similar to: Source of chickwts data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Source of chickwts data"

2009 Oct 31
get names of list elements
Hi Consider > a <- 1:5; b <- 6:10 > x <- list(a=a,b=b) > y <- list(a,b) I can get c("a","b") from x using names(x). Is it also possible to get "a" and "b" from y? (The command "names(y)" gives NULL.) Thanks in advance. Chirok
2009 May 06
changing variables in a dataset
Hi! I just quasi-learned how to use R and I'm trying to change the feed from horsebean, linseed, etc to 1, 2, 3, etc The dataset I'm practicing on is pre-loaded in R data(chickwts) chickwts Any help is much appreciated!! Thank you!! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive
2010 Sep 08
Drop single-dimensional array
Hi Simon, thank you for the concise reply. Do you mean the reported behavior of drop() is not a bug? It looks like a borderline bug to me (see below), but I'm not the judge of that. If this is the intended behavior and serves an actual purpose, then that could be explicitly documented in a \note{} on the help page. Such a note would slightly reduce the surprise of users running into this
2012 Nov 02
Merge data frame with mispelling characters
Hello dear R-helpers, I'm working with R-2.15.2 on Windows 7 OS. I'm stucked with a merge of two data frames by characters. In each data frame I got two different list of names, that is my main-key to be merged. To figure out what I'm saying, I build up a modified "?merge" example, with errors by purpose: # Data for authors: authors <- data.frame( surname =
2009 Jul 02
Quantitative Risk Management by McNeil
Dear Specialists in R, May be somebody has experiment in using pakage for the book Quantitative Risk Management by McNeil? This package is writen in R. I have run this package for fitting the data to Nornal Inverse Gaussian distribution and fased with following problem. > Return<-read.csv("data.csv") > Transpose<-t(Return) > fit.NH(Transpose, case="NIG",
2010 Feb 15
Difference in Levene's test between R and SPSS
Hello, I notice that when I do Levene's test to test equality of variances across levels of a factor, I get different answers in R and SPSS 16. e.g.: For the chickwts data, in R, levene.test(weight, feed) gives F=0.7493, p=0.5896. SPSS 16 gives F=0.987, p=0.432 Why this difference? Which one should I believe? (I would like to believe R :) Ravi -- View this message in context:
2003 Dec 03
R and Memory
I would suggest that you make a more thorough search of the R-Archives. ( If you do you will find this discussion has been had several times and that the type of machine you are running will have an impact upon what you can do. My feeling is that you are going have to knuckle down with the documentation and understand how R works and then when you have
2008 Dec 01
factanal question
Dear R users: I'm wondering if it's possible to get the residual correlation matrix when using factanal. Since factanal assumes that the errors are normally distributed and independent (provided the factor model fits the data) this would be useful. Of course you would need to submit the data to the function to get the residuals (not just their correlation matrix), but it should be possible
2007 May 21
Merge (PR#9699)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.5.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( This is a new bug introduced to R2.5.0. Scenario: If one of the data frames to merge contains two variables that have the same name, then the data in first variable (of the same name) is copied to the second variable in the resulting merged data frame. In R2.4.1, the second variable name is
2006 May 22
Sys.setlocale upsets windows graphics device (PR#8887)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.3.0 OS: Widows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Type the following: > Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","C") > hist(1:10) CRASH
2005 Mar 18
How to create a 'fit' plot
Dear List, As someone who is in the process of trying to migrate from Excel, I'd appreciate any help on this question: I have a data set and want to fit, say, three distributions to it. I would like to create a plot that shows my data points against all three fitted curves (estimated d.f.). Basically, I lookint to creat a plot that looks like the one presented in the attached paper (Figure
2008 Jun 12
About Mcneil Hanley test for a portion of AUC!
Dear all I am trying to compare the performances of several methods using the AUC0.1 and not the whole AUC. (meaning I wanted to compare to AUC's whose x axis only goes to 0.1 not 1) I came to know about the Mcneil Hanley test from Bernardo Rangel Tura and I referred to the original paper for the calculation of "r" which is an argument of the function cROC. I can only find the
2005 Jan 11
Standard error for the area under a smoothed ROC curve?
Hello, I am making some use of ROC curve analysis. I find much help on the mailing list, and I have used the Area Under the Curve (AUC) functions from the ROC function in the bioconductor project... ROC_1.0.13.tar.gz However, I read here... "The 95% confidence interval for
2007 Dec 12
Adding a survival object to a data frame (PR#10510)
Full_Name: Edward McNeil Version: 2.6.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( I want to show students how the survival object looks like in R. Reproducible example: library(MASS) data(Aids2) attach(Aids2) status <- status=="D" stime <- death-diag surv <- Surv(stime, status) D <- data.frame(stime, status, surv) head(D,20) stime status x..i.. 1 176 TRUE
2008 Jan 10
write.dta (foreign package)
Hi, I'd like to request that the 'write.dta' command also save the "var.labels" attributes of the data frame. 'read.dta' can read them, but 'write.dta' doesn't write them back. Thanks.... Edward McNeil -- Epidemiology Unit Faculty of Medicine Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai THAILAND (\_ _/) (='.'=) ('')_('') -- This
2008 Apr 21
Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using R
Hi everyone, I'm studying the manual name: Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using R and Epicalc, maked by: Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong and Edward McNeil. And I can't find the data base that they use in some examples, this are the names: Chapter7.Rdata,Chapter8.Rdata,Chapter9.Rdata Somebody can tell me how can I have this files? Thk! Jos? O__ ---- Jos? Bustos M. c/ /'_ ---
2019 Feb 21
Re: virsh confirmed edits do not persist
Thanks Ján! >What were the exact changes you were trying to make? I was following this guide: Specifically, I was updating the domain tag to include `xmlns:qemu=''` >both call virDomainDefineXMLFlags under the hood. That is good to know,
2011 Nov 16
Theil decomposition
I came across the package 'ineq' that computes a variety of inequality measures (e.g. gini, theil etc). I want to compute the Theil index (racial segregation) and decompose the total into sub-components (by geog levels). I think the package doesn't report the decomposition (correct me if I'm wrong). Just wonder is that available elsewhere? K.
2008 Jun 04
controller filters running twice in 1.1.4?
since upgrading to 1.1.4 (I had been running without issue on a git snapshot), I''m noticing that my filter actions initiated from application.rb seem to be running twice. I created a test rails project with the rspec scaffold and am also seeing the same behavior here too. Adding this code to application.rb: before_filter :foo def foo "foo" end and an example
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
can you recommend a good manual for R that starts with a data set and gives demonstrations on what can be done using R? I downloadedR Langauage definition and An introduction to R but haven't found them overly useful. I'd really like to be able to follow some tutorials using a dataset or many datasets. The datasets I have available on R are Data sets in package 'datasets':