similar to: Is there a list of html_options for the FormOptionsHelper?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Is there a list of html_options for the FormOptionsHelper?"

2006 Jun 06
Default value plugin
I''m releasing a very small plugin that allows you to specify default values for fields in models. Ordinarily, you might do this in your schema, I guess, but then it''s awkward if you need that on a serialized field or need your default values calculated somehow. So you can do something like this: (repeated from an earlier post and the README) class Mixture <
2006 Jun 01
html_options and select()
I am trying to add html_options to select(): <%=select(:user, :id,[[''me'',1],[''myself'',2],[''and I'',3]], :select => {},:html_options => {"size" => 5, "multiple" => true})%> This does not work... How do I get the html_options to work? ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper -- Posted via
2010 Oct 06
List of html_options available
I''ve noticed lots of people online complain about not good documentation for Rails. I''m a PHP programmer but I''m a newbie on Rails. I''m creating a form with a drop-down menu. I finally got to do it. I noticed there is a html_options parameter for select. I was curious as to what other html_options are available but couldn''t find a list of options. I
2008 May 30
Parameters for FormOptionsHelper select vs. FormTagHelper select_tag
I must be missing something when it comes to the parameter differences between form FormOptionsHelper select and FormTagHelper select_tag. Code that follows, works perfectly - <%= :unit, units_to_select(@product), :size=>"20"%> The following code, does not. The helper function never even seems to be called. <%= select_tag "unit",
2006 Dec 19
Calling FormOptionsHelper select method in controller
All, I know that it is _wrong_ for me to do it, but I would like to know what is the easiest way for me to call the select() method in ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper from within a controller? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2007 Dec 09
Help on drying code
Hi all, Currently I''m having to do this: def self.authorized_roles(controller, action) specific = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, action) all_actions = self.find_by_controller_and_action(controller, ''*'') all_controllers = self.find_by_controller(''*'') role_ids = [] specific.each do |role_item| role_ids <<
2006 Apr 15
view code regular expression
I''m lost on regular expressions to begin with... I''m trying to fix a value to one of 4 radio buttons as there will be value of either 1,2,3 or 4 in @roles_users... <TD><input type="radio" id="roles" name="case_managers[case_manager_name]" value="Case Manager Admin" <% if =~ @roles_users /1/ checked =
2006 May 03
default values
Hello, I''m working with a postgresql table CREATE TABLE elements ( id serial primary key, c1 text default f1(), ... cN text default fN() ); But if I use de lines @element = the values that element take are the nextval in the id field and nules in all the other fields. How can I get the defaults? (but without rewriting the
2005 May 17
Noob - ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper::select
Hi, I''m just starting with Rails and i''m trying to do something like this: <%= start_form_tag :action => ''add_user'', :id => @social_event_group %> <%= select ''user'', ''id'' , User.find_all.collect {|u| [ u.login, ] }%></p> <%= submit_tag "Add User" %> <%= end_form_tag %>
2005 Nov 15
FormOptionsHelper select call failing
In Rails 0.14.3, I''m doing the following in a view: <%= select ''folder'', ''format'', [''a'', ''b'', ''c''] %> This line in is failing with: ActionView::TemplateError (too few arguments.) Am I calling select incorrectly? (Yes, the @folder object does exist, and does have an attribute
2006 Apr 10
Single Table Mapping
This is pretty simple, but I must be missing the obvious. I''ve got a table that''s similar to this: USERS: - id int - username varchar(64) - password varchar(64) - role_id int ROLES: - id int - description varchar(16) I''ve had no troubles doing has_many relationships at all. But I want to map the user.role directly to the role model automatically (which sounds
2006 Oct 14
Documentation for html_options = {}
Hi, trying to locate documentation for html_options = {} as allowed in RJS calls such as link_to_remote. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2005 Nov 16
HABTM: deleting records based on attributes
Hello All, I am new to ROR, and can''t seem to get HABTM to cooperate entirely... however I might be abusing it! Before I try a different strategy I thought I''d ask here and see if I''m missing something simple. So say Projects and Companies are related. Projects can have multiple Companies, and Companies can be on multiple Projects. But, the same Company can also
2005 Aug 15
html_options for select_date
As far as I can tell, it''s not possible to use html_options in conjunction with the select_* helpers. This means using them in conjunction with observe_field etc is pretty much impossible. Does anyone have a patch to add this functionality, or know of a workaround? I''m having a look at the moment, but not sure how to get it working without breaking existing stuff. --
2005 Mar 24
Using html_options with link_to_remote??
Why doesn''t this output class="delete" into my html? <%= link_to_remote image_tag("delete"), :update => "relationship_" +, :url => { :controller => "relationships", :action => "destroy", :id => }, :html_options => {:class => "delete"} %> Regards, Ben
2008 Apr 03
Change the value stored in inheritance_column
I have been struggling for quite sometime with this. Is there any way to configure the Model to store user defined value in the inheritance_column instead of the default value (which is class_name) The problem I have is like this: I have a User model and there are different models which inherit from this like Admin, Premium, Professional, etc. Each of these inherited models are identified by a
2006 Jul 04
select(object, method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {})
Hi, I''m using: select(object, method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {}) I''ve read the API where there''s this example: select("post", "person_id", Person.find_all.collect {|p| [, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) should give this code: <select name="post[person_id]"> <option></option>
2006 Aug 30
Add html_options to datetime_select?
Why can''t do so something like: :onfocus => "alert(''hey'');" For a datetime_select. I tried doing: :html => {:onfocus => "alert(''hey'')"} and :html_options => {:onfocus => "alert(''hey'')"} any ideas? Thanks. -- Posted via
2005 Feb 13
Select Enumerated Values with FormOptionsHelper
Hey, I''m new, so apologies if I''ve overlooked obvious resources or violated any etiquette rules for this list. Since rails does not support the MySQL enum data type, I''m following David''s advice of using a varchar and storing the valid values in the application: So here''s my
2010 Jan 19
best way to set default for an optional local in a partial?
What''s the best way to set the default value of an optional local variable in a partial template? In the past I''ve used <% foo = default_value unless (defined? foo) %> But says *not* to use (defined? foo) and instead use (local_assigns.has_key? :foo) thus <% foo = default_value unless (local_assigns.has_key?