similar to: efficient INSERTS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "efficient INSERTS"

2006 Jan 02
In the Agile Rails book, on page 232 (PDF, 4th edition) there is an example of (within ActiveRecord) marking an article as read by a user at the present time. Short example code (from the book) here: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :articles def read_article(article) articles.push_with_attributes(article, :read_at => end # ... end
2005 Nov 16
HABTM: deleting records based on attributes
Hello All, I am new to ROR, and can''t seem to get HABTM to cooperate entirely... however I might be abusing it! Before I try a different strategy I thought I''d ask here and see if I''m missing something simple. So say Projects and Companies are related. Projects can have multiple Companies, and Companies can be on multiple Projects. But, the same Company can also
2006 Mar 09
habtm questions
I''ve got some of this working but other parts are ellusive. I have CREATE TABLE `bags` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) CREATE TABLE `packages` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) CREATE TABLE
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
Hello there, this is probably a very simple problem but I''m stuck. I''m following the Login generator tutorial from rubyonrails. It''s all worked fine so far. But I want to add a bit more functionality so that when a user signs up in addition to chosing a login name and password they type in a company name which is added to a seperate table called COMPANIES. The id
2012 Apr 19
active admin undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
im working with active admin i have collection_select or dropdown box that populates the packages and crews im just wondering i why this undefined method `[]'' for nil:NilClass` i dont know what happened but it run few days ago and tested it once but now it raises this error are there possible way to solve this? def create @package = Package.find(params[:package_crew][:package_id])
2006 Jan 02
AR: How to store and restore in YML.
Hello- I have a database with entries that are segmented by customers. I would like to be able to store / delete / restore a particular customer''s information. I will need to rebuild the rows on restore and also rebuild the associations for the different tables. For example, customer { id name } companies { id customer_id (belongs_to) name } contacts { id
2007 Apr 06
Mailer method missing
Rails dies when I try to call a method from my Mailer. But I have defined my method. What could I have missed? Here is the irb session: >> p = Person.find(1) => Person data... >> SiteMailer.request_admin_approval(p) NoMethodError: undefined method `request_admin_approval'' for SiteMailer:Class >> SiteMailer.method_defined? :request_admin_approval => true The
2006 Feb 20
a complex availability problem
Ok, this is a hard one and I just thought I''d see if people on the list had any suggestions on how they would approach this, I''ve not started to implement the rails to handle this yet as I''m still at the paper planning phase. I''m building an app that has to handle availability for travel packages. The complexity comes in that a person can choose a start
2011 Sep 04
has_many :through basic fubar
I''m trying to do, what seems like, a very basic join. However, the association just doesn''t seem to work. I''m sure it''s something very simple but I don''t know what. class Role < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :packages belongs_to :users end class Package < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :roles has_many :users, :through => :roles end
2009 Feb 02
ActiveRecord Unexplainable SystemStackError - Only in WEBrick
This SystemStackError is driving me crazy. It only takes place when testing with WEBrick - I can''t reproduce it with any tests. It is caused by calling the "missing" id method (base.rb:2435) on my ActiveRecord class. WEBrick and my tests are running as the same user, with a `ulimit -s` of 10240. Plus the query works sometimes so I don''t think this matters.
2006 Feb 14
SIMPLIFY SHARING YOUR RUBYGEMS ON RUBYFORGE! ~> gem install rubyforge SYNOPSIS rubyforge [options]* mode [mode_args]* DESCRIPTION simplistic script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations MODES setup() initializes your .rubyforge directory. you need to run this first before doing anything else. example : rubyforge setup login()
2008 Nov 30
ActionMailer weirdness: bad html '=3d' for all '='
I am getting html output in my email body with spurious characters that cannot be rendered, so that my links are not handled properly. What am I not getting here? My email body contains: -----------------clip------------- <A href=mailto:&quot;<%=h('''')%>? Support&quot;>Support</A><br/> with any
2006 Jan 03
Would someone like to tell me why this code will not solve my problem? (it''s short)
I am building an invoicing system but cannot use the auto_increment field to determine the invoice number (because they are running 3 different companies off the one system. I need to find the last invoice number from any given company and then add 1 to it to get the next invoice number. BUT, there is a unique case on the very first invoice produced because there is no earlier invoice
2006 Jan 02
DB Modelling the Rails way - Opinions??
Hi, I''m trying to figure the most efficient way to model the following. I can think of at least two ways to relate the tables but from a client/server perspective! I''m wondering how to best (and elegantly)relate them from an AR perspective. A project has many people, A person can work on many projects at any time, A project has many roles, A role is performed by a person, A
2006 Feb 07
habtm :uniq causing duplicate inserts? How to update Rails?
Hello *Gem* experts, Sorry for asking multiple questions in one post but they are both related to one problem. So far I have the following code: class Member < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :blogs, :uniq=>true ..... end class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :members, :uniq=>true ... end The issue is that
2007 Jan 24
A spec where interaction-based testing breaks down... (at least for now)
Here are the specs: context "Finding all the stylesheets available to a company" do setup do @mock_company = mock("company") @mock_company.stub!(:to_param).and_return "1" Stylesheet.stub!(:find) end def do_find Stylesheet.find_available_to @mock_company end specify "should convert the company into a parameter" do
2006 Jun 05
Is HABTM Dying?
For a while, I''ve been getting that HMT is replacing HABTM. It appears that HMT can do all of what HABTM can do and more. The question is: Should I stop using HABTM? Let''s take a simple case: A case has many categories For a given category, there are certain valid statuses Category has_and_belongs_to_many :statuses Status has_and_belongs_to_many :categories Question: Is
2006 Jan 20
HABTM relations
Hi, I have 3 tables with HABTM relation. USERS -> QUOTE_TO_USER <- QUOTES Table QUOTE_TO_USER has 3 attributes: quote_id, user_id, component. I have a form where I can tie multiple users to QUOTE. This is easy one, thru "user_ids" (@quote[:user_ids] = @params[:quote][:user_ids]). In this form I have all users and I just check those I want to tie to this quote, however
2013 May 04
[PATCH] Downloads section: link to
In downloads.html, link to instead of SourceForge for source tarballs. Also includes a minor language fix in developers.html. --- developers.html | 2 +- download.html | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/developers.html b/developers.html index 149b6b5..87f0a9a 100644 --- a/developers.html +++ b/developers.html @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
2006 May 19
ActiveRecord: Minor saving problem
This is probably a very stupid error on my side, but I am doing my first steps now and I don''t see what is wrong. I have companies and I have users. A user can create a company. When the user does he''s automatically a member of the company. A company should be able to have multiple users off course so every member of a company can add other users who don''t have a