similar to: Agile book - test error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Agile book - test error"

2006 Mar 04
unittest, not loading yml data
Here is my products.yml version_control_book: id: 1 title: Pragmatic Version Control description: How to use version control image_url: /images/sk_svn_small.jpg price: 29.95 date_available: 2005-01-26 00:00:00 automation_book: id: 2 title: Pragmatic Project Automation description: How to automate your project
2006 Apr 21
NoMethodError with test_read_with_hash
While running the product_test.rb test fixture in the Agile Web Development book (p. 148), but when I run ruby test/unit/product_test.rb, I get the following error: 1) Error: test_read_with_hash(ProductTest): NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.[]
2006 May 22
Agile Web Dev unit test fails with fixture instance variable
I''m following Agile Edition 1. On page 148 it suggests using instance variables named after the fixture, for example: assert_equal, When I introduce this type of instance variable into my test, I get the following error: 1) Error: test_not_owner(GroupTest): RuntimeError: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the
2006 May 19
new to rails; problem with testing section in Agile book
Hello, I should give the expected disclaimer that I am brand new to rails and am going through the Agile web development with Rails book right now. I am in the testing section and I can''t get past an error. this is my cart_test.rb test file: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class CartTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :products def setup
2006 May 05
Testing model: test becomes dependent on previous test
Im having trouble with Testing models. im following the tutorials in the book Agile Web Development with Rails. if i execute the code product_test.rb, i get this error: ============================================================ 1) Failure: test_update2(ProductTest) [test/unit/product_test.rb:30]: <29.95> expected but was <99.95>. 3 tests, 11 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
2006 Jun 24
@version_control_book not available while testing - AWD book 1 page 148
In the page 148 of the AWD book it''s mentioned that the while testing @products and @version_control_book are automatically made available. That''s not the case with me. In my test environment I don''t get those two variables. I was wondering if anything has changed in Rails 1.1 because in the new edition of the book (AWD - edition 2) there is no mention of such
2006 Jan 11
Test fixtures not loaded
I have a problem with test fixtures. The data from the fixtures is loaded into the db (MySQL) but the variables in the test cases are not present. The logfiles contain nothing looking like an error. Any hints what I could have done wrong? Or how to debug this situation? thanks Frank
2006 Jan 16
My first test - named fixture not autoloading instance variable
I''m trying to write a test like the one at the bottom of page 148 in Agile Rails. I''m using rails 1.0 I''ve created the fixture correctly I''m pretty sure because the test database table is being populated per the fixture. I have what I think is a simple unit test: ========= require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class CaseTest
2006 Apr 16
Problem running unit tests
I am running Rails 1.1.2 with Ruby 1.82-15. My database is Postgresql. I haven''t had any problems generating models, migrations, using scaffolds, and generally building and using my application, but I haven''t been able to get testing to work. I initially just ignored the problem and kept developing, but would like to add proper testing from here on out. Currently when I type
2006 Jul 14
migration and inserting default data
Hi, I''m wondering is there a way to load default data in the migration script? So, for example I''m creating new table to store the order status, I also want to pre-populate the table with some data from a sql file. I have done a quick search on the list but cannot find anything. thanks, - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 23
Yet another problem with NoMethodError in Store#display_cart
Hi everybody, I''ve search a lot on google to help me with this one without success. I know that some people had the same problem as I have, but there solutions doesn''t seems to work for me. I''m trying to do the depot example in the AWDwR book. But now I''m stock with a problem that I can''t solve. I get this error: <--- begin error here --->
2006 Jan 10
using dynamic element ids with visual_effect
Mike and I demo an Ajaxified version of the Depot application in the Rails Studio. Part of the demo is a cart in the sidebar which updates when you add a product to it. As well as updating the div, it also highlights the most recently added link item. Right now, we do it with: <script language="JavaScript"> function flash_cart(request) { var id =
2006 Mar 09
Strange Unit Testing error - newbie question
I''m fairly new to Rails, and I''ve been learning from AGILE WEB DEVELOPMENT WITH RAILS. Everything has been going smoothly until the chapter on Unit Testing, where I''m getting some strange errors. I''m up to page 141 in the Agile book, and attempting to run the test program containing the method test_read_with_hash. The previous tests work properly, but I
2006 Aug 02
Same error ... again.
I reached page 82 of the Book "Agile Development with Rails" First Edition. After I compiled the code I got the following error message. [CODE] NoMethodError in Store#display_cart Showing app/views/store/display_cart.rhtml where line #11 raised: undefined method `product'' for 1099.0:Float 8: <table> 9: <% 10: for item in @items 11: product = item.product 12:
2006 Jul 27
Agile Web Development Problem
I am following that book, and I bump into this error in the Cart Creation Chapter. Can anyone help me? NoMethodError in Store#display_cart Showing app/views/store/display_cart.rhtml where line #6 raised: undefined method `product'' for 666.0:Float -- Posted via
2005 Sep 02
Error has me stumped (Agile Web Dev with Rails book)
Hello everyone, I''m a complete Rails newbie who is currently working my way through the Agile Web Dev with Rails book. I''ve reached the chapter on creating the shopping cart (chapter 8). I keep having a problem with the same error which I can''t get past, however what''s more confusing is that it''s being generated even when I swap all my app code out
2006 Jun 08
accessing fixtures in tests
hi all, my first attempt at tests and i''m having trouble accessing the fixture values, if anyone can make it suggestions. i have news_release_test.rb, using new_releases.yml as the fixture file according to the agile book, i should be able to access the fixture properties within my test as such: assert_equal , unfortunately, i try that and get:
2006 Mar 05
"Undefined method" problem in "Agile Web Development With Rails"
Hi, I''m reading the "Agile Web Development With Rails" book. So long, everything has worked fine, but now I got this annoying error message that I just can''t understand. The error appears for me around page 87, chapter 8. NoMethodError in Store#display_cart Showing app/views/store/display_cart.rhtml where line #28 raised: undefined method `product''
2007 Aug 30
Rails - depot application
I''m doing the depot example in the Agle Web development book. I''m getting this error: "undefined method `product'' for #<BigDecimal:331ce70,''0.21E1'',8(8)> " "Extracted source (around line #9): 8: for item in @items 9: product = item.product 10: -%> 11: <tr> 12: <td><%= item.product%></td>"
2006 Oct 13
If I stub do I have to mock as well?
Hi, I''m new to mocha and stubba but eager to learn. I have a rails functional test in which I would like to stub an instance method of particular class to always return true. I tried the following: def test_post_checkout Order.any_instance.stubs(:successful?).returns(true) post :checkout assert_response :redirect assert_equal "Checkout was successful.",