similar to: Problems loading RWeka and rJava under R 2.10.1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Problems loading RWeka and rJava under R 2.10.1"

2009 Jan 14
Vectorization of three embedded loops
Dear R-programmer, I wrote an adapted implementation of the Kennard-Stone algorithm for sample selection of multivariate data (R 2.7.1 under MacBook Pro, Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 2 GB 667 MHZ DDR2 SDRAM). I used for the heart of the script three embedded loops. This makes it especially for huge datasets very slow. For a datamatrix of 1853*1853 and the selection of 556
2006 Mar 05
Hi, I downloaded RWeka successfully. (At least I do not see, where I could have made a mistake.) Then I tried to load it by the library-command. To my surprise this did not work. Result: library(RWeka) Fehler in .jinit(c(system.file("jar", "weka.jar", package = "RWeka"), system.file("jar", : Cannot create Java Virtual Machine Fehler: .onLoad in
2009 Aug 15
Error in running RWeka Clusteres
Hi, I have a question about using RWeka Clusterers.If you could supply answer or insight, I would really appreciate it. When I run a simple code which uses a clusterer from RWeka I get an error. the sample codes and errors are mentioned below Code: library(RWeka) Cobweb(iris[,-5],control=NULL) Error: Error in names(class_ids) <- nms : 'names' attribute [150] must be the same
2008 Jul 02
Usage of rJava (.jcall) with Weka functions, any example?
Dear All, I'd like to use Weka functions that are not implemented (do not have interface) in RWeka, like the Remove function and others in the future! The .java() functionality is for that purpose but I haven't seen any example with Weka functions. Could anyone give me hand in how to do it? For instace if I want to use the weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove? 1. in the R console,
2009 Mar 28
Output an RWeka model via sink
When I sink the output of an RWeka model to a text file, the output file appears empty: library(RWeka) model = LogitBoost(Species~.,data=iris) print(model) sink("output.txt") print(model) #file output.txt is created, but it is blank sink() Am I doing anything wrong? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 17
RWeka evaluate classifier on test set
Hi everyone, I have a test set with more than 1000 cases, when I use evaluate_Weka_classifier(RWeka)to evaluate my classifier on this test set, the output shows me the result of only 83 cases. I do have missing values in predictors, so I tried na.acton=na.pass, but it dosen't help. Now I confused, why RWeka ignore so many cases in my test set? Is there any setting I didn't notice in
2008 Jun 17
Decision Trees RWeka
Hello, I have a question concerning decision trees coming from RWeka : library(RWeka) m =J48(Species~.,data=iris) How could such a decision tree be transferred into a matrix, pretty much in the same fashion, as it is done by getTree() in library(ofw) library(ofw) data(srbct) attach(srbct) ##ofwCART learn.cart.keep <- ofw(srbct,
2007 Aug 19
Prerequisite for running RWeka
Hi - I have a question on RWeka. I installed the package and try to run using some examples available in the package. However, it stalls my machine for a while. I'm wondering if I need weka (which is java implementation) installed before using RWeka? Thank you. - adschai
2006 Mar 03
Java related (?) problems with RWeka
Hello all, I am attempting to run an R script that makes use of RWeka. I am running SuSE Linux 9.3 with Java 1.5.0_06, R version 2.2.1, Weka 3-4-7, and Rweka 0.2-1. CLASSPATH="/usr/local/weka-3-4-7/weka.jar:/usr/local/JGR/JGR.jar" I receive the error: NewObject("weka/core/Instances","(Ljava/io/Reader;)V",...) failed Exception in thread "main"
2010 Nov 21
problemas carga RWeka
Estimados compañeros ignoro que problema tengo pero no puedo cargar RWeka. Tengo la versión 2.12 de R, Windos XP y actualizado el Java Virtual Machine y cuando intento la carga me da: Error in loadNamespace(i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths())) : there is no package called 'rJava' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RWeka' Un cordial saludo, Juan --
2011 May 01
