similar to: I Would Really Like to Try RoR but...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "I Would Really Like to Try RoR but..."

2006 Feb 24
RoR meets .net *cringe*
It was a miserable failure for us. Your best bet is to run on Linux. > 1. Has anyone done any benchmarks with it? Is there any reason this > couldn''t be viable for production loads? (feel free to speculate if you > haven''t) When it finally worked, after two weeks of trial and error (and we can''t reproduce it again) it performs poorly under IIS. It looks
2005 Sep 01
RE: share eclipse-templates library (was: RE: Software to codeRails)
Tobias: Thanks for the feedback. You are correct, it should be "ALL HTML" (I originally had people adding the snippet to the HTML section but it didn''t always work so I moved it to the JSP templates... And I guess I forgot to edit everything in the doc. I will definitely add your comment about the cursor location! That''s great! -----Original Message----- From:
2006 Mar 06
Dreamhost subscription?
I''m thinking about signing up with DreamHost for the base Level 1 $9.95 plan. Does anyone think that''s a bad idea? I''d like to know others thoughts, and who they recommend for RoR hosting? Thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Feb 13
Anyone have Ruby for IIS installer?
Erwin: We found it''s not worth the time to do this. It won''t work reliably. You''re in for a world of hurt. We''ve given up on the idea after several months of trying (and some great feedback from this list). There are some on this list who claim to have gotten it to work, but that might just be luck. We''re now using Apache on a higher port, and using
2006 Feb 28
File_column, RMagick, and watermarking
I''m working on a photo gallery and I''m using File_column to handle the uploads of the files and create my thumbnails, but does anyone here have any idea how to have a watermark (opaque text maybe) placed over one of the versions? Any ideas on how to go about this would be great. Even if it''s just straight RMagick code, that would be fine too. Thanks in advance for the
2006 Feb 22
Fixtures and Relationships
In my daily development, I migrate back and forth between versions, and often do: rake load_fixtures... ... in order to populate my development database with fun data. Now, with any HABTM relationship, there are failures, as there is no way to say "which" fixtures to load first. Within an actual functional or unit test case, you could simply load them in the proper order, but
2006 Jan 11
Oracle and Rails seems really slow.... In development
I''m just looking into how to connect to Oracle using Rails. I''ve got everything connecting and working as it should. I have a Users table in Oracle: create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.column "username", :string t.column "created_on", :datetime t.column "email", :string t.column "note", :text
2006 Jan 19
A simple scaffolding question
All, When I generate scaffolding on my model, it doesn''t display all the fields in the create and edit views. It populates the views with text/char and date types, but omits any integer fields. Is this normal behavior or a bug? Thanks! -Nick
2006 Mar 01
Form helpers and overloaded methods - help!
Can someone explain why form helpers appear to bypass any model methods I override for fields that are bound to database fields? It would be great if someone could tell me how to force the form field, etc to call the method instead of looking at the database / attributes collection. Let''s say I have a column called ''price'' in my database table "books"
2006 Mar 20
Newbie Question about Custom Classes
Sorry if this is a complete newbish question, but I''m trying to wrap my head around creating custom classes in my rails webapp. I''m normally a Java developer, but I figured I''d give RoR a try and see how I like it, and whether it would be useful for production use with a new client. Anyways, what are the best practices for custom classes? Where and/or how do I create
2005 May 23
Success - Rails, FastCGI, and IIS / Windows Server
About 17:00 localtime I managed to get fastcgi, Rails and IIS all happy together. Upon success I ripped off my clothes and ran through the village yelling "The future is now!". A PDP-11 geezer stuck his head out a window and said "The future isn''t what it used to be and keep yer shirt on". Modifications were required to dispatch.fcgi and request.rb. The following
2005 Dec 29
Rails 1.0 - Agile book still good?
I''m new to Ruby and RoR but excited to learn what I can do with RoR; I have Pickaxe second edition and want to get "Agile Web Development with Rails" but I''m aware that the book was published some while before RoR version 1.0 was released. Has a lot changed since then, and would I therefore be advised to wait for a second edition of AWDwR? Many thanks in advance
2005 Dec 28
coverage does not work
Hi, I''ve installed coverage (gem install coverage) and try to run tests with -rcoverage option on, but following error occurs: ruby: No such file to load -- coverage (LoadError) I try: ruby -rcoverage mytest.rb 1. I have rubygems in evn var RUBYOPT 2. Gem seems to be installed properly (I can read doc via gems, the files exist in the ../gem/... dirs) Does anyone know what is the
2006 Mar 15
Mongrel Web Server 0.3.11 -- Edge Rails and Win32Compliant
I don''t think there''s a way to do that other than using a proxy (ISAPI_REWRITE) or just a server-side redirect. I''d love to be proven wrong though. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of frazer horn Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:13 AM To: Subject:
2006 Jan 03
Large-scale application
Hi fellow railers! We are discussing the possibility of writing a very large application in Rails. By "very large" I mean a framework that would contain a few hundred smaller applications that would need to talk to one big database and have to share some common session data I''d like to get some feedback on some possible ways of doing the following: The application would
2005 Jul 26
Rails VS ASP 2.0 on IIS and Windows 2003 server
I''m working in a complex web app that could have 1000+ users within the next year. It must be run on Windows 2003. Current db is SqlServer 2000. Company is deciding between Rails and ASP 2.0. I''d like to get some feedback on which would be the best to develop in. ( I prefer Rails :) 1. Will Rails be stable in that environment? Will it work with IIS? 2. Is it better for
2006 Jan 11
Enterprise Rails Apps
Is there a place I can get a list of "enterprise" Rails applications? Apparently, even though I''ve looked at the wiki and cited the examples there, there are some at my organization who still can''t find proof that Rails is usable in an enterprise setting. Would you fine folks be able to tell me about some large-scale projects that could be classified as
2005 Mar 06
A Nightmare on Rails Street: Windows Lives!
Just spent 40+ hours in two days deploying my app on Windows 2000. Not all the time was Apache/MySql related, but a significant portion was. What a nightmare that was. Unfortunately, the customer is dead-set on "standardizing" by using Windows. So, as I sat there between a Linux box and an AIX box working on this thing, I ran into problems, part of which were: CGI was slow (Dell
2005 Dec 28
some notes about rails, apache, fastcgi and windows
hello. i''d like to share some feelings of mine after a couple of *weeks* intermittent attempts to have rails applications working on windows (XP) with fastcgi performances under apache (2.0). i''d say the software stack i''m using now will be fairly common as more and more new rails developers will join the bandwagon. what is stunning me is the fact that, even if
2005 Dec 21
How can I taalk to our AS/400?
Hello, I can do this in java, but want to use Rails. How can I connect to our AS/400? Thanks Frank _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list Rails-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/