similar to: an alternative to R for nonlinear stat models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "an alternative to R for nonlinear stat models"

2010 May 31
read in data file into R
Hi I'm trying to read a data file with output from another program (admb) into R for further analysis. However I'm not very successfull. The file extension for the data file is file.rep but it also doesn't help when I change it to file.txt I have two problems/questions: 1. The file is a single line of n values separated by a single space tab each. These values represent a time
2010 May 31
running admb from R using system()
Hi I'm trying to run an admb model from R by using the system () command. The admb model runs fine when running it from the admb command line or when using emacs. However when I try it with system() then R crashes every time. And I tried using the R command line and RGui and in both it crashes. I also tried it from different computers. What I do is I first set the directory where I keep
2012 Sep 27
problem with nls starting values
Hi I would like to fit a non-linear regression to the follwoing data: quantiles<-c(seq(.05,.95,0.05)) slopes<-c( 0.000000e+00, 1.622074e-04 , 3.103918e-03 , 2.169135e-03 , 9.585523e-04 ,1.412327e-03 , 4.288103e-05, -1.351171e-04 , 2.885810e-04 ,-4.574773e-04 , -2.368968e-03, -3.104634e-03, -5.833970e-03, -6.011945e-03, -7.737697e-03 , -8.203058e-03, -7.809603e-03, -6.623985e-03,
2010 Feb 12
using mle2 for multinomial model optimization
Hi there I'm trying to find the mle fo a multinomial model ->*L(N,h,S?x)*. There is only *N* I want to estimate, which is used in the number of successes for the last cell probability. These successes are given by: p^(N-x1-x2-...xi) All the other parameters (i.e. h and S) I know from somewhere else. Here is what I've tried to do so far for a imaginary data set:
2006 Nov 24
Nonlinear statistical modeling -- a comparison of R and AD Model Builder
There has recently been some discussion on the list about AD Model builder and the suitability of R for constructing the types of models used in fisheries management. I think that many R users understimate the numerical challenges that some of the typical
2010 Mar 09
using near-zero probabilities in optimization
Hi there I am using mle2 for a multinomial likelihood optimization problem. My function works fine when I'm using simulated data, however my cell probabilities of the true data for the multinomial likelihood are sometimes very small (in some cases <0.00...) and the estimated point estimates fit the true vlaues quite poorly. Is there a way how to handle near zero probabilities in
2008 Nov 25
AD Model Builder now freely available
Hi All, Following Mike Praeger's posting on this list, I'm happy to pass on that AD Model Builder is now freely available from the ADMB Foundation. Two areas where AD Model builder would be especially useful to R users are multi-parmater smooth optimization as in larg scale maximum likelihood estimation and the analysis of general nonlinear random
2005 Oct 13
Do Users of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Know Whether Their Software Really Works?
Do Users of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Know Whether Their Software Really Works? Lesaffre et. al. (Appl. Statist. (2001) 50, Part3, pp 325-335) analyzed some simple clinical trials data using a logistic random effects model. Several packages and methods MIXOR, SAS NLMIXED were employed. They reported obtaining very different parameter estimates and P
2006 Dec 19
Problem with glmmADMB
library(glmmADMB) #Example for glmm.admb data(epil2) glmm.admb(y~Base*trt+Age +Visit,random=~Visit,group="subject",data=epil2,family="nbinom") Gives: Error in glmm.admb(y ~ Base * trt + Age + Visit, random = ~Visit, group = "subject", : The function maximizer failed ****************** R version 2.4.1 RC (2006-12-14 r40181) powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0 locale: C
2006 May 23
glmmADMB and the GPL -- formerly-- How to buy R.
Dear List, Some of you have been following the discussion of the GPL and its inclusion in the glmmADMB package we created for R users. I would like to provide a bit of background and include an email we received from Prof. Ripley so that everyone can be aware of how some might use the GPL to try to force access to proprietary software. I think this is interesting because many have voiced the
2005 Mar 23
Negative binomial GLMMs in R
Dear R-users, A recent post (Feb 16) to R-help inquired about fitting a glmm with a negative binomial distribution. Professor Ripley responded that this was a difficult problem with the simpler Poisson model already being a difficult case: Since we are developing software for fitting general nonlinear random effects models we
2005 Dec 14
glmmADMB: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using AD Model Builder
Dear R-users, Half a year ago we put out the R package "glmmADMB" for fitting overdispersed count data. Several people who used this package have requested additional features. We now have a new version ready. The major new feature is that glmmADMB allows Bernoulli responses with logistic and probit links. In addition there
2005 Nov 13
Robust Non-linear Regression
Hi, I'm trying to use Robust non-linear regression to fit dose response curves. Maybe I didnt look good enough, but I dind't find robust methods for NON linear regression implemented in R. A method that looked good to me but is unfortunately not (yet) implemented in R is described in
2010 Dec 13
Complicated nls formula giving singular gradient message
I'm attempting to calculate a regression in R that I normally use Prism for, because the formula isn't pretty by any means. Prism presents the formula (which is in the Prism equation library as Heterologous competition with depletion, if anyone is curious) in these segments: KdCPM = KdnM*SpAct*Vol*1000 R=NS+1 S=(1+10^(X-LogKi))*KdCPM+Hot a=-1*R b=R*S+NS*Hot+BMax c = -1*Hot*(S*MS+BMax) Y
2009 May 26
moving from Windows to Linux - need help
hi I've used R for many years on windows machines, but have now acquired an Asus eee 1000 linux machine. In order to get the best out of the machine, I used the '' script, to get the full KDE desktop. The version of Linux is Xandros, which I believe is a close relative of Debian, but sadly I have only a nodding acquaintance with Linux at present. Naturally I want to
2010 Aug 05
using grib files in R
I am not new to R, but I am new to .grib files. I am downloading some climate data and I would like to analyze it in R. R has a nice netcdf package, but I don?t see any package available to deal specifically with grib files. I see a few posts from other people using grib files in R. However, I was unclear if they used grib files in a different software program and then imported the data
2010 Jul 16
Recommended way of requiring packages of a certain version?
What is the recommended way of requiring a certain version when loading a package (or, indeed, from R itself)? Perl has the require module version use module version require version use version constructs which is kind of what I am looking for (especially 'use' which is evaluated at compile time), but R seems to have lost the version= argument to require(). The best I have been able
2011 Nov 17
RV: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems
De: Rubén Roa Enviado el: jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011 9:53 Para: '' Asunto: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems Hi, I have to work under Windows, it's a company policy. I've just found that there is a conflict between tools used to build R packages (Rtools) and ADMB due to the need to put Rtools compiler's
2006 Mar 23
conservative robust estimation in (nonlinear) mixed models
Conservative robust estimation methods do not appear to be currently available in the standard mixed model methods for R, where by conservative robust estimation I mean methods which work almost as well as the methods based on assumptions of normality when the assumption of normality *IS* satisfied. We are considering adding such a conservative robust estimation option for the random effects to
2010 Apr 11
Adding country boundaries on field map plots
Hi R users, What is the command for adding (or how do we add) country boundaries on r-spatial plots. Thanks ZABLONE OWITI GRADUATE STUDENT Nanjing University of Information, Science and Technology College of International Education Add: 219 Ning Liu Rd, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 21004, P.R. China Website: ==================================================== [[alternative