similar to: Default routes for unknown actions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Default routes for unknown actions"

2006 Feb 08
NameError (uninitialized constant UnknownAction)
Hi, I''m having a strange problem that only seems to be happening on our production server. I never get this error locally but get it quite often on the server. The other odd thing is it doesn''t seem to be resulting in any error pages on the site. Everything looks fine... I wanted to add a rescue_action_in_public to email me when there are errors. So I followed the
2006 Feb 07
AWDWR: NameError (uninitialized constant UnknownAction) in rescue_action_in_public
I copied (and modified) this code from AWDWR: def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownAction render :template=>''/error'', :layout=>''application'', :status=>''404 Not Found'' else render :template=>''/error'',
2006 Mar 07
Handling Erros from AWDWR
I''m getting to the point now where I really need to start trapping the errors. So from my AWDWR book, I added the following directly from the book into application.rb... def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownAction render(:file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html",
2006 Feb 16
rescue_action_in_public question
I''m using the rescue_action_in_public example from the Agile book to handle errors and email serious ones to me. In my application.rb controller: def rescue_action_in_public(exception) logger.error("rescue_action_in_public executed") case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownAction
2006 Jun 07
Getting values
What if I have this URL on my browser''s address bar? How can I put the "3" as a value inside the controller. Thanks, Jeremy -- Posted via
2007 Sep 08
Unknown Action doesn't raise exception ?
As I am in development environment, I wrote in my config/environment.rb ActionController::Base.consider_all_requests_local = false in my application.rb, I wrote def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when RoutingError, UnknownAction render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status => 404 else logger.error
2007 Jan 20
Missing action error not being caught
I keep getting a blank page containing only the following: "There was a controller specfic error processing your request." Though I have the following in my application.rb def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when UnknownAction, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound then render :controller => "application", :action =>
2006 Apr 28
Sharing RJS Templates
Hello All, I''m enjoying the simplicity and power of RJS templates in Rails 1.1, but am perplexed about sharing them. I have several templates that I would like to access in various controllers, but if I moved them to views/shared/whatever.rjs, my app can''t seem to find them. I changed the name to _whatever.rjs and referenced them as "shared/whatever", but no luck.
2006 Jun 30
Taking Control of Un-handled Exceptions
Greetings, I''m trying to catch all un-handled exceptions. I''m having problems handling the RoutingError and UnknownAction exceptions. I''ve added the following to my application controller as a protected method: def rescue_action(exception) render(:text => "error") end As far as I understand, this should catch all uncaught exceptions and override
2006 Jan 16
routing to controller inside module
Hey, am i to stupid to find the information about how to route to a controller in a module? Maybe module support has gone! The controller is under: app/controllers/admin/my_controller.rb The my_controller.rb file looks like this: module Admin class MyController def index render :text => ''Hello!'' end end end How does a route to all controllers under module
2006 May 11
skipping filters
I have a simple login scheme in application.rb. Something like :requires_login is called in any controller as a before_filter. All is good, except I''m having trouble figuring out how to make the public login actions skip this before filter. Here''s what I have: application.rb skip_before_filter :requires_login, :only => [:login, :logout, :confirm_valid_login]
2007 Nov 16
Route Information
Is there a method to return a hash of the route configuration based on a path? For example: magic_method(''/my_controller/my_action/my_id'') => {:controller => ''my_controller'', :action => ''my_action'', :id => ''my_id''} Thanks! Tom --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2006 Apr 21
Simple Controller/Routes Question
This is probably a very basic question, but what is the proper controller & routing setup if I''m setting up a RoR site with static pages, like: I want each of these pages to use a single template file that I can push content to. It seems like overkill to create individual controllers for about,
2007 Apr 01
"-" instead of "_" in routes?
Hi all I''d like to have minus signs "-" instead of underscores "_" in my routes. Is there an easy to do that? my_controller/show_something/123 # <= not cool my-controller/show-something/123 # <= much cooler Thanks a lot Josh -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you
2006 May 09
Reusing a model to form and link_to.
Hy guys, Inside my app I have a form which contains user information. Sometimes a have a form with a text_field as above: <%= form_remote_tag(:html => { :action => url_for(:controller => "my_controller", :action => "my_action") }) %> <%= text_field(''my_object'', ''my_parameter'', :maxlength =>
2006 Sep 06
31K failed stat64's when viewing a simple (no db) rhtml page?
I''m trying to help the sys admins of my server figure out what is up with our Rails installation (debian sarge - completely up to date). Hitting a simple page yields 31,000 failed stat64''s and takes anywhere from 8 - 44 seconds. They #! for ruby is correct everywhere, but it''s like it can''t find Rails. These are box stock standard installs. Here''s
2007 Aug 13
Extract part of vector
Dear R-users, How do I extract numbers between asp?P= and &VID from my txt vector? I have tried grep function with no luck. txt <- c("", "", "
2006 Aug 10
Web service SOAP URLs started failing with 1.1.4 or using 1.1.2 security patch
Railers, I''m trying to figure out why invocations to my Web service URLs work with Rails 1.1.2 but fail both with Rails 1.1.4 (and 1.1.5) and when I apply the new 1.1.2 security patch to Rails 1.1.2. It looks like they are failing with SOAP clients but succeeding with XML-RPC clients. The URL that used to work is of the form http://localhost:3000/my_controller/ServiceName/api. When I
2006 Sep 02
custom error handling
Please forgive me if this is a stupid question. If it has been answered already, please point me to the answer, as my searching has been fruitless. How can I programatically handle 404s and 500s when using Mongrel? I''ve read about using a proxy server config (.htaccess for example) to render an ErrorDocument rather than whatever comes from Rails, but I need something different. I would
2007 Nov 27
Hi all, My site uses subdomains to define an item. Eg I fetch the itemname and render the appropriate site from that itemname. The subdomain is used everywhere (eg,, ...) I now want to give the user the possibilty to use a ''real'' domain like that should