FileNotFoundException en RWeka
Saludos colegas. Estoy intentando cargar un archivo arff con el paquete RWeka pero me lanza el error FileNotFoundException cuando intento ejecutar la instrucción en R. Este es el código: datos<- read.arff(system.file("arff","cereals.arff", package = "RWeka")) El archivo cereals.arff y el script con el código R están en el mismo directorio, sin embargo, no me
2011 Sep 07
Fwd: FSelector and RWeka problem
Hi all, Although I sent the mail to Piotr, the author of FSelector, it should be better to ask here to let others know. Yanwei Begin forwarded message: From: Yanwei Song <> Date: September 7, 2011 4:41:58 PM EDT To: Subject: FSelector and RWeka problem Dear Piotr, Thanks for developing the FSelector package for us. I'm a new
2009 Jan 07
Question about the RWEKA package
Dear List, I´m trying to implement the functionalities from WEKA into my modeling project in R through the RWeka package. In this context I have a slightly special question about the filters implemented in WEKA. I want to convert nominal attributes with k values into k binary attributes through the NominalToBinary filter ("weka.filters.supervised.attribute.NominalToBinary"). But
2008 Oct 16
How to save/load RWeka models into/from a file?
Hi, I want to save a RWeka model into a file, in order to retrive it latter with a load function. See this example: library(RWeka) NB <- make_Weka_classifier("weka/classifiers/bayes/NaiveBayes") model<-NB(formula,data=data,...) # does not run but you get the idea save(model,file="model.dat") # simple save R command # ... load("model.dat") # load the model
2006 Nov 22
Problem with RWeka-rJava packages
Hello: I´m trying to execute Apriori(file.arff) command of RWeka package. I´m working with: Operating System: Windows XP home R-2.4.0 RWeka_0.2-11 rJava_0.4-11 classpath= .;C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jdk1.5.0\lib;C:\Archivos de programa\R\R- 2.4.0\library\RWeka\jar An error occurs when .jnew command is executed, on class "weka/core/Instances" :
2007 Jul 11
RWeka control parameters classifiers interface
Hello, I have some trouble in achieving the desired parametrisation for the weka classifier functions, using the package RWeka. The problem is, that the functions result=classifier(formula, data, subset, na.action, control = Weka_control(mycontrol)) do not seem to be manipulated by the mycontrol- arguments Perhaps this should be resepected via the handlers- argument , but the
2011 Mar 24
Problem with Snowball & RWeka
Dear Forum, when I try to use SnowballStemmer() I get the following error message: "Could not initialize the GenericPropertiesCreator. This exception was produced: java.lang.NullPointerException" It seems to have something to do with either Snowball or RWeka, however I can't figure out, what to do myself. If you could spend 5 minutes of your valuable time, to help me or give me a
2007 Nov 27
Questions on RWeka classifiers?
Hi, I am using some classifiers in RWeka packages and met a couple problems. (1) J48 implements C45 classifier, the C45 should be able to handle missing values in both training set and test set. But I found the J48 classifier can not be evaluated on test set with missing values--it just ignore them. (2) The ensemble classifiers in RWeka such as bagging and boosting: there is a
2008 Sep 26
RWeka on R-2.7.2___Can't evaluate classifier on test set
Hi, Everyone, I just installed R-2.7.2 on my computer and then installed package RWeka, version 0.3-13. I noticed that when using command "evaluate_Weka_Classifier", with parameter "newdata=", it still evaluated on training data. Does anyone else noticed this? My older version of R-2.6.1 with RWeka 0.3-9 worked fine on the same computer. Bin
2008 Oct 01
Installing RWeka package in CentOS 5: problems with JAVA?
Hi, I am a R user, with some experience in MacOS, Linux, etc, but I am having a problem that I cannot solve: I have a linux server (CentOS 5) and I installed sun jdk1.6. For instance: $ java -version Java version "1.6.0_10-rc2" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-rc2-b32) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode) I also installed the latest version of R: