similar to: integration error when I use "optim" and "integrate" simultaneously

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "integration error when I use "optim" and "integrate" simultaneously"

2008 Mar 19
problem with optim and integrate
Dear all, I want to min "integrate( (p1*dnorm+p2*dnorm+p3*dnorm)^(1.3))" for p, mu, and sigma. So, I have to estimate 8 parameters(p3=1-p1-p2). I got this warning-"Error in integrate(numint, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) : non-finite function value." My questions are How could I fix it? I tried to divide into several intervals and sum up, but I got same message. My code is
2007 Feb 27
Additional args to fun in integrate() not found?
Hello, fellow Rdicts, I have the code for the program below. I need to integrate a function of "x" and "p". I use integrate to integrate over "x" and pass "p" as an additional argument. "p" is specified and given default value in the argument list. Still, integrate() cannot read "p", unless I explicitly insert a numeric value in the
2006 Apr 28
I've written a series of functions that evaluates an integral from -inf to a or b to +inf using equally spaced quadrature points along a normal distribution from -10 to +10 moving in increments of .01. These functions are working and give very good approximations, but I think they are computationally wasteful as I am evaluating the function at *many* points. Instead, I would prefer to use
2011 Nov 06
how to use quadrature to integrate some complicated functions
Hello to all, I am having trouble with intregrating a complicated uni-dimensional function of the following form Phi(x-a_1)*Phi(x-a_2)*...*Phi(x-a_{n-1})*phi(x-a_n). Here n is about 5000, Phi is the cumulative distribution function of standard normal, phi is the density function of standard normal, and x ranges over (-infty,infty). My idea is to to use quadrature to handle this integral. But
2013 Jan 02
Need help with self-defined function to perform nonlinear regression and get prediction interval
Dear All, I was trying to call a self-defined function that performs nonlinear regression and gets the corresponding prediction upper limit using nls2 package. However, weird thing happened. When I called the function in the main program, an error message "fitted(nlsmodel): object 'nlsmodel' not found" came up. But when I directly ran the codes inside the function, no error came
2008 Apr 05
How to improve the "OPTIM" results
Dear R users, I used to "OPTIM" to minimize the obj. function below. Even though I used the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very good. How could I improve my results? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Kathryn Lord #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x = c(0.35938587,
2008 Apr 05
How to improve the "OPTIM" results
Dear R users, I used to "OPTIM" to minimize the obj. function below. Even though I used the true parameter values as initial values, the results are not very good. How could I improve my results? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Kathryn Lord #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x = c(0.35938587,
2008 Mar 12
hello! i need help for a specific graphic issue
hello, ladyes and gentlemans. check this: means<-c(4,6,8) stand.error<-c(0.1,0.3,0.5) now i've strongly tryed to scatterplot the means(y-axis),by showing their sd with the arrow(..,code=3,angle=90) function. The problem is that my x-axis has categorical values (say, factor(x)), and the arrows() can't recognize them as right coordinates. ????? thank you all in advance B.F. insubria
2008 Aug 21
Help Regarding 'integrate'
I have an R function defined as: f<-function(x){ return(dchisq(x,9,77)*((13.5/x)^5)*exp(-13.5/x)) } Numerically integrating this function, I observed a couple of things: A) Integrating the function f over the entire positive real line gives an error: > integrate(f,0,Inf) Error in integrate(f, 0, Inf) : the integral is probably divergent B) Increasing the interval of integration
2010 Sep 29
nlminb and optim
I am using both nlminb and optim to get MLEs from a likelihood function I have developed. AFAIK, the model I has not been previously used in this way and so I am struggling a bit to unit test my code since I don't have another data set to compare this kind of estimation to. The likelihood I have is (in tex below) \begin{equation} \label{eqn:marginal} L(\beta) = \prod_{s=1}^N \int
2007 Mar 21
Gaussian Adaptive Quadrature
Hi all, Does anybody know any function that performs gaussian adapative quadrature integration of univariate functions? Thanks in advance, Regards, Caio __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 28
convert variable types when creating data frame from cor.test results
Dear list, The below dataset and code creates a new dataset with the results from the function cor.test being performed on each individual ('Individual_ID') from my original dataset. How do I convert each variable from the cor.test results to a numeric data type, as it is passed into the new dataframe? For example, 'estimate', 'p.value', and '' should be
2008 Mar 23
scaling problems in "optim"
Dear R users, I am trying to figure out the control parameter in "optim," especially, "fnscale" and "parscale." In the R docu., ------------------------------------------------------ fnscale An overall scaling to be applied to the value of fn and gr during optimization. If negative, turns the problem into a maximization problem. Optimization is performed on
2007 May 24
Problem with numerical integration and optimization with BFGS
Hi R users, I have a couple of questions about some problems that I am facing with regard to numerical integration and optimization of likelihood functions. Let me provide a little background information: I am trying to do maximum likelihood estimation of an econometric model that I have developed recently. I estimate the parameters of the model using the monthly US unemployment rate series
2011 Nov 10
performance of adaptIntegrate vs. integrate
Dear list, [cross-posting from Stack Overflow where this question has remained unanswered for two weeks] I'd like to perform a numerical integration in one dimension, I = int_a^b f(x) dx where the integrand f: x in IR -> f(x) in IR^p is vector-valued. integrate() only allows scalar integrands, thus I would need to call it many (p=200 typically) times, which sounds suboptimal. The
2011 Apr 16
spatstat regression troubles
Hi Everyone, I am trying to figure out the spatstat package for the first time and am having some trouble. Unfortunately, I can't post my data set but I'll hopefully post enough details for some help. I want to model the intensity of a spatial point process using 2 covariates from my data. After reading through the documentation, I have successfully created 2 "ppp" objects. The
2008 Mar 12
Types of quadrature
Dear R-users I would like to integrate something like \int_k^\infty (1 - F(x)) dx, where F(.) is a cumulative distribution function. As mentioned in the "integrate" help-page: integrate(dnorm,0,20000) ## fails on many systems. This does not happen for an adaptive Simpson or Lobatto quadrature (cf. Matlab). Even though I am hardly familiar with numerical integration the implementation
2009 May 08
Can anyone help me on how to get the nodes and weights of the adaptive quadrature using R. Best wishes Boikanyo. ----- The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
2013 Oct 11
Gaussian Quadrature for arbitrary PDF
Hi all, We know that Hermite polynomial is for Gaussian, Laguerre polynomial for Exponential distribution, Legendre polynomial for uniform distribution, Jacobi polynomial for Beta distribution. Does anyone know which kind of polynomial deals with the log-normal, Student抯 t, Inverse gamma and Fisher抯 F distribution? Thank you in advance! David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 27
Double integration - Gauss Quadrature
Hi, I would like to solve a double integral of the form \int_0^1 \int_0^1 x*y dx dy using Gauss Quadrature. I know that I can use R's integrate function to calculate it: integrate(function(y) { sapply(y, function(y) { integrate(function(x) x*y, 0, 1)$value }) }, 0, 1) but I would like to use Gauss Quadrature to do it. I have written the following code (using R's statmod package)