similar to: NEW RAILS SITE: Riding two bubbles at the same time

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "NEW RAILS SITE: Riding two bubbles at the same time"

2006 Jan 09
What is AJAX?
What is AJAX? SteveT Steve Litt Author: * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist Webmaster * Troubleshooters.Com *
2006 Jan 05
What is SwitchTower?
What is SwitchTower? SteveT Steve Litt Author: * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist Webmaster * Troubleshooters.Com *
2006 Jan 06
Where to place a global function
Hi all, I have a little function called format_price(price) that simply formats the argument as a dollar sign, dollar amount, dot and penny amount. Then, in a .rhtml file, I could do this: <%= format_price(item.unit_price * item.quantity) %> But where do I put the format_price() function definition? The app couldn''t find it in app/controllers/application.rb. Where do I put it
2006 Jan 04
Is Webrick good enough?
Hi all, On the rails list I''ve seen that it''s hard to integrate Rails with Apache (especially apache2), that it''s hard to change the default port (3000), and that Apache runs Rails stuff slowly. Is it reasonable to run Rails stuff on Webrick while simultaneously running other stuff on Apache? How does one simultaneously run two rails applications on Webrick, when
2006 Jan 07
Beware of Mozilla + Rails
Hi all, In re-doing the very first Hello World in the Agile Rails WEb Dev book, I continuously got blank pages, no matter what URL I put in, except when I put http://localhost:3000/ After eliminating everything else, I switched from Mozilla to Konqueror, and the symptom went away. I tried clearing cache on Mozilla, but that didn''t bring it back. I copied and pasted the URL from
2006 Jan 10
Application Design Question
I am designing an application to run a fishing tournament I am hosting. Each fish entered will be given a point total based on the length of the fish and the species of fish. Each species has a point multiplier. For Example Trout have a multiplier of 10 so a 20 inch Trout would have a score of 200. My conundrum is in where and when do I calculate the points. The options I have come up
2005 Dec 28
Rails didn''t install correctly
Hi all, Apparently rails didn''t install correctly on my Mandrake 10.0 system. ================================= [slitt@mydesk work]$ rails demo /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:204:in `report_activate_error'': Could not find RubyGem rails (> 0) (Gem::LoadError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:141:in `activate'' from
2005 Dec 29
Rails 1.0 - Agile book still good?
I''m new to Ruby and RoR but excited to learn what I can do with RoR; I have Pickaxe second edition and want to get "Agile Web Development with Rails" but I''m aware that the book was published some while before RoR version 1.0 was released. Has a lot changed since then, and would I therefore be advised to wait for a second edition of AWDwR? Many thanks in advance
2006 Jan 06
Anyone using AJAX, SVG, and Rails?
I''m interested in the idea of using AJAX and SVG to create a simple diagram editor. It seems like Rails might be able to support this sort of thing, so I thought I''d ask if anyone is doing anything in this direction. -r -- Technical editing and writing, programming, and web development: Contact information:, +1 650-873-7841
2002 Aug 26
ACL support?
Is it still true that in order for a Linux hosted Samba server to have NT ACL support, the Linux box must have an ACL aware file system such as XFS or Andreas Gruenbacher's kernel patch ("POSIX ACL")? I read this in chapter 4 of "Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours". In the time since that book was written, has an easier method been developed, or has a
2006 Jan 12
Ajax Button Back function?
Hi Folks! I''m new in the forum and i have a doubt. The button back function with the Ajax on Rails? tks. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 20
Agile Legacy Interop
I just wanted to announce my latest plugin: LegacyInterop The 5 second video, minus the video, looks like this: $ ./script/plugin install svn:// $ echo LegacyInterop.act_as_dotnet >> config/environment.rb Done! Agile! Pragmatic! The plugin includes support for a large number of legacy systems, all using the "act_as" pattern.
2006 Jan 11
UK Rates for RoR Contract work?
Hi all, I''ve been offered a short-term contract here in the North of England - around 3 months work, but with RoR I think it will take considerably less time - and am just curious what market rates were right now. I''ve been offered a little under ?1k/week which seems ''right'' for a PHP coder doing this kind of work, but should I be hitting for more, or is
2006 Jan 10
first ajax demo in Rails book - does it work for anyone?
Just tried the first AJAX example in the rails book (p.391-392, the ''word guessing'' thing), and the AJAX partial used seems to render as a full page. I''m not sure whether it''s a) a partial bug b) some interaction between ajax and partials c) a change since the book came out or d) pilot error I''ve checked the errata pages and it''s flagged up
2006 Jan 09
Need help PLEASE
I have just taken on a new site and they were running ruby on rails for their store. I have finally found the database but I cannot get the store to work. I can''t even get it to show up. I have never used this software before and have no idea where to start. All I know is the client was upset when I told them we wou;ld have to start a new store. They apparently have a few hundred of
2006 Jan 08
URL/Site structure
Greetings, I''m fairly noob with rails and making my first DB driven site with it. I''m using the scaffold generator to develop the admin side of my site (admin_controller) I have three sections that I want to have the administrator edit, and I want to call these from the admin controller that has a layout with navigation to these three sections. When using the scaffold
2009 Jul 20
what is meaning of the bubbles in boxplots?
Hi ,everyone , I draw some boxplot figure with the command "boxplot".But in the figure,there are some bubbles at the top part of the figure. Can anyone tell me what the correct meaning of these bubbles?and how to remove it? -- TANG Jie Email: Tel: 0086-2154896104 Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jan 05
OT -- A "HOWTO" is a guide not a question.
This is way offtopic, but I''ve seen this several times recently and it''s annoying me. If you put "HOWTO" in your subject that means that you''re posting a guide on a particular topic. It doesn''t mean that you''re asking a question about "how to" do something. It''s not like it''s a crisis, but it screws up searches
2010 Jan 06
How to get bubbles on times series plot
Hi; lissage<-function(variable) { library(pastecs) ENTREE.ts <- ts(projet$ENTREE) ENTREE.dec <- decaverage(ENTREE.ts, order=variable, sides=2, ends="fill") plot(ENTREE.dec, col=c(1, 4), xlab="temps",ylab="Nombre d'entr?es",main=paste("Moyenne mobile d'ordre ",variable," sous R"), stack=FALSE, resid=FALSE,
2010 Aug 09
xen vs kvm for virtualization on centos/rhel?
as i'm reviewing the courseware for the rhel (centos) course i'm teaching next week, i'm going to ask the occasional question, possibly technical, possibly more policy. first one involves the choice for virtualization. the course has a short section involving virt using xen but everything i've read suggests that red hat is concentrating on kvm for virt. thoughts on that? i