "mymatrix~." do? I couldn't find any such example in the lm() or formula() help pages. thanks Carl
2007 Nov 19
Using density() and turnpoint to Identify maxima in data
Hi I have a large dataset which follows a multimodal distribution. And I would like to identify the maxima. As the data is obtained from a stochastic simulation, not all maxima in the data are "real maxima of the dirstribution" but rather small random fluctuations. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to run more simulations to smooth the obtained distribution. What I am doing
2000 Dec 13
COPYING.Ylonen contains: [ GMP is now external. No more GNU licence. ] I don't see how GMP is linked in at all. rms asked me to look into this, because this might constitute a license conflict. Thanks for your help! -- No matter how big the bell, if you only tap it, it can give out only a faint sound. We must understand thoroughly that the weakness of the blow, not a fault of the bell
2023 Jan 07
gmp::bigq vs. MASS::fractions
Hi, has someone experience which routine should be used for creating fractional numbers? The two conversion routines deliver different results > x <- (0:7)/7 > MASS::fractions(x) [1] 0 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7 5/7 6/7 1 > gmp::as.bigq(x) Big Rational ('bigq') object of length 8: [1] 0 2573485501354569/18014398509481984 2573485501354569/9007199254740992 [4]
2009 Mar 25
[LLVMdev] LLVM and GMP
Hello I've been looking to LLVM, in order to develop a compiler for a cryptography oriented language. I started by following the tutorials on Kaleidoscope, and I must say they were very usefull. Now I need to use GMP, so i can add Big Integer support. I am trying to change Kaleidoscope to support BigIntegers instead of doubles, but I don't really know how to do that. I'd really
2009 Mar 26
[LLVMdev] LLVM and GMP
someguy wrote: > Oh. One more thing: > > Paulo, while your working out how to do what Chris said (making usage > of bigints into library calls), wouldn't it just warm your heart to > document the process on the wiki? > > </wiki pimping> > > On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:16 AM, someguy > <just.s0m3.guy+llvmdev at> wrote: > >> Oh. I