similar to: OO model style: inheritance

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "OO model style: inheritance"

2006 May 11
modelling data to specify user access
Hello, this is my second Rails app, and the first one I did had simple data mapping. This time I am building a site for a photographer, and they want to upload photos, and create galleries that only certain clients can log in and have access to. There will be multiple galleries, and the access to them will vary depending on how the admin assigns it to each client. There is also a porftolio
2006 Jun 08
update only the join table in a HABTM - how?
I have a photographers app that requires giving access to galleries for users. in one part, I want to be able to define gallery access for a user seperate from updating any of the user info. I have this function: def edit_access @user = User.find(params[:id]) @user.galleries = Gallery.find(params[:gallery_ids]) if params[:gallery_ids] if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
2005 Aug 18
Scaffolding, DRY and RHTML
Hello all, I''m working on a couple of Rails projects at the moment and have noticed something that seems to go against the DRY principal. Why, when scaffolding, are individual CRUD rhtml files created instead of using one as a partial and having the others use that single partial? This especially applies to the list rhtml. I am about to get to the other operations and see how feasible
2005 Jul 07
NameError Exception
Ruby/Rails n00b here so go easy on me... I''ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what is wrong here. I''ve checked all my models for the appropriate belongs_to, has_many, etc. I''ve checked to make sure I''m using singular and plurals in the right spot. I''ve checked my syntax around all my "within"''s and nothing seems to fix
2010 Jun 07
X509 based certificate authentication in OpenSSH
Hello, I would like to know whether OpenSSH supports x509 certificate based authentication. It looks like OpenSSH has dependency on OpenSSL so does this mean that OpeSSH also supports x509 certificate based authentication. If it does support, can you please point me to the necessary documentation. Thanks Naitik
2006 Mar 30
ActiveRecord 1.13.2 -> 1.14.0 breaks Postgres connectivity
To Whom It May Concern: I have an ActiveRecord-based application (non-Rails). Life was grand until I upgraded ActiveRecord yesterday, after which point I was getting TONNES of these errors from my app and in PostgreSQL''s logs: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command According to Google searching, this happens when an external process sends PostgreSQL SIGINT or
2006 Apr 26
accessing created_on causes type error
I assume that this is some newbie stupidity, but I haven''t found my way around this problem. I have an ActiveRecord object fetched from the database, and I need to evaluate the contents of the updated_on field. However, *any* attempt to access that data in the program results in a TypeError with the message ''no implicit conversion from nil to integer''. cust =
2006 Apr 16
conditional updated_on update
Hi list, I''ve got some counter_caches in a model. When these get incremented - say on a page view - my updated_on column also gets updated. How can I conditionally not update updated_on if just these counter_cache columns change? The problem with that is that I am using acts_as_versioned which clones the record each time updated_on changes. I am successfully ignoring the counter_cache
2006 May 29
override automatic update of updated_on column
i know that title sounds confusing, but here is the deal: the two columns that we are concerned with for this question are the "updated_on" column and the "views" column. the views column increases everytime a user visits a certain page. like this: @object.update_attributes(:views => @object.views + 1) the problem is that when a user visits the page, it AUTOMATICALLY
2006 May 31
detecting changed data
I am working on an application where there are many different screens to access the data in a particular record/row. I have links to each data entry screen at the top. Is there a way to detect whether the current hash has been changed from the stored record so I can prompt the user if they attempt to change screens without having saved their changes to the data? Craig
2006 Mar 15
Self-referential join model does not work
I have been trying to model a labeled graph using ActiveRecord (trunk version). Basically, I have a ''Node'' model which represents a node linking to other nodes. Links (aka edges) are labeled (i.e., have a ''label'' attribute and other behavior). Thus I decided to model edges as an ''Edge'' model and use a ''has_many :trough''
2006 Apr 25
Newbie - Grouping of items...
I''m trying to build a dashboard type page (similar in function to basecamp''s) where I can show the last 5 updated items from my 3 differing models, then grouped together by project. Solution ideas: (1) Is it best to create a log model where everytime I add or update another model (like messages, comments, lists etc) an enrty gets added to the log along with the project. I
2005 Dec 22
help with unless
Hi, I need a fresh set of eyes to look at this bit of controller code and tell me why I might be getting an error message: lookup = Profit.find(:all, :conditions => [ "user_id = ? AND product_id = ?", uid, pid]) unless lookup.empty? if (lookup.updated_on > 360.minutes.ago) return end end If lookup is empty, then I
2006 Apr 14
Newbie stuff (.new method)
Hi- Ruby 1.8.2 Rails 1.1 so I''m trying to build my first rails app and I''m trying to understand how the helper methods work. For instance .new & .save . For instance, I''ve created a table of Objects, and generated a scaffold. I see that in the controller, there are calls to and I''m assuming that these are methods inherited
2006 Mar 07
PLEASE HELP ,a2billing problem with call duration
Regards! During the use of areski a2billing software I'm getting same problem all the time. Actually, after 15 minutes of speaking to someone over calling card, connection brakes. Installation was as smooth as it could be so I don't think I made same kind of a mess in that domain. This is the only problem in the aplication. In the logs everything seems to be fine. I'am sending You
2005 Dec 19
created_on, created_at defaulting to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Hello all, Rails 1.0.0 created_on is being set to 2000/01/01 00:00:00 Any ideas on this ? Thanks! Schema is create table user_login_history ( id int identity(1,1) not null, user_id int not null, created_on datetime default(getdate()) not null, created_at datetime default(getdate()) not null, updated_on datetime default(getdate()) not null, constraint pk_user_login_history primary key clustered
2020 Aug 05
[PATCH v3 35/38] virtio_mem: convert to LE accessors
Virtio mem is modern-only. Use LE accessors for config space. Signed-off-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <mst at> --- drivers/virtio/virtio_mem.c | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/virtio/virtio_mem.c b/drivers/virtio/virtio_mem.c index f26f5f64ae82..c08512fcea90 100644 --- a/drivers/virtio/virtio_mem.c +++
2005 Mar 03
bug in postgresql ''now'' time handling??
line 212 of postgresql_adapter.rb is return if value =~ /^\(''now''::text\)::(date|timestamp)/ i don''t think this will work. in postgresql the field ''now'' is pinned to the SAME TIME for the duration of a transaction. eg. if you do begin transaction; insert into t values(42, ''now''); # sleep one minute
2006 Jun 20
find ''newest'' of a model
I have a model which has the created_on and updated_on fields. I would like to find the newest instances of my model from the database(for instance, last 10), but as I''m only 6 weeks into my Rails development, I''m not entirely sure how to do it. Any suggestions? Thanks, David
2007 Aug 14
find_by_sql vs connection.select_all
I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following: SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in Rails: Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups") The query that is written to the log is: