similar to: migration: counter cache & "reset_column_information"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "migration: counter cache & "reset_column_information""

2008 Feb 13
Migration Issues: Can't update newly added column values
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone can help me with a migrations question here. Using: rails 2.0.2 ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin] mysql 5.0.45 Platform: windows xp The problem: ---------- I created a migration that is designed to add a column named "deleted_at" (timestamp) and then remove a column named "is_deleted" (boolean). The idea is to
2006 Jul 14
Migration not updating fields
So I have this fairly basic migration bit of code class AddCounterCache < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column ''products'', ''backlog_items_count'', :integer, :default => 0 end def self.down remove_column ''products'', ''backlog_items_count'' end end What I want to do in that is automatically
2006 Aug 09
Migrating a Field to External Model
I have a model Product with an attribute ''brand''. Currently it is a simple attribute, however, I am migrating it to a separate model Brand so that I can have other attributes with each brand. I created the the model and created and ran the migration to create the new table. So far so good. Then I created a separate migration to transfer the data. The up method
2006 Oct 15
Migrations - add_column :default=>true, :null=>false
This seems pretty brain dead: add_column :types, :notify_on_create, :boolean, {:default=>true, :null=>false} $ rake migrate Error: ERROR: column "notify_on_create" contains null values : ALTER TABLE types ALTER notify_on_create SET NOT NULL Why doesn''t Rails set the new column to true, as it''s supposed to default to? I tried :default=>1 as well (same
2007 Sep 12
Counter cache like plugin for sum
Hi list, Is there a plugin similar to counter_cache except for caching sums instead of counts? The reason I ask is for performance and convenience for reporting. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Aug 21
counter cache
Hi, I have two models, employees and departments, and i am using counter_cache to count the number of employees in a department. This works great, but employees can change their departments, and the counter cache does not get updated to reflect this. Is their a built in way to do this, or do i have to implement my own before_save hook thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2005 Dec 18
[Bug?] in tests, @foo.bars_count <> @foo.bars.count
Example: if a ''foo'' has 3 ''bars'', bars_count == "0" # ERROR bars.count == 3 # OK It looks like a bug to me. Alain -- Posted via
2007 May 14
Counter Problem
Hi. I have a problem with counters in Rails. The situation looks like this: -3 simple models class Forum < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts end class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic, :counter_cache => true belongs_to :forum, :counter_cache => true end - In migrations i have declared t.column :posts_count,
2006 Mar 29
EdgeRails: "undefined method `weight'' for #<Hash:
Hi all, I was playing with the sample project found on the Wiki at , and everything was working fine, ... till I moved to EdgeRails : undefined method `weight'' for #<Hash:0x22c7150> (full error thread below) Any idea? Alain
2005 Dec 16
How to pass a collection to paginate?
There must be a better way to write this code: @project_pages, @projects= paginate :project, :per_page => 10, :conditions => ["account_id = ?", account] ?! If only I could pass the sub-collection account = ... @projects = account.project to paginate, instead of letting it extract it with a find :all + sql conditions Alain. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 11
HABTM 1.1 - counter cache?
Just wondering - will HABTM (or thru or whatever it''s called) in Rails 1.1 have a counter_cache, similar to belongs_to? Joe -- Posted via
2008 Jun 03
Custom counter cache
class Category has_many :tracks end class Track belongs_to :category, :counter_cache => true named_scope :converted, :conditions => {:converted => true} named_scope :active, :conditions => {:active => true} end I want to make custom counters for scoped associations, e.g: category.converted_tracks_count category.active_tracks_count And when `track` changes its converted,
2005 Dec 21
Are there any disadvantages to using locomotive
Hi: I had some issues and so switched to locomotive. I find it awesome. 1 click and its done. My question - what disadvantages are there, if any? What do I lose by using such a convenient solution. speculation as well as facts are welcome but please define which you are putting forwards. Thanks in advance, bruce
2011 Mar 23
Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails
Hi, I have an app, which implements a group feature. Each group has n members. Also, each group has a group specific profile pic to it. I have been able to implement auto complete for the group feature keeping in mind the group name alone. I have referred to the following tutorial for the same:- I am using **ruby 1.8.7** and **rails 2.0.2** for
2005 Dec 16
Parent Child together in input form
Hi all, I understand how rails is supposed to work when dealing with one entity input form. However, when I have a relation between two objects (composition): Customer(1) --------> (1)Address How can you create a inputform where both the properties of a Customer and Address can be filled in? Regards, Harm de Laat _______________________________________________ Rails mailing list
2006 Jun 12
struggling with relatively simple out of model updating
I''m trying to do a In/Out thing... In my in_outs_controller.rb def edit_in_out @in_out = @in_out.user_id = params[:id] @user = User.find_by_id(@in_out.user_id) if @user.update_attribute(:in_out, params[:user][:in_out]) flash[:notice] = ''In/Out was successfully updated.'' redirect_to :action =>
2006 Feb 28
Confusion with counter and single table inheritance
I''m having trouble getting the magical counter to work in a rails app with single table inheritance. following is the relevant code. thank you class declarations class Job < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :vents end class Vent < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :job, :counter_cache => true validates_numericality_of :width end class Rectangular < Vent
2006 Jan 02
HABTM / Counter Cache
All, Is it possible to use counter_cache w/ has_and_belongs_to_many? Thanks, EJC
2005 Dec 15
rake migrate ignores '':null => false'' on mysql
I wanted to add a login string column to an existing table => I created a migration : ... def self.up add_column "members", "login" , :string, :null => false end ... remark: it shouldn''t work, as the table is not empty (=> ''login'' would be null in the existing rows.) problem: rake migrate didn''t complain
2006 Sep 05
rake craziness with Migrate as a dependency
Hi everyone, For one of our projects we have a need to deploy and maintain a demo. As a result I''ve attempted to setup a set of rake tasks for the job. My goal is have one rake task called "deploy_demo" which purges the database, migrates to the current schema, and loads the db from a set of fixture files in a specified location. I''ve written two new tasks the perform