similar to: Wiki link down that points to SaltedHashLoginGenerator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Wiki link down that points to SaltedHashLoginGenerator"

2006 Jan 04
[Wiki] Down - SaltedHashLoginGenerator
Does anyone know where to go to download/read docs for SaltedHashLoginGenerator. The URL: generates the following: Application error (Rails) Thanks, Dave -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D''Andrew "Dave" Thompson
2006 Aug 17
SaltedHashLoginGenerator no such file to load -- iconv
Hi, I''m trying to use the SaltedHashLoginGenerator as documented on Ruby version: ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-openbsd3.9] I''ve the following commands: gem install salted_login_generator gem install localization_generator rails myapp cd myapp ruby script/generate salted_login User Localization All ran
2006 Feb 07
Using select with saltedhashlogingenerator
hi, i just got started with rails and am trying to work with the (deep breath) saltedhashlogingenerator gem in my app. more specifically, i am trying to generate a select box in my _edit partial, via: <%= form_input select(:id, :name, @customers) %> (i used Customer instead of User when installing the gem into my rails app) this would appear to be the correct syntax, based on the
2006 Apr 14
SaltedHashLoginGenerator Integration Woes
I''m trying to modify the SaltedHashLoginGenerator to where it separates the users table into two tables: a users table which contains login info: token, salt, etc) and userprofiles table (which contains firstname, lastname, authlevel, etc) I''m trying to use the existent helper for user under app/helpers/user_helper.rb and copied to app/helpers/userprofiles_helper.rb and
2006 Apr 03
SaltedHashLoginGenerator Verification Trouble
Hello all, Any help with this one is MUCH appreciated. I am running Ruby 1.84 and Rails 1.1.0 on Win32 with a local SMTP server. I can successfully send a signup confirmation email with a confirmation link, but when I click on the link, it says that I am logged in, but it never verifies the account. This is the link provided by the system:
2006 Aug 07
Monthly billing and payment processor recommendations?
Hi, I''m setting up a site that will bill on a monthly basis. I would rather not have to worry about storing customer credit card information. Does anyone have recommendations on payment processors that offer monthly billing services? I don''t want to go the paypal route as I want the user to stay on the site. I''m hoping to find an API to integrate with. I have
2006 Mar 08
best practices for handling uploaded images and capistrano
Quick question: I am going to use the file_column plugin to manage uploading thumbnails. By default the images are stored in the public/ dir of the rails project. The problem I see is that when capistrano redeploys a new build and symlinks it in none of the images will be in the new public/ dir... Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks, Zack -------------- next part -------------- An
2007 Jan 23
SslRequirements plugin and mocha
Hi. I''m loving mocha but have ran into a problem with using the mocha plugin with a project that has the SslRequirement plugin. It seems there is some conflict between the two? Any ideas? $ ruby test/functional/calendar_controller_test.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:478:in `const_missing'': uninitialized constant
2006 May 02
How to extend rails rake tasks?
Does anyone know how to extend the buit-in rake tasks like test:unit. I want to custom load some fixtures in a particular order. Thanks, Zack
2006 Aug 24
[slightly offtopic] A small, fast Apache2.2 (if there is such a thing)
Hi. I''m using Apache2.2 built from source + mod-proxy + ssl + svn. Everything works fine but I''m sure you I could disable a ton of modules during the build process and in httpd.conf to speed things up and run a tighter memory footprint. Has anyone bothered building Apache2.2 from source disabling all the unneeded modules. I am planning on going through the Apache docs but I
2006 Jun 28
simply_restful plugin tests failing???
Has anyone successfully ran the simply_restful tests? Here is how I''m running the tests and the first error. I''m I missing something here? >rails test >cd test >rake rails:freeze:edge >./script/plugin install simply_restful >ruby vendor/plugins/simply_restful/test/routing_test.rb Loaded suite vendor/plugins/simply_restful/test/routing_test Started FFFFF
2007 Jan 16
Subdomain Account Keys Best Practice
Hi all, I''m thinking of useing sub-domains as account keys, something I''ve played with previously. I have accounts and users, fairly standard, except that users can belong to many accounts, and accounts can have many users. So I figure I need to have an area on the main domain, that allows users to view their account memberships and things. Sort of like a dashboard for each
2006 Aug 07
RJS Change Background Color
What''s the page.method to change the background color of a DOM element? I''m trying to change the background color of a couple of styled <li>''s when an Ajax link is clicked. Thanks, David -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jan 05
has_one :dependent => true question
Hello, I have two classes that are self explanatory and are listed below. class User < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :account end class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :account_owner, { :dependent => true, :class_name => "User", :conditions => "is_account_owner = 1" } has_many :users end In the signup controller when an account is created one user
2006 Mar 16
TimeZone, TZInfo, daylight savings, and composed_of
Does anyone know the best way to track time zone information. There doesn''t seem to be much documentation on this. So far it seems like a simple db field like create table accounts ( id int unsigned not null auto_increment, name varchar(50) not null, time_zone varchar(50) not null, ... primary key (id) ) and a class like class Account < AR ...
2006 Nov 17
set empty values as null in the database
Le''s say that I have a table called people and the column middle_name is nullable. If the user enters say blank or empty space then in the database it is recorded as empty space. I would like in all my models all empty spaces to be recorded as null. I guess I can write a plugin which will do so for all the models but I''m sure something like that should already be existing.I
2006 Feb 14
Inline list editing with RJS: best practices
I wanted to get the community opinion on the best way to use partials and inline list (<li>) editing. I have a very common scenario where a list is rendered: --- index.rhtml --- <ul> <%= render :partial => ''item'', @collection => @items %> </ul> --- _item.rhtml (simplified) --- <li id="item_<%= %>"> <div
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2006 Aug 10
Login Restfully
In DHH''s keynote, he alluded to doing logins with REST. Has anyone implemented this, and if so, would you mind elaborating on how you did it please? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2007 Feb 07
Image Downloads in IE
Hi, This may not be a rails issue, if not apologies. I have an application which allows image downloads. The image is downloaded with the code: send_data(@wallpaper.image, :filename => @wallpaper.path, :type => @wallpaper.image_content_type, :disposition => "downloaded") However, Internet Explorer doesn''t download the image, it