similar to: + and - in RODBC : no longer considered factors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "+ and - in RODBC : no longer considered factors"

2009 Apr 14
Function call error in cph/survest (package Design)
Dear UseR, I do not know if this a problem with me, my data or cph/survest in package design. The example below works with a standard data set, but not with my data, but I cannot locate the problem. Note that I am using an older package of survival to avoid a problem with the newly renamed function in survival meeting Design. Dieter # First, check standard example to make sure library(Design)
2012 Aug 27
Querying sqlite through RODBC causes R to crash
Dear R-SIG-Debian, while trying to query data from an SQLite database through RODBC on Debian testing, R crashes with the following message: library(RODBC) con3 <- odbcConnect("test3") # 'test3' being an ODBC datasource configured with SQLite3 driver, # but the same happens with SQLite driver sqlQuery(con3, "select * from test") # 'test' being any table
2009 Sep 08
RODBC version 1.3-0 crashes with systemtables using SQL server 2000
Dear all, I need to test for the existence of an index on a table. This cannot be done with sqlPrimaryKeys as it is not a primary key. Therefore I select directly from the systemtable of SQL-Server 2000 named sysindexes. This works well with RODBC Version 1.2-5 but not with version 1.3-0. Here is the code of the test example: sink(file = "proto.txt", append = FALSE, type =
2011 Jul 24
inline/Rcpp: Problem with space in path under Windows
I am trying to run inline/Rcpp under Windows 64. The RTools are installed on a spaceless path D:\rtools. Inlining pure c-code works perfectly. When I try the sample code for cpp in the cxx Documentation, I get: x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe: C:/Program: No such file or directory The path to the compiler is correct. Obviously there is some problem with the space in C:/Program (Files). Any ideas
2010 Dec 15
loss of connection
My log says suddenly: Dec 14 02:35:16 hp1 kernel: [1492482.232822] o2net: no longer connected to node hp2 (num 1) at Dec 14 02:35:18 hp1 kernel: [1492483.960150] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 61s! [kvm:32398] I have no idea what happens here and why - but the result are a lot of problems with virtual machines. Viele Gr??e Andreas Rittershofer -- Hier k?nnte keine
2010 Mar 19
Crash of latticeExtra graph with Adobe Acro Pro/Reader/Windows/ during print only (display ok).
I created a report with Sweave today, that displayed perfectly on screen, but crashed both Adobe Pro 9.3.1 and Adobe Reader 9.0 on Windows 7. Output with Foxit Reader was flawless. I was able to reproduce a "minimal" example, which is not really minimal but the smallest I could get after 2 hours of wasting paper. Required: latticeExtra calling both panel.xyplot(...) # both
2008 May 01
Locale problem with umlauts in factor levels in 2.7.0 (patched) from grid or lattice
With 2.7.0 patched (not tested with 2.0.0), I get an error message in a program that ran correctly in R 2.6.2 when the grouping factor of a stripplot contains an Umlaut: I am aware that there are a few locale-changes in R 2.7.0, but I could not easily locate who's at fault Dieter library(lattice) dt = data.frame(x=rnorm(100),y=1:100,levs= as.factor(c("Gru","Gr?")))
