similar to: importing multidimensional matrix from MATLAB

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "importing multidimensional matrix from MATLAB"

2009 Feb 25
S4 helper functions: regular or generic?
Hi there, I want to write helper functions for a base class, which will be used by its subclasses in the S4 world. This function ___will___ update certain slots of its argument object. Please help me decide which one of the following is a better approach with respect to coding style, memory usage and speed: o Write a regular function. o Declare a generic and implement it just for the base
2008 Apr 14
Doing the right amount of copy for large data frames.
Hi there, Problem :: When one tries to change one or some of the columns of a data.frame, R makes a copy of the whole data.frame using the '*tmp*' mechanism (this does not happen for components of a list, tracemem( ) on R-2.6.2 says so). Suggested solution :: Store the columns of the data.frame as a list inside of an environment slot of an S4 class, and define the '[',
2004 Jan 02
* Stresstool Help required
Hi all, I am trying to write a program that sends SIP requests to asterisk. My aim is to make asterisk record as many voicemails it can at a time. The design of the program is like this: There are two processes: One main process and a child process (No flames pls. I have very little idea about pthreads and dl modules) The main program asks the user to input the number of test instances. When
2011 Mar 13
readMat - how to retrieve the variables
Hello I have a matlab MAT file that contains one single variable: a. The structure of a is as follows: a.river1.flow (flow values) a.river1.date_flow (date) a.river1.precip (precipitation values) a.river1.date_precip a.river2.flow a.river2.date_flow a.river2.precip a.river2.date_precip I have used readMat to load the variable a in R, however I have no idea how readMat translates a. I managed
2008 Oct 18
Error: could not find function "readMat"
Hi All, I installed this R.matlab package and tried using the sample code > > path <- system.file("mat-files", package="R.matlab") > > # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > # Reading all example files > # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > for (version in 4:5) { +
2012 Aug 14
Help needed in reading matlab files
Dear users, I am stucked with a programming problem: I am trying to download a squared adjacency matrix from matlab with only 0 or 1. Doing it without a loop at first, I get an error message that is, I think, related to the "mat_adj<-readMat(pathnames_adj)" line. Did anybodz encouter already that problem? If so, do I need to change anything in my code in order it not to be
2008 Mar 26
Moving data between R and Matlab back and forth?
Hi to the list, I am trying to find a way to painlessly move structured data back and forth between R and Matlab (also Octave). For this purpose I found the R.matlab package great help. I wish to use a Matlab -v6 MAT file as an intermediary format, because it is well read by both Matlab and Octave. It is also well read by 'readMat' function in R.matlab package, but that is where I run
2010 Dec 19
R.matlab memory use
Hi, I am trying to load into R a MATLAB format file (actually, as saved by octave). The file is about 300kB but R complains with a memory allocation error: > library(Rcompression) > library(R.matlab) Loading required package: R.oo Loading required package: R.methodsS3 R.methodsS3 v1.2.0 (2010-03-13) successfully loaded. See ?R.methodsS3 for help. R.oo v1.7.2 (2010-04-13) successfully
2011 Mar 22
how to convert a data.frame to a list of dist objects for individual differences MDS?
I have a 45 x 16 data frame consisting of dissimilarities among 10 colors, giving in each column the 45 = 10*9/2 pairwise judgments for one of 16 subjects. The rownames identify each pair of colors, e.g, "AC" = ("A","C"), and the pairs are ordered by columns in the lower triangle of each distance matrix. > helm.raw <-
2008 Jan 30
[rfc] Package to access the internal zlib library.
To make R.matlab's readMat work for me[1] I needed access to zlib's uncompress function. R already links with zlib, and sometime last year I hobbled together a quick package to get at a few functions. It's my first package, so I would love feedback both on the package and its purpose. I've dropped a temporary copy at Could
2007 Nov 17
R and reading matlab compressed files
Is there any way to read these files (standard .mat files, created by matlab version 7 onwards are compressed)? I know that R.matlab doesn't read them (it even says in the file MatlabServer.m "Matlab v7 saves compressed files, which is not recognized by R.matlab's readMat()" (lines 47-8)). I know I should be able to make R call Matlab and transfer data (not that I managed to
2012 Aug 24
updating elements of a vector sequentially - is there a faster way?
I would like to know whether there is a faster way to do the below operation (updating vec1). My objective is to update the elements of a vector (vec1), where a particular element i is dependent on the previous one. I need to do this on vectors that are 1 million or longer and need to repeat that process several hundred times. The for loop works but is slow. If there is a faster way, please let
2011 Jul 13
Rcompression on MAC - where is it?
Hello I need to run an r-file that works on Windows on MAC. The first lines of the file are: library(R.matlab) library(Rcompression) Somehow I cannot find where Rcompression is. Am I missing something? Many thanks Ed
2008 Feb 21
Reclaiming transmit descriptors by NIC drivers with Crossbow new scheduling
The following is mainly a capture of parts of multiple off-line discussions within members of the Crossbow team (Gopi, Thiru, Roamer, May-Lin, Thirumailai, Nitin, KB, ...), I thought I''d open it up to other participants. Crossbow''s core scheduling involves switching a NIC (or individual Rx rings on the NIC) to polling mode. The receive interrupt will become not only rarer,
2012 Aug 27
total CPU time in Matlab - what is the equivalent in R?
I am trying to compare the speed of my R code with that reported by the authors of a reference paper who used Matlab. The authors of the paper state "Total CPU time for the algorithm was 10 s for the ...on a modest mobile 2.2 GHz Pentium processor running MATLAB v.6". I am using proc.time (similar to the example shown in ?proc.time) to determine the speed of my R code. Could someone
2010 Aug 27
R.matlab package help
Hi,all I have a problem running R.matlab package (under 2.10.1 version). I can set up the matlab server under local machine(run the MatlabServer.m), " And I can use setVariable and evaluate matlab functions in R. But when I ask Matlab to send the value back to R using getVariable function it always returns an error: " ??? Error: A MATLAB string constant is not
2011 Feb 18
reading a matlab file
Dear R-people, I am trying to read a matlab file, unfortunately without success. I enclosed the zipped file. Do you have an idea how to read this file by ReadMat package into the R system? Thanks for your time! Wim Krijnen
2008 Oct 28
Saving a 3d array into a matlab file
Dear R users, I am tryting to save an 3d array to a matlab file like the following. A <- array(1:24, c(2,3,4)) writeMat(filename, A=A) But if I load the mat file from Matlab, it is not 3d matrix anymore. Does anyone know how I can preserve the 3d structure? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Minho Chae [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Dec 22
Pb with R.matlab
Hello, I have problems running the R.matlab package. I work with R 2.3.1, under windows (using the Rgui). It seems that, even after loading the package, the "simple" functions such as writeMat() or readMat() are not recognized. For example, the following script leads to an error: > install.packages("R.matlab") --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
2011 Jun 29
4D data acsess
Hi, I have a 4D data file from MATLAB, call it X, that I want to analyze in R. The first 3 dimensions are x y z coordinates and the forth is a value in time. If you took a sample vector in matlab it would look like vec1 = X(x1, y1, z1, :) vec2 = X( x2, y2, z2, :) this would give you all values (I have 300 of them) corresponding to this (x1,y1,z1) point of X. Now I read the MATLAB datafile 4D