similar to: Plotting Prediction Surface with persp()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Plotting Prediction Surface with persp()"

2007 Mar 27
Using nnet
I have a problem when using nnet to predict the negative values. For example : X = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0),4,2) X Y = matrix(c(0,1,1,0)) - 0.5 # XOR - 0.5 Y nn = nnet(X,Y,size=3) val = predict(nn,X) val # this is expected to be close to Y, but it's not ! The 'val' is always positive. I tried to change the options, but the result isn't much better. Could someone give me an
2013 Oct 15
plotting a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot
R'istas: I am trying to plot a marginal distribution on the plane behind a persp() plot. My existing code is: library(MASS) X <- mvrnorm(1000,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2)) X.kde <- kde2d(X[,1],X[,2],n=25) # X.kde is list: $x 1*n, $y 1*n, $z n*n persp(X.kde,phi=30,theta=60,xlab="x_b",ylab="x_a",zlab="f") ->res Any suggestions are very
2010 Jul 30
Layering multiple persp plots
Hi all, I've got two persp plots with Identical X and Y's, and I'd like to plot them on the same graph, so that it is obvious where one plot is above the other. I can't find any mention of this anywhere. Do I need to use wireframe? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, -- Ian Bentley M.Sc. Candidate Queen's University Kingston, Ontario [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 06
How to put different color in some portion of a surface plot?
Hi all, I have following problem : a = b = seq(1, 50000, by=500) v = matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=length(a)) for (i in 1:length(a)) { for (j in 1:length(a)) { d = c(17989*a[i], -18109*b[j]) v[i,j] = t(d) %*% matrix(c(0.0001741, 0.0001280, 0.0001280, 0.0002570), nrow=2) %*% d } } library("rgl") open3d()
2013 Oct 08
graphics:persp - suggestion
Dear Devels, I'm not sure if I'm going the right way by mailing to this list. I have two suggestions regarding the persp function from the graphics package: 1. In the documentation of the persp function, it is said, that the "col" argument will ignore transparent colors. However, this is not true, if you use strings as color code - at least it works with HEX-code (eg. :
2009 Mar 29
number of ticks in a persp() plot
Hi, I am trying to specify four ticks (at 0,1,2,3 for the y axis) in a persp plot but the defaults overrule my specification and I obtain seven of them. Is it possible to gain full control over them in such a plot? Here is my code: matlines=matrix(c(1:7,3:9,3:9,2:8),nrow=7,ncol=4)
2010 Feb 22
Re : how to plot select points in preexisting persp plot
Hello, I am trying to plot selected data points to a preexisting persp plot that satisfies a condition. I used the following statement - text(coords[,1], coords[,2], names(act[which(act > 8.75)]), cex=0.7) But I get all the points labeled, instead of the points that satisfy the condition specified. Is there any way to plot only the points I want? Also can this be done using
2009 Nov 22
"Over-coloring" facets on persp() plot
Dear R Community: Recently, I have managed to plot some really useful graphs of my research data using persp(). I have even figured out how to overplot rectangular regions (corresponding to submatrices) with a different color. This is accomplished by using par(new=T). I am now searching for a way to "highlight" a set of (possibly non-contiguous) facets with a specific color,
2010 Apr 30
3D Surface plot
Dear All, I want to create a surface plot from the data. My data set is consists of x, y and z data. I plotted in very easy way by Excel worksheet as shown in the attached picture. I did some steps in R, but I cannot have the same plot as in Excel worksheet's figure. the R code is x <- c(-1,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) y<- c(-1,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) z<-
2008 Nov 13
Surface plotting
Hi, I would like to plot a matrix which comprises 3 columns. So first column should be the x-axis. Second the y-axis and the third one should be the z-axis. I know that I can plot such data using the scatterplot3d, but I would like to have a surface plot like you can do with wireframe and persp. But both, persp and wireframe, want to have x and y as descending data, at least persp. I am not sure
2010 Nov 26
Issues with nnet.default for regression/classification
Hi, I'm currently trying desperately to get the nnet function for training a neural network (with one hidden layer) to perform a regression task. So I run it like the following: trainednet <- nnet(x=traindata, y=trainresponse, size = 30, linout = TRUE, maxit=1000) (where x is a matrix and y a numerical vector consisting of the target values for one variable) To see whether the network
2011 Dec 29
3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.
I have been making simple functions to display regressions in a new package called "rockchalk". For 3d illustrations, my functions use persp, and I've grown to like working with it. As an example of the kind of things I like to do, you might consult my lecture on multicollinearity, which is by far the most detailed illustration I've prepared.
2009 May 24
accuracy of a neural net
Hi. I started with a file which was a sparse 982x923 matrix and where the last column was a variable to be predicted. I did principle component analysis on it and arrived at a new 982x923 matrix. Then I ran the code below to get a neural network using nnet and then wanted to get a confusion matrix or at least know how accurate the neural net was. I used the first 22 principle components only for
2006 Sep 11
Translating R code + library into Fortran?
Hi all, I'm running a monte carlo test of a neural network tool I've developed, and it looks like it's going to take a very long time if I run it in R so I'm interested in translating my code (included below) into something faster like Fortran (which I'll have to learn from scratch). However, as you'll see my code loads the nnet library and uses it quite a bit, and I
2009 Mar 14
persp plot + plotting grid lines
Dear all; Does anyone know how to add grid lines to a persp plot? I've tried using lines(trans3d..) but the lines of course are superimposed into the actual 3d surface and what I need is something like the plot shown in the following link: I'll appreciate any ideas Thanks PM
2007 Feb 09
two perspective plots in in plot
Dear all, I would like to put two perspective plots into one plot. The help page for ?persp shows how one can add points and lines but not another perspective plot. data(volcano) z <- 2 * volcano # Exaggerate the relief x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z)) # 10 meter spacing (S to N) y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z)) # 10 meter spacing (E to W) ## Don't draw the grid lines : border = NA persp(x,
2010 Oct 31
complicated graphic -- persp+map
Hello I'm trying to render in 3D what I usually plot by image(), or image.plot() from the library fields, followed by a map("world",add=TRUE) type of command. More concretely, I have a field of temperature values, for a given geographic area, and I would like to plot a 3D surface whose x and y axes consist of longitude and latitude values and whose height and color-coding correspond
2006 May 08
persp or wireframe 3D plot: how can I independently adjust linewidth of the 'surface' and framebox?
It is a trivial matter to adjust the linewidth of the axes and plot line in a 2D plot: x <- 1:10; y <- 1:10; par(lwd=2); # axis (and others) linewidth plot(x,y,"l",lwd=6); # plot linewidth Is there anything comparable to this for persp or wireframe? I've tried a number of ways, and the framebox/axes seem to be linked to the linewidth used in generating the
2003 Aug 19
On the Use of the nnet Library
Dear List, I am trying to solve a problem by the neural network method(library: nnet). The problem is to express Weight in terms of Age , Sex and Height for twenty people. The data frame consists of 20 observations with four variables: Sex, Age, Height and Weight. Sex is treated as a factor, Age and Weight are variables normalized to unity, as usual. I wanted to construct a neural network, and so
2010 Apr 20
3D surface plot with wireframe or persp?
Hello Dear, I have a function, like z=f(x,y), and try a surface plot with this function. But, on the reference of "wireframe" requires data option, so I generated x and y, and computed z with them. But, still I have a problem to draw a surface plot. The code and errors are ################################################## mle_beta0=64.43707; mle_beta1=-24365.16; # generating for