similar to: tips to speed up sqlSave with MS SQL Server?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "tips to speed up sqlSave with MS SQL Server?"

2011 May 13
More effective calculation for loop
I am getting confused in how to use R effectively. Below is the example that I would like to optimize, which is basically a loop. In its current version it takes about 20 seconds to run. I have looked at the apply function and but didn't seem to get it to work. I am sure this is relatively easy to show me a better version for someone who has done this before. For some reason I seem to
2011 Nov 10
Help: sqlSave Error
I am using sqlSave to save my data into an existing table at MS SQL Server database. Previously my code ran smoothly but all of a sudden it stopped working. Here is my code: sqlSave(con, highVol, "dbo.futuresHighVol", append=TRUE, rownames=FALSE) Error: sqlSave(con, highVol, "jrgchis.dbo.futuresHighVol", append = TRUE, : 42S01 2714 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
2006 Dec 22
bug in sqlSave with fast=F option (PR#9429)
Full_Name: Paul MacManus Version: 2.3.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( See also R-help thread for October 18, 2006 --------------------------- Create a dataframe and save it to a database table "test" as follows: df <- data.frame(T=1, S=10) sqlSave(channel, df, "test", rownames=F) The table now looks like T S 1 10 If I create another
2008 May 07
RODBC sqlSave with multiple schema in DB2
Hi, I am trying to use sqlSave to write a dataframe to an existing table in a DB2 database. The database contains two schemas. My experience is the following: (1) in the case that tablename is left empty in sqlSave, R writes to the instance level schema (2) in the case that a tablename is specified and that table name exists only once in the database, R will write to that table irrespective
2018 Jan 24
Help with SQLsave
Hi all, I'm using RODBC library to connect to a database. I'm trying to read a table from a database and after manipulating it would like to write to the same database but with a different table P<-data.frame(sqlQuery(myconn,'select? *? from Demographics')) sqlSave(myconn,p,tablename="trial",rownames=FALSE) I'm gettng this error Version:1.0
2003 Jan 29
RODBC sqlSave Error
Hi, i get error after using a data.frame with subset for "sqlSave". What can i do ? It seems that lines like this in a data.frame structure are after subset deleted and cause the error ? - attr(*, "variable.labels")= Named chr "CUSID" "Welle" "Arbeitgeberfavorit1" "Aktuelle Bewerbungssituation" ... ..- attr(*, "names")=
2003 Apr 04
sqlSave() Question
All, I am new in R. I found sqlSave() doesn't work for our Oracle9i. The following was the message: > sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames="state") Error in sqlColumns(channel, tablename) : USArrests : table not found on channel Check case parameter in odbcConnect > sqlQuery() works OK. Please help. Thanks. -MY
2007 Feb 02
New RODBC: a problem with sqlSave
Till yesterday I was more than satisfied by RODBC, specifically by sqlSave which I had been happily using in a daily crontab R batch job regularly updating a postgresql db for as long as one year. In this R- batch I was able to save records into indexed tables *** even though *** they already existed. in this case sqlSave simply neglected those rows of the input table that were offending the
2009 May 09
Hi all: I have created a MS Access table named 'PredictedValues' through the statement below: myDB <- odbcConnectAccess("C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Rpond Farming.mdb",uid="admin",pwd="") sqlSave(myDB,PredictedValues,rownames=FALSE) close(myDB) But if I run the code again with new values I get the message below: Error in sqlSave(myDB,
2010 May 20
RODBC: sqlSave leave primary key and other columns null
I have an existing table, and I am trying to use sqlSave to append additional rows to this database. I omit the primary key, which is a uniqueidentifier type (MS SQL), so that the database can populate that field. However, I get the following error: > sqlSave( ch, result, tablename=thetablename, append=TRUE, rownames=FALSE, colnames=FALSE ) Error in odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata,
2003 Apr 02
RODBC sqlSave problem.
Dear list, Being new to both the postgres database, ODBC and the RODBC interface, I am somewhat confused by some of the problems I am experiencing trying to connect R to the database. Whai I am trying is basically the example part of the help file for the sqlSave function: > library(RODBC) > odbcConnect("theodor") -> channel > data(USArrests) > sqlSave(channel,
2010 May 16
Dear R-community, After repeating the sqlSave-command 3 times on a dataframe (of size 13149 rows * 5 columns) to my MS-Access database I get the following error: *Error in sqlSave(channel, eksport_transp_acc_2, "transp_acc_scenarier", : unable to append to table ‘transp_acc_scenarier’* ** This means that the first 2 savings are completed, but the third-one is somehow not. I have an
2006 Feb 20
Hi, I am having trouble to write/create a table, which has a date field. I want to create a stock price table, which has fields of ticker, date, price. First, I created such a table in Microsoft Access with a few rows inputs. Using sqlQuery, I found that the date field was retrieved as POSIXct value. Then I made a data.frame with POSIXct as the data type for dates. However, I received the
2006 Oct 18
sqlSave, fast=F option, bug?
Hi, Using the fast=F option, sqlSave saves without matching column names. It looks like a bug to me.......... Here's a simple (artificial) example. ----------------------------------------- Create a dataframe and save it to a database table "test" as follows: df <- data.frame(T=1, S=10) sqlSave(channel, df, "test", rownames=F) The table now looks like T S 1 10 If
2011 Jul 27
RODBC sqlSave problem with bigint numbers
Hello, After a (bad) first try some months ago, I'm trying again to use RODBC package instead of DBI+RMySQL packages to populate MySQL database. The main command is sqlSave(channel, data_df, tablename, append=T, rownames=FALSE, colnames=FALSE, fast=FALSE, varTypes=vartypes) where data_df is the data.frame I want to save and vartypes is obtained following the tip given here
2010 Feb 24
problem with looping on sqlSave()
Dear R users, I have a follow-up question on sqlSave(). Since most of the output from the tests I use are lists, I would like to loop to export each element of the list and append it to the sheet. Here is what I do: > library(RODBC) > test <- structure(list(m = structure(c(0.090909090909091, 0.181818181818182, 0.272727272727273, 0.363636363636364, 0.454545454545455,
2013 Apr 03
sqlSave writes, but only for sqlFetch
I've been having some issues with sqlSave, and I think I've found an clue that may identify the problem. In the code at<>, I connect to a Netezza instance, make a simple table, and query it. Despite sqlSave succeeding without error, sqlQuery tells me the table doesn't exist. Also, when I query the database outside of R, I
2007 Oct 22
RODBC problem: sqlSave not working after an update
Good day, all. I just upgraded to R 2.6.0. I re-installed my most-used packages including RODBC to be sure I'm up-to-date. I have been working with a large insurance claims dataset stored in a MS-Access database on a Windows machine. I have been regularly exporting tables from R into it using sqlSave. It's worked like a charm until today, when this happened: >
2009 Jul 08
RODBC and sqlSave issue
Hello, I contact you after having unsuccessfully asked my question to R mailing list. I use the package RODBC to connect to a MS-SQL server. I am able to getQuery from the database. I am now studying the sqlSave some data into the database. Unfortunetly, I meet some issues relating to the format of the data that arrives into the database. I have three columns. The first one should be in the
2011 Feb 01
sqlsave and mysql database with autoincremental column
Hello, I'm trying to modify my r-script to use RODBC instead of DBI/RMySQL (no more ready-to-use package for windows). I would like to copy a data.frame of 44 columns to a table of 45 columns (the 45th is an autoincremental column). With the following commands, colnames(df)<- a vector with the names of the 44 columns