similar to: Non-constant variance and non-Gaussian errors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Non-constant variance and non-Gaussian errors"

2008 Sep 02
Non-constant variance and non-Gaussian errors with gnls
I have been using the nls function to fit some simple non-linear regression models for properties of graphite bricks to historical datasets. I have then been using these fits to obtain mean predictions for the properties of the bricks a short time into the future. I have also been calculating approximate prediction intervals. The information I have suggests that the assumption of a normal
2011 Nov 08
Hi R community! I am analyzing the data set "motorins" in the package "faraway" by using the generalized additive model. it shows the following error. Can some one suggest me the right way? library(faraway) data(motorins) motori <- motorins[motorins$Zone==1,] library(mgcv) >amgam <- gam(log(Payment) ~ offset(log(Insured))+ s(as.numeric(Kilometres)) + s(Bonus) + Make +
2006 Apr 11
gaussian family change suggestion
Hi, Currently the `gaussian' family's initialization code signals an error if any response data are zero or negative and a log link is used. Given that zero or negative response data are perfectly legitimate under the GLM fitted using `gaussian("log")', this seems a bit unsatisfactory. Might it be worth changing it? The current offending code from `gaussian' is:
2005 Jul 26
evaluating variance functions in nlme
Hi, I guess this is a final plea, and maybe this should go to R-help but here goes. I am writing a set of functions for calibration and prediction, and to calculate standard errors and intervals I need the variance function to be evaluated at new prediction points. So for instance fit<-gnls(Y~SSlogis(foo,Asym,xmid,scal),weights=varPower())
2003 Sep 23
what does the sum of square of Gaussian RVs with different variance obey?
>From basic statistics principle,we know,given several i.i.d Gaussian RVs with zero or nonzero mean,the sum of square of them is a central or noncentral Chi-distributed RV.However if these Gaussian RVs have different variances,what does the sum of square of them obey? Thanks in advance.
2011 Jun 20
About GAM in R, Need YOUR HELP!
I'm beginner in R! I have a lot of problems on R..... I have three questions about GAM 1. What is the function of Gaussian distribution in GAM?(if I choose family is Gaussian) Is it used in the predictand value (Y)? 2. How to plot a graph the gam function? For example: y<-gam(a~s(b),family=gaussian (link=log) ,Data) how to plot x axis is s(b) and y axis is log a??? 3. if I use GAM to
2012 Jun 21
check.k function in mgcv packages
Hi,everyone, I am studying the generalized additive model and employ the package 'mgcv' developed by professor Wood. However,I can not understand the example listed in function. For example, library(mgcv) set.seed(1) dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,scale=2) ## fit a GAM with quite low `k' b<-gam(y~s(x0,k=6)+s(x1,k=6)+s(x2,k=6)+s(x3,k=6),data=dat) plot(b,pages=1,residuals=TRUE)
2006 Jan 09
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
I have been using gnls with the weights argument (and varConstPower) to specify a variance structure for curve fits. In attempting to extract the parameters for the variance model I am seeing results I don't understand. When I simply display the model (or use "summary" on the model), I get what seem like reasonable values for both "power" and "const". When I
2009 Jan 07
Extracting degrees of freedom from a gnls object
Dear all, How can I extract the total and residual d.f. from a gnls object? I have tried str(summary(gnls.model)) and str(gnls.model) as well as gnls(), but couldn?t find the entry in the resulting lists. Many thanks! Best wishes Christoph -- Dr. rer.nat. Christoph Scherber University of Goettingen DNPW, Agroecology Waldweg 26 D-37073 Goettingen Germany phone +49 (0)551 39 8807 fax +49
2011 Jun 19
please help! what are the different using log-link function and log transformation?
I'm new R-programming user, I need to use gam function. y<-gam(a~s(b),family=gaussian(link=log),data) y<-gam(loga~s(b), family =gaussian (link=identity),data) why these two command results are different? I guess these two command results are same, but actally these two command results are different, Why? -- View this message in context:
1999 Jun 08
inverse.gaussian, nbinom
Two questions: 1. inverse.gaussian is up there as one of the glm families, but do people ever use it? There is no inverse.gaussian in the R distribution family, and when I checked McCullagh & Nelder, it only appeared twice in the book (according to subject index), once in the table on p. 30 and once on p. 38 in a passing sentence. Is there a good reference on this distribution? 2. When I
2004 Jan 14
Generalized least squares using "gnls" function
Hi: I have data from an assay in the form of two vectors, one is response and the other is a predictor. When I attempt to fit a 5 parameter logistic model with "nls", I get converged parameter estimates. I also get the same answers with "gnls" without specifying the "weights" argument. However, when I attempt to use the "gnls" function and try to
2007 Jan 16
Gaussian glm for grouped data with unequal variances
Hello - I am fairly new to R, (i.e., ability to create functions/write programs insignificant) and was wondering if there might be a convenient way to model the following: I want to fit a gaussian glm to grouped data, while allowing for unequal variances in each of the groups. More specifically, my data set looks something like this: ---------------- data group 1 76 1 2 82 1 3
2001 Jun 01
nls works but not gnls
This works fine: fit42<-nls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) But this, identical except using gnls, doesn't converge: fit43<-gnls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) Error in gnls(Vfs
2011 Sep 26
normalizing a negative binomial distribution and/or incorporating variance structures in a GAMM
 Hello everyone, Apologies in advance, as this is partially a stats question and partially an R question.  I have been using a GAM to model the activity level of bats going into and coming out from a forested edge.  I had eight microphones set up in a line transect at each of eight sites, and I am hoping to construct a model for each of 7 species.  My count data has a reverse J-shaped skew and
2007 Dec 13
Gaussian Smoothing
Hello, I'm new to R, and I would like to know if there is a way to smooth a curve using a Gaussian smoothing with R. Thank you very much, TDB -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2020 Oct 28
nlme: New variance function structure varConstProp
Dear R developers, recently I have written a wishlist bug report for nlme containing a patch that adds the variance function structure s2(v) = t1^2 + t2^2*v^2 where v denotes the variance covariate, s2(v) denotes the variance function evaluated at v, and t, t1 and t2 are the variance function coefficients. The covariate can also be the fitted response. The idea that the residual variance
2006 Feb 28
ex-Gaussian survival distribution
Dear R-Helpers, I am hoping to perform survival analyses using the "ex-Gaussian" distribution. I understand that the ex-Gaussian is a convolution of exponential and Gaussian distributions for survival data. I checked the "survreg.distributions" help and saw that it is possible to mix pre-defined distributions. Am I correct to think that the following code makes the
2005 Mar 02
Using varPower in gnls, an answer of sorts.
Back on January 16, a message on R-help from Ravi Varadhan described a problem with gnls using weights=varPower(). The problem was that the fit failed with error Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "." not found I can reliably get this error in version 2.0.1-patched 2004-12-09 on Windows XP and 2.0.1-Patched 2005-01-26 on Linux. The key feature of that example is that the
2009 Feb 24
Syntax in taking log to transfrom the data to fit Gaussian distribution
Hi, I have a data set (weight) that does not follow the Gaussian (Normal) distribution. However, I have to transform the data before applying the Gaussian distribution. I used this syntax and used log(weight) as: posJy.model<-glm(log(weight) ~ factor(pos), family=gaussian(link='identity'), subset=Soil=="Jy"). This syntax COULD NOT transform the data. But if I transform the