similar to: NoMethodError problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "NoMethodError problem"

2007 Nov 21
When you sometimes wonder how to test this??
Hi Just something that I have been finding very helpful sometimes when I am stuck with "how could I test this?" moments is looking at the Rails test suite. At the moment I am working on testing our custom error_messages_for methods and I have found looking at how the Rails tests in active_record_helper work helpful :-) So just thought I''d share that. Have
2005 Dec 23
Overloading error_message_on method in ActiveRecordHelper
Hello all I would like to overload the error_message_on method in the ActiveRecordHelper module in order to emit a span tag instead of a div tag. I try to achieve this by way of plugins: Under vendor/plugins I''ve made a error_messages_on_fix directory, containing init.rb like this: --- require ''active_record_helper_fix'' --- ..and a lib directory with
2006 Mar 15
Strange behaviour of dates
Imagine a crud app that tracks people applying for a loan, here is the layout I have: Mysql database: create table apps ( id int auto_increment primary key, primary_id int not null, secondary_id int null, constraint fk_primary_id foreign key(primary_id) references (, constraint fk_secondary_id foreign key(secondary_id) references ( create table contacts ( Id int
2006 Jan 11
Help -- NoMethodError in
Hi, I am just learing Rails and I am going through the Agile Web Development with Rails book. I am receiving: NoMethodError in Store#add_to_cart undefined method `add_product'' for #<StoreController:0x3764d80> RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/store_controller.rb:12:in `add_to_cart''
2006 Aug 02
Disabling Error Divs
I am trying to figure out how to disable the error field thing in rails, the thing that wraps errous fields with a div (class fieldWithError). Any help on this would be great! -Ray -- Posted via
2006 Apr 11
Problem w/ error_messages_for: wrong number of arguments?
Hi guys, I just upgraded to the latest version of Rails 1.1 and am getting some odd error messages. Specifically, I have the line: <%= error_messages_for ''user'' %> at the top of one of my .rhtml files and of course a variable @user. When an error occurs when saving ''user'', instead of getting the error message (which happened fine in Rails 1.0), I now
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Model Validation
Hey All ! I have a form which contains two models. I would like both models to be validated, but have their validations aggregated on the page. If I do: <%= error_messages_for(:model1) %> <%= error_messages_for(:model2) %> It puts two big validation blocks on the page. I would like all the errors from both models, but only in one validation box. Is this possible ? All my attempts
2005 Jan 17
Omitting constant in ols() from Design
Hi! I need to run ols regressions with Huber-White sandwich estimators and the correponding standard errors, without an intercept. What I'm trying to do is create an ols object and then use the robcov() function, on the order of: f <- ols(depvar ~ ind1 + ind2, x=TRUE) robcov(f) However, when I go f <- ols(depvar ~ ind1 + ind2 -1, x=TRUE) I get the following error: Error in
2006 Jun 13
help with ''error_messages_for''
Greetings, I''m in the throws of deploying an app on site5, and I''m getting strange errors. I think I might need to understand how error_messages_for works. I get a pretty standard looking error: " You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.errors Extracted
2007 Sep 17
What's the corresponding function in R for lo() function in S-PLUS?
Dear friends, In S-PLUS, we can use the following argument, but not in R. mode12 <- gam(score1 ~ lo(latitude) + lo(longitude)) I searched the help in S-PLUS, it says lo() Allows the user to specify a Loess fit in a GAM formula, but i didn't find the correponding function in R. Anybody knows how to do the similar task in R? Thanks very much. -- With Kind Regards, oooO:::::::::
2004 Nov 20
Stack level too deep on Cygwin and on Debian / Colinux with 0.5.0 - 0.8.5 Beta gems
Hi, as it is not possible for me to use a sensible development environment to start with I have to use emulations. I use Cygwin on windows and also Colinux. (Colinux is really amazing cause it lets you run actual linux binaries und Windows.) So here is my problem, which by the way exists since Rails 0.5.0 I think. It was the reason I tried Colinux in the first place, cause the error first
2006 Apr 25
Authorisation question
My authentication (signup/login) is up and running in my app, now I need to implement an authorisation system. Its not going to be a complex one. One admin (me) and then normal members and premium members. Any tutorials or tips on a simple way to get this running? Thanks. -- Posted via
2005 Dec 27
NoMethodError in new scaffold
Hi All, I created a new rails application using rails 1.0. I used "ruby script\generate scaffold" for each of my tables. This worked on all but 2 of my tables. When I go to the new or edit action of my requests or admins table, I get the error below. On one table called admins I hadn''t followed the correct naming convention and wasn''t able to edit or create
2002 Oct 23
How to pipe debugmsg to a file?
Is there a wine option to send the log output to a file? I'm doing the following: wineconsole --debugmsg +all program_name parm1 parm2 parm3 > /mylog.txt mylog.txt is not receiving a copy of the millions, nay billions!, of messages output. I'm using Redhat 7.3 and the 10/07/2002 RPMs. - Bill
2011 Aug 29
splitting into multiple dataframes and then create a loop to work
Dear All Sorry for this simple question, I could not solve it by spending days. My data looks like this: # data set.seed(1234) clvar <- c( rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 10), rep(4, 10)) # I have 100 level for this factor var; yvar <- rnorm(40, 10,6); var1 <- rnorm(40, 10,4); var2 <- rnorm(40, 10,4); var3 <- rnorm(40, 5, 2); var4 <- rnorm(40, 10, 3); var5 <- rnorm(40, 15,
2005 Dec 19
tough activerecord problem
I have an application that is using active record outside of rails. the app works fine w/o the activerecord code, but when I added activerecord to the mix I started having trouble with constants not being recognized, e.g.: [echo] 1) Error: [echo] test_pipeline_cruncher(IntradayCruncher::TestPipelineCruncher): [echo] NameError: uninitialized constant INFO [echo]
2006 Jan 09
Cooky Cookies
Hi All, I have a problem with the stemming(?) in rails. I have a table cookie and a Cookie model which I have generated a scaffold for. The problem is that rails starts looking for a file that it calls "cooky.rb", this must be some kind of misunderstanding between me and rails, but how do I correct it? Other scaffolds work just fine. /Hugo NameError in Cookie#index uninitialized
2002 Sep 27
Subsetting Matrix
Hi, This is an easy question, however I cannot remember the exact command of doing it :-( Say I have a matrix: > ff [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.1000000 116.76987 [2,] 0.6444444 108.26811 [3,] 1.1888889 95.00240 [4,] 1.7333333 112.13647 [5,] 2.2777778 107.39893 [6,] 2.8222222 115.34615 [7,] 3.3666667 97.81029 [8,] 3.9111111 105.35119 [9,] 4.4555556
2009 Aug 12
Simulating points from GLM corresponding to new x-values
Dear List, Does anyone know how to simulate data from a GLM object correponding to values of the independent (x) variable that do not occur in the original dataset? I have tried using simulate(), but it generates a new value of the dependent variable corresponding to each of the original x-values, which is not what I need. Ideally I whould like to simulate new values for GLM objects
2009 Aug 03
session logging
Consider all the text that one sees on the console during an R session. Is there a way, within R, to make all this text--both the "output" and the "messages"--automatically get copied to a single text file, in addition to seeing it on the console? If I remember to save the console to a file at the end of my R session, that does it. But (1) That requires pointing and