similar to: has_many and belongs_to relationship error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "has_many and belongs_to relationship error"

2007 Nov 17
Syntax Problem
I admit I am stuck. I am converting a legacy php site to ROR. The old site uses MD5, a security flaw waiting to happen. I upgraded to AAA and am adding code in the session_controller.rb file to see if crypted_password is blank. If it is, crypt and check the password against the old md5 version and write it in the new crypted_password field. Here is my code add on before the logged_in?: def
2008 Apr 15
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in BlogController#index
Hello. I''m trying to do the video tutorial "how to build a blog engine in 15 minutes with ruby on rails" from the main rubyonrails website, and I''m getting an error when I try to use scaffold :post after editing my config file for the mysql database. Here is the exact error I''m getting: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in BlogController#index
2006 Jul 11
Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz
Hello everyone, I was trying to set up access control in a new application Im working on, I''m trying to use the excellent authorization plugin from Bill Katz, Its pretty straight forward to setup and should be to use. But when i try to give the same permission on two differents users on the same object i get an error. (Well , Im kinda new to all this rails stuff) r = Red.find(1) u1 =
2008 Jan 30
undefined method `scaffold'
Hello, I have been busy for a while and now I am back to messing with rails. Last time I tried to use scaffold i worked now I am getting this error. Not really sure since I am using version 1.2.5 still NoMethodError in BlogController#index undefined method `scaffold'' for #<BlogController:0x506eb7c> Session dump flash: !map:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash {} Thanks for any
2010 Aug 18
Once I added this HABTM, one of my 'through' relationships, on a non-habtm model, seems to have broke?
I''m a rails newb and have been Googling about this, but I''m still stumped. Not showing everything here, but basically it should be a pretty common setup so I''m sure others know what I''m doing wrong. - A meter can belong to many meter_groups - A meter_group can have many meters. - A user can ''subscribe'' to viewing a meter_group (Subscription)
2006 May 08
how to make field in model immutable after create
Hello everyone! I want to have login field in User model which is set only once (on create), and then it should fail validation if the value is changed. How can I do this? I dig around for validation and tried def after_validation_on_update unless User.find_by_login(:login) errors.add(:login, "is immutable. You can''t change it") end end in model, but somewhat it
2007 Aug 27
Can FILTERS AND VERIFICATION functions take arguments?
Hi, I have some problems in using filter. My filter functions need to have arguments, but filter functions take only symbol that refer to function name. Consider the following code: class BlogController < ApplicationController before_filter :authorize For instance, authorize need arguments. So how can I pass arguments to filter function? Any helps always appreciate.
2006 Jan 29
GetText and rjs templates?
hi, is it possible that gettext don''t work with rjs templates? i''ve just tried this simple example blog_controller.rb : class BlogController < ApplicationController def index end def dosomething end end index.rhtml : <html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> </head> <body> <div id="test">Some text to change
2006 Apr 24
Controller can''t find helper?????!!!!!????
I have a controller named xyzController under app/controllers I have a helper class named xyzHelper under app/helpers. Shouldn''t I be able to call methods from xyzHelper inside of xyzController without any problems? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2006 Apr 04
Calling a method in another controller
Hi, I have three controllers. I have defined two controllers to goven the site functions. However I want to have a homepage Controller. Part of the controller will call methods from other controllers. For example it will get the last 5 blog posts and it will get the top 5 most discussed articles, and display it on the homepage. I will also have some specific homepage modules being
2007 Jul 03
problems with acts_as_ferret
Hi, I have i am trying to add a search feature to a ruby on rails blog, so ive decided to use ferret. So far i have had quite a few problems with it, from following a few tutorials i didnt really understand... i am at the point where i can make a search and it returns the score of the result. I want it to also show the title of the post and i think i have implemented it correctly but it
2006 Jul 31
can someone explain RoR MVC from a C++ or Java perspective?
is a model similiar to a class? and active record is similiar to how Java classes inherit from Object? View is nothing more than an output of a model with HTML? Controller is basically the Main part of the program? -- Posted via
2006 May 22
good practice or waste of time?
I have what I hope is a simple question regarding a security practice I''ve been using in my first Rails app. I want to know if it''s worthwhile or if the extra typing isn''t worth it. I have 3 models that are related to each other. class User < AR:Base has_one :library end class Library < AR:Base belongs_to :user has_many :items end class Item < AR:Base
2006 Feb 09
troubleshooting an observe_field
Hi, I''ve got a live_search field in a partial that is on several different pages. On all pages, except 1, it works fine. On the page it doesn''t work on, it seems it never executes it action. Here''s my observe_field code inside the partial: <h1><label for="searchtext">Live Search:</label></h1> <%= text_field_tag :searchtext
2006 Aug 18
Fragment Caching
Hello. I wouldn''t mind getting some feedback about the use of fragment caching. I''ve got a series of relatively expensive database queries with their respective partials cached and everything is working fine. The problem is that do get this to work I''ve had to move the database queries from the controller into the view layer so as to avoid them being called if the
2007 Aug 19
fastcgi issue on production
I just deployed my rails app to my production server. It''s all working locally, but when I switched it over to the production server (at dreamhost) I get this error: # Logfile created on Sun Aug 19 15:22:48 -0700 2007 by logger.rb/ [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] starting [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] Dispatcher failed to catch: You have a nil object when you didn''t
2006 Jul 02
Pretty URLs -> Routes
Hi I am having issues with getting my pretty urls to work. routes.rb: map.connect '':user'' , :controller => ''front'' , :action => ''list'' , :filter => ''user'' front_controller.rb: def list @advert_pages, @adverts = paginate :adverts, :per_page => 10 @user =
2006 Jan 31
has_one without inverse belongs_to
I have two models called entity and user. The entities table has a column called users_id that contains the user id of the user that created the entity. In entity I have... has_one :user ... as I want to be able to show the user who created the entity from the entity object. But this produces the following error... Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''users.entity_id'' in
2015 Sep 11
rsync question
On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 22:50:47 -0400 Robert Moskowitz wrote: > > That will use the default port on the remote host, you can override > > that without specifying the -e if required using -p <port>. > > > $ rsync -ah --stats --delete -p 613 root at > /home/rgm/data/htt/httnet/homebase/new/dhcp > Unexpected remote arg: root at
2010 Oct 27
Star Sonata: Great start, then crash when accepting missions
this is my first post and im not a tech wiz so if you need more info just ask (and tell me how to get it)... I installed a new game called Star Sonata... and yes i had the little bug that made it so i couldn't make a keyboard input... i fixed that with Winetricks dinput8.dll... and for a few hours the game ran perfectly... then at a random point it crashed... and i thought it was for no