similar to: Rails vs. J2EE: Sharing state in memory?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Rails vs. J2EE: Sharing state in memory?"

2006 Feb 11
Why does''nt rails pick up more metadata from a mysql schema?
Hi, when I define a db column to be non-nullable or of length 20 or as numeric, I would expect rails to validate that, but that doesn''t seem to be the case. Any idea why that is? The metadata is accessible, at least in the mysql case. I am using rails 1.0 with mysql 5. Cheers, Mariano
2006 May 25
Does TMail support Nested Multipart Messages? (Repost)
Hi, does anybody know if TMail supports nested multipart messages? I read a changelog that indicates so (, but I haven''t been able to get it working so far. Maybe I am doing something wrong here? I attached the sample mail. Here is the code to parse it: require File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2006 Mar 25
Rails Plugins: Why to register your own functionality with send()?
Hi there, I have seen in the file column plugin ( from Sebastian Kanthak or David''s acts_as_taggable plugin that to register my functionality I need to do something like this: ApplicationHelper.send(:include, InPlaceEditAssociations) I am wondering why not: (a) module ApplicationHelper include InPlaceEditAssociatons end or: (b)
2006 Mar 25
Rails Plugins: How to copy artefacts to the public directory during install? When is install.rb executed anyway?
Hi, I want to write a plugin that uses JavaScript and I am wondering how to put the static content, i.e. the JavaScript, in place? I read the documentation I found ( and links) and looked at the listed plugins. One thing I found was that subversion seems to be a prerequisite for providing or even installing plugins. Is that right? The other thing
2006 May 18
How to debug the rendering in Rails?
Hi, I have some controller code like this: def mailing_lists @ml = MailingList.find_by_identifier(@params[:id]) @messages = @ml.messages @headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml" @response.headers[''Last-Modified''] = @messages.last.created_on.httpdateunless @ messages.empty? minTime =
2006 May 19
Problem with joins and overlapping field names
Hi, I have the following code: @conversation_pages, @conversations = paginate(:conversations, :per_page => 20, :joins => ''LEFT JOIN messages on messages.conversation_id = ''+ ''LEFT JOIN email_addresses on
2006 Mar 18
Need help .. Rails Recipes, in_place_editor, selecting associations
Hi, I am currently reading the Rails Recipes book and like the chapter on providing your own in_place_editor for enumerations / selects. I understood so far, or I believe that I understood ;-), how to do that for a field that uses values only, like choosing from "red", "black", "green". What I fail to understand is how to chose from associated objects?!
2006 Mar 18
rails is extremely hard to install
I''m on Mac OSX and I''m about to rip my hair out over how hard it is to install rails. I''ve installed rubygems and am typing "ruby setup.rb" in the command line and get "No such file or directory." I''ve never had to use command lines before so this is alien to me. Can''t they just make installation GUI-based for non-geeks like
2006 Jan 08
J2EE equivalent
Gang- 1. Is there anything in Ruby that handles the .properites files similar to the J2EE application servers. Or do I need to define all of the properties as constants? 2. Is there anyway I can load some of my classes (such as singletons) during the startup? I am looking for the startup classes that J2EE containers provide. Thanks -- Posted via
2006 Jan 12
Best Forum? Was: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
Hi, is this the best forum to answer this question? Is there any better source for information or another mailinglist to address this question to? Cheers, Mariano ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mariano Kamp <> Date: Jan 8, 2006 6:24 PM Subject: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema To:
2006 Apr 13
Java/J2EE DAO/model objects vs. Ruby/Rails model objects
In typical Java/J2EE applications, domain model object do not have much logic, they are basically data holders. It seems to be considered a sin to put persistence logic in the domain model objects, instead it should be put a DAO (Data Access Object). I have always thought this seems funny, after all, what seems more natural/object-oreiented?: or In Ruby/Rails,
2005 Dec 18
Testing against 1.8.4
So apparently 1.8.4 is soon forthcoming. We need testing against it. Could someone help out with that? I believe Ara already checked into some of the issues, do you know if those are resolved, Ara? -- David Heinemeier Hansson -- Broadcasting Brain -- Online project management -- Personal information manager
2005 Dec 02
UserEngine: stack level too deep
Hi, I''m trying to get the UserEngine running. I have installed the LoginEngine, added the essential lines to environment.rb / application.rb and application_helper.rb. Worked fine. Then I did the same with the UserEngine and when trying to set up the db: rake engine_migrate ENGINE=user I get: Migrating engine ''user_engine'' rake aborted! stack level too deep But...
2006 Jan 19
Rails or Java J2EE (Spring, Struts Shale) - scalabilty
Hi, normally I am doing all my webprojects with PHP. But now I am planning to use a framework, either Ruby On Rails, or Java in particular J2EE with Java Spring, or Struts Shale. Well, I already tried RoR a few month ago, so I am simply comparing it to the Java alternatives now. My problem is, that maybe using Java for my projects is like using a dredger to grub a small hole :) But on the other
2005 Dec 15
A way to handle looong executions?
Is there somewhere I can specify a maximum execution time for a given request. (Eg, someone does something in my application that brings about and infinite loop). The idea of potentially huge queries or even a programmer mistake is not impossible, and I have a hard time accepting that I will release an application that has no way of handling that.
2006 Jan 04
Family Connection 1.0
This is a follow-up announcement from the 0.9 release. There are no major changes, but this release marks a downloadable (tgz) file as well as a promotional website, a demo application and screenshots. Family Connection is an easy-to-setup online hub for your family that includes a Family News section, and an Address Book. Please note that the download
2005 Dec 08
Different controllers placement
request: /blog controller placed at /app/controllers/test/blog_controller.rb: class Test::BlogController < ApplicationController def index render :text => ''Hello, World!'' end end What the write map.connect shoud I use? Any Idias? I see that map.connect ''/blog'', :controller => ''test/blog'' working correctly, but what about
2006 Apr 04
odd error
Hello everybody. I have just started trying rails, got instant rails and radrails... Made a new project, and when I tried to create a model I get the following error: Project> ruby script/generate model user -h -e:3:in `load'': no such file to load -- script/generate (LoadError) from -e:3 I?m sure this is a newbie question, I?ve searched the documentation and
2009 Jun 18
SSOAP access to a j2EE-ws service
I am currently trying to access a SOAP web service (hosted on a JBoss5 server and defined as a J2EE-ws service) via the SSOAP R-package. But all I can get is a NULL answer. The web service seems to work as it can be accessed using a general web-service tester. The web service wsdl is here: This is how I try to call the web service from R: --- >
2010 May 13
J2EE/RoR Developer -- Greenville, SC
We are working with a client on the following Developer opportunity... • J2EE and/or Ruby on Rails (RoR) • At least one of the following databases: DB2, SQL Server, or Oracle • Minimum 3 years experience • Responsible for UI development • Employment type: Permanent • Location: Greenville, SC (relo provided) If this opportunity interests you, or if you would like to know about other