similar to: How to stop buffering of "cat"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "How to stop buffering of "cat""

2008 May 01
Error while making R package
Hi All, I am trying to make R package using R 2.6.2 And I am getting following error. When I give R CMD check t1\ ---------- Making package t1 ------------ adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION making DLL ... making CGHseg_rewrite.d from CGHseg_rewrite.c making rowMedians.d from rowMedians.c making runavg.d from runavg.c gcc-sjlj -std=gnu99 -Ic:/R/R-2.6.2/include -O3 -Wall -c
2008 Apr 04
Cannot run R from command prompt
Hello, I have installed R 2.6 on windows 2000 and now from the command prompt when I type R it show " 'R' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." If I change the path to C:\R\R-2.6.2\bin and then type R it runs fine. I have changed my envionment variable Path to C:\R\R-2.6.2\bin; Still its not working. Can you please give some
2008 Apr 29
c code working in linux and hanging in windows
Hi All, I am calling some c code from R. It successfully makes the dll and .so files. When I run .so in Linux is works prefect but hangs in windows. Though the dll loads but it never returns back from the c function Can you please suggest the possible cause of this thank you vidhu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 16
RSQLite maximum table size
Hi All, I am trying to make write a table in RSQLite. And I get the error mentioned below mat<,nrow=244000,ncol=1000)) > dbWriteTable(con, "array", mat) [1] FALSE *Warning message: In value[[3]](cond) : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: too many SQL variables)* Can someone please tell me what is maximum size of a table( max number of
2008 Jul 22
Reading the data from specific columns
Hi All, I have a huge tab separated file which a many columns. I want to read only few specific columns in R object. There are no column names/headers in the file. Can someone please suggest how can I do that. I checked the help of read.delim but wasnt able to find such option Thank you Reagards Vidhu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 09
getWinProgressBar does not return previous value
I am trying to use winProgressBar, however I find that although setWinProgressBar updates the value on the screen, getWinProgressBar does not return this value. E.g > pb <- winProgressBar() > setWinProgressBar(pb, 0.2) > getWinProgressBar(pb) [1] 0 I tried the same with tkProgressBar, and it is working as I would expect from the documentation. > pb <- tkProgressBar() >
2008 Apr 25
making a dll for windows eviornment for R
Hi All, I have a .c file and I need to make a dll so that it could be called by R. I have successfully made .so from .c file and its working great. But i have no clue of making dll. I tried googling for help ...but not much of use Please suggest something regards Vidhu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 09
read table not reading lines containing single quotes
Hi, * I am using read.table command as follow kegg<-read.table("c:/",header =TRUE,quote= "'", sep="\t") * Fragment of file is as follow: ID Pathway 04916 Melanogenesis 04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 04950 Maturity onset diabetes of the young 05010
2012 Feb 03
Clear last x entries of R console
Hi All, I am trying to build in a progress-tracker into my loops that let me have a sense of their progress. I'd like to be able to output to screen a series of periods "...." etc. for each completion of the loop, but I <don't> want to build a pyramid, e.g. . .. ... .... etc. So I need to be able to delete <the last line> of the console entry to accomplish this.
2011 Apr 09
A question about "txtProgressBar" function
Hi, I tried to add a progress bar to my script, but it seems the "txtProgressBar" function will wipe out what I want to print before it(for example - the "Hello" in following script), and the parameters "title" and "label" do not work either. How can I put a title for the progress bar? or is there any other better function I can use? testit <-
2016 Apr 12
Procesos paralelos
Hola: Vuelvo a la carga con algo que resolví hace años y que ahora me ha dejado de funcionar y no consigo arreglar. A ver si alguien me sugiere algún enfoque o directamente la solucion. Utilizo R en muchos procesos ETL y la cuestión es que me encuentro con que tengo que hacer inserts en un BBDD de SQL Server de varios miles (a veces millones de registros) que mientras R las realiza parece que
2008 Jan 16
Error in : figure margins too large
Hi I am getting error : Error in : figure margins too large Can you please help -----code is ------------------------------------------------------------ temp <- seq(5500000/2, 22000000, 5500000/2) sV2 <- c(1, 1+temp[-length(temp)]) eV2 <- temp i=1 bitmap(paste("c:/vidhu/poster/poster_56half_2", LETTERS[i], ".png", sep = ""), "png256",
2016 Apr 12
Procesos paralelos
Hola, ¿qué tal? Si la base de datos de destino es SQL Server, ¿por qué no pruebas con la función dbBulkCopy del paquete Debería poder cargar millones de registros en segundos. Al menos, en una única transacción en lugar de múltiples como con sqlSave. Un saludo, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El día 12 de abril de 2016, 11:55,
2011 Mar 15
Feature request: txtProgressBar with ability to write to arbitrary stream
Hi all, I use txtProgressBar to monitor progress of large computations. What I miss is the ability to redirect the progress bar to a stream other than stdout, specifically to the message stream. This would be useful for running Sweave scripts: When redirected to stderr, the bar could be visible even though console output is diverted to the output file (and there would be no cluttering of the
2010 Jun 28
jquery ajax.submit() help
Hi all, I need some quick help in jquery. While using jquery ajax.Submit(), we can specify the target div to be modified with the template rendered by the corresponding action. Is there way using which we can update multiple divs ( using render update) from the called action in ajax.submit() I am stuck and for now i am populating a complete page again but its incorrect. I need to update
2012 Apr 19
Remus' Network Buffering
Hi, I am trying to understand and change the network buffering that is being used by Remus, the HA solution present in Xen. From what i understood from reading the code, Remus calls the postsuspend method of the BufferedNIC after it suspends the domain that sends TC_PLUG_CHECKPOINT message and start the buffering and then calls the commit method of BufferedNIC after it gets the acknowledgement
2016 Apr 12
Procesos paralelos
Estimado Gilsanz Algo que puede ser, ¿tiene instalado tcltk en Windows? Yo ante un problema parecido lo solucioné realizando un contador, en mi caso conozco la cantidad de consultas, entonces simplemente ?imprimo? en pantalla 1 de 100, 2 de 100, etc. No es gráfico, pero R me informa dos cosas, que está trabajando y cuánto falta, feo a la vista pero muy simple. Javier Rubén Marcuzzi De:
2008 Sep 15
Cross-platform function availability
Hi all, Is there any way to determine which functions are available on which platforms? For example, winProgr essBar (and related functions) are only available on Windows, but what about tkProgressBar and txtProgressBar? Is there any way to figure out which functions are only available on certain platforms, without installing R on that platform and checking? Thanks, Hadley --
2004 Apr 16
Turning windows screen buffering on and off
All, Does anyone know if there is an option I can set to turn screen-buffered output on and off with the win32 rgui? (Apart from the point and click method). I am running some simulations where it is useful to watch output but it gets mildly tiresome having to manually switch things on and off via the gui. Thanks Toby. > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch
2010 Feb 10
R crashes when setWinProgressBar is give a numeric value for label argument
This problem can be seen by the following commands: > pb <- winProgressBar(max=1000, label='0') > b <- 1 > setWinProgressBar(pb, b, label=b) This set of commands (on windows of course, XP in this case) causes R to crash. This is not strictly a bug since the documentation states that the label argument should be a character string and using as.character(b) does work