2009 Nov 16
R crash with intToUtf8 on huge vectors (PR#14068)
Full_Name: George Russell Version: 2.10.0 OS: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Typing the following command into R --vanilla causes R to crash: k <- intToUtf8(rep(1e3,1e7)) This is the output of sessionInfo(): R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252 LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
2009 Apr 01
How to prevent inclusion of intercept in lme with interaction
Dear friends of lme, After so many year with lme, I feel ashamed that I cannot get this to work. Maybe it's a syntax problem, but possibly a lack of understanding. We have growth curves of new dental bone that can well be modeled by a linear growth curve, for two different treatments and several subjects as random parameter. By definition, newbone is zero at t=0, so I tried to force the
2006 Jul 20
setdriver fails with WERR_ACCESS_DENIED
Hi, I'm using samba 3.0.22 on a Linux/Debian machine. I'm trying to get printer drivers on the server automatically picked by the XP clients on the server. $ rpcclient localhost -U flavien -c 'enumdrivers' Password: [Windows NT x86] Printer Driver Info 1: Driver Name: [hp1] The user "flavien" has PrintOperator privileges : $ net rpc
2004 Sep 28
security in samba
Hi, In my company , we have 25 HP printers at different floors. All printesr are configured on One Linux Machine. Each printer has one administrator. My task is share the printer to that particular administrator. For example if i have 2 printers ( HP1 and HP2) , i want to share HP1 printer to only and HP2 printer to only If we use host allow &
2009 Oct 13
Sweave output encoding in R-2.10.0beta on Windows (Rgui <-> Rterm)
Dear developers, I have come across a (somewhat strange) change in the encoding of Sweave output from R-2.9.2pat to R-2.10.0beta (apparently specific to Rgui) on Windows installations. Of course, the NEWS file contains quite a few changes concerning encoding, but I was not able to locate an entry which explains the observed behaviour. I am not very familiar with encodings/locales/codepages,
2009 Dec 29
problem reading from serial connection since 2.10.0
Dear list, I have a balance connected to the serial port of a windows machine ("COM1") and I read the text output of the balance with scan("COM1", what="character", sep="\n", n=1) after calling the previous line I press the print key on the balance which triggers sending one line of text to the serial connection and with R 2.9.2 I get something like Read
2009 Jan 30
Methods not loaded in R-Devel vs 2.8.1
Dear list-member, I am currently developing a package with S4 classes. The NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION is printed below. Within this package I have set a method "residuals" for two classes. In version 2.8.1 these two are reported whereas in R-Devel (2009-01-28 r47766). What have I missed? What has changed and how can I rectify the issue? Your help and pointers are welcome. For 2.8.1:
2010 Feb 09
Confusing error message for [[.factor (PR#14209)
Full_Name: George Russell Version: 2.10.0 and 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-02-08 r51108) OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( > c("a","b")[[c(TRUE,FALSE)]] Error in `[[.default`(factor(c("a", "b")), c(TRUE, FALSE)) : recursive indexing failed at level 1 I find this error message confusing, though after reading the HELP
2006 Oct 27
all.names() and all.vars(): sorting order of functions' return vector
Dear list-subscriber, in the process of writing a general code snippet to extract coefficients in an expression (in the example below: 0.5 and -0.7), I stumbled over the following peculiar (at least peculiar to me:-) ) sorting behaviour of the function all.names(): > expr1 <- expression(x3 = 0.5 * x1 - 0.7 * x2) > all.names(expr1) [1] "-" "*" "x1"
2011 Apr 21
R CMD Sweave versus Sweave() on Windows
Dear list subscriber, I am quite puzzled by the behaviour of processing Sweave files within an R session, i.e. Sweave("foo.Rnw") versus R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw In the former the environmental variable 'SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT = TRUE' is obeyed (this is set in etc/ as well as under the users home directory in .Renviron). That is the hard-coded path to Sweave.sty is
2007 May 01
integer constants given by hexadecimal notation
Hi, > 0x10L returns: int 0 I would expect: int 16? This happens with all integer constants given by hexadecimal notation. It's a bug? > sessionInfo() R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252;LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252;LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252 attached base packages: [1] "stats"
2008 May 09
comparison (PR#11421)
In R-2.7.0 release as well as patched (from yesterday) under Windows XP, R crashes when typing, e.g.: repeat{ rep(1, 10000) == "?" } Note that I cannot reproduce the error in R-2.6.2 nor R-devel. Uwe Ligges --please do not edit the information below-- Version: platform = i386-pc-mingw32 arch = i386 os = mingw32 system = i386, mingw32 status = major = 2 minor =
2009 Jan 27
small bug in base::formatC (PR#13474)
Full_Name: Bernd Bischl Version: 2.8.1 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, there seems to be a small bug in formatC: formatC("foo", format="s", mode="charcacter") Error in formatC("foo", format = "s", mode = "charcacter") : 'mode' must be "double" ("real") or