similar to: [Bug?] in tests, @foo.bars_count <> @foo.bars.count

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[Bug?] in tests, @foo.bars_count <> @foo.bars.count"

2006 Mar 29
EdgeRails: "undefined method `weight'' for #<Hash:
Hi all, I was playing with the sample project found on the Wiki at , and everything was working fine, ... till I moved to EdgeRails : undefined method `weight'' for #<Hash:0x22c7150> (full error thread below) Any idea? Alain
2005 Dec 16
How to pass a collection to paginate?
There must be a better way to write this code: @project_pages, @projects= paginate :project, :per_page => 10, :conditions => ["account_id = ?", account] ?! If only I could pass the sub-collection account = ... @projects = account.project to paginate, instead of letting it extract it with a find :all + sql conditions Alain. -- Posted via
2005 Dec 21
Are there any disadvantages to using locomotive
Hi: I had some issues and so switched to locomotive. I find it awesome. 1 click and its done. My question - what disadvantages are there, if any? What do I lose by using such a convenient solution. speculation as well as facts are welcome but please define which you are putting forwards. Thanks in advance, bruce
2005 Dec 15
passing parameters to link_to OR better way to do this?
Hi All: I''m writing my 1st Rails app and I can''t seem to find the answer on the web or in the book. I''m making a table, and I want to be able to expand a filename. The code is basically as as follows below. In the last <td> entry, I want to call an action and pass in the test_results_path, which I will go and read a file and munge the data for a separate
2005 Dec 16
Parent Child together in input form
Hi all, I understand how rails is supposed to work when dealing with one entity input form. However, when I have a relation between two objects (composition): Customer(1) --------> (1)Address How can you create a inputform where both the properties of a Customer and Address can be filled in? Regards, Harm de Laat _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list
2006 Feb 14
Adding payment to an app: how hard and risky is it?
Hi all. I have never implemented online payment and it''s the only thing that keeps me from accepting a project for a UK based client. (I must reply quickly!) While I can afford spending an extra week - or 2 - to learn/try/tune the payment system, I must be sure to succeed before I accept the contract. If you''ve already been through that path, any hints, links and/or
2005 Dec 16
managing belongs_to fields in a form
Hi all, I cannot find a clean way to create/edit an object that ''belongs_to'' another one, just by using form fields. I always need to explicitely unassemble it, store the master id in a hidden field, and then refetch the master from its id, and put it back in the object. To summarize: I want to create a new member, for a given project @project= ... @member =
2006 May 17
Using NTLM for S.S.O. in Rails
Greetings all, To all the good souls that happen to know NTLM and Rails.... Short version: -------------- - I''m looking for server code to extract credentials through NTLM dialog with the client (IE) - I found nothing usable/useful (as they both implement the client side code) in - rubyntlm on rubyforge - lib ntlm-ruby by Jonathan Bastien-Filiatrau LONG version:
2007 May 16
bilingual site: exclude fields set from query
Hi all, Is there a way to have searches no use some indexed fields, when processing a query? context: I have a model Foo that holds some information in two languages : - text1_nl, text2_nl, text3_nl and - text1_en, text2_en, text3_en Some other fields are common to both languages and indexed as well - first_name, last_name Depending on the visitor language choice I need to exclude the
2007 May 19
button_to_function with image?
Hi: does button_to_function allow the use of an image? I tried it in place of the text with "image_tag" and it doesn''t work. Maybe some form of button_to? Any direction you can give would be great! Mike -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Jan 24
dojo and prototype compatibility?
are there any compatible issues that exist when trying to use both prototype and dojo at the same time? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this
2005 Dec 15
rake migrate ignores '':null => false'' on mysql
I wanted to add a login string column to an existing table => I created a migration : ... def self.up add_column "members", "login" , :string, :null => false end ... remark: it shouldn''t work, as the table is not empty (=> ''login'' would be null in the existing rows.) problem: rake migrate didn''t complain
2006 Mar 22
Project management
Hello for all, Anyone using any software for management your projects? Thank''s -- Posted via
2006 May 25
150 Rails Plugins
The Rails Plugin Directory now has over 150 plugins and RDoc support too: -- Benjamin Curtis -- Collaborative test case management -- Resources for the Rails community
2006 Feb 11
acts_as_taggable : plugin vs gem
Googling for acts_as_taggable is a little confusing: gem, plugin?! What are the differences? Which one to choose? Where is the best doc? Alain
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2006 Feb 12
Invoke render multiple times
I need to invoke render() multiple times. This is not to render a response to the browser but to get the result of render() and put it in files. Is there another way to do it if it''s not possible to do it directly with render()? Btw, what''s the reasoning behind only allowing render() to be called once a request? /Marcus
2006 Feb 20
OT: screencast Editor for MacOs X?
Hi all, On MacOS, we have SnapZ Pro to RECORD screencasts. Is there a comfortable - *1 - screencast Editor, like CamTasia on Windows? At the very minimum I want to cut parts of the movies, insert "slides" and superpose drawings (frames, arrows, ..) or text? Alain *1 : not FinalCut, obviously. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 28
How to use Ruby on Rails on OS X
Direct from the horse''s mouth. :-) Found via: -- -- Tom Mornini
2005 Dec 20
printing/logging during tests
Hi all, I''m trying to output some info to see what''s happening in a controller during functional tests. Problem: ''print'' only works in the test code, but not in the production code that''s being called by the tests. Example: In FooControllerTest: def test_list print "1: starting" <<----- WORKS FINE get