similar to: Ubuntu vs Mac OS X

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Ubuntu vs Mac OS X"

2008 Mar 27
assistance with RDAtest beta version application
Pierre Legendre has developed a beta version of a new redundancy analysis package called RdaTest that is available on his web page at the Universit® de Montréal. The test example that is included with the package is based on the example provided in his book (Numerical Ecology, Chapter 11 (Legendre & Legendre 1998)) I have downloaded the package and am attempting to run it so that I might
2012 Jan 11
R CMD check pkg and 32/64 bit.
R gurus: I'm trying to get another round of rconifers out and I need some advice/help crushing differences in the examples test. I'm trying to make sure the max sdi values are being respected. I've added a tests/ (from windows i386-pc-mingw32) and when I ran R CMD check (both R-2.13.0), I got the following results: * using log directory
2006 Apr 18
lambda, uncertainty coefficient (& Somers D)
Dear colleagues in R, Has anybody implemented the 1) (Goodman & Kruskal) lambda or the 2) (Thiel's) uncertainty coefficient statistics (in the asymmetric and symmetric forms), or is anyone aware that they might reside in some package? A search in the R archives does indicate that they are (somehow) part of the CoCo package, but I would rather not start learning how to transform my
2009 Apr 06
'R CMD build --binary BUNDLE' and Windows
'R CMD build --binary BUNDLE' and Windows. When using R version 2.9.0 beta for 'R CMD build --binary CoCo' on Windows only the first package of the 'Contains' field of the bundle DESCRIPTION file ends up in the zip file. (Same result for the bundle 'VR' by R version 2.9.0 beta.) The check of the CoCo bundle version by R version 2.9.0 beta is OK (on
2006 Jan 04
suddenly iax calls don't work anymore
Hi, Asterisk is new for me. I had a working configuration, but suddenly I can't call anymore with my voip provider. I am not aware that I changed anything in the configuration, but who knows. Can somebody explain me what is happening here? I changed username, password and number. -- Executing Dial("Zap/2-1",
2005 Jun 22
ASTCC not making calls
Hi, im trying to setup ASTCC but I'm getting it difficult. I've correctly set up the mysql database astcc and added a brand, trunk, route and a card as follows: brands +------+----------+------+--------------+------+--------+------+------+ | name | language | inc | publishednum | did | markup | days | fee | +------+----------+------+--------------+------+--------+------+------+ | FWD
2002 Oct 30
Building and installing packages with functions with names starting with (PR#2229)
Dear Coreteam, I am getting closer to have some R-packages with interface to CoCo. I use something like package.skeleton("CoCo", list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) to also get my functions beginning with "." into the package. Functions with names starting with "." are put OK into the package during "R CMD build ...", but when R at "R INSTALL - d
2007 Apr 05
How should I create a repo on Centos 2.1?
I tracked down a createrepo rpm "for RHL 7.x, AS 2.1" etc (hosted by Dag), but it's uninstallable. Eventually I managed to create an rpm from the source (actually, that's fairly easy when onw knows to say "python2"), but python-urlgrabber has completely defeated me. According to Dag, the problem is that "upstream" doesn't see the need to support
2006 Sep 06
yum vs up2date
Which is better? Why? I know yum is the official update mechanism here and in Fedora Core, but that doesn't make yum better than up2date any more than Windows NT was better than OS/2. Let's try to keep the discussion objective:-) I'm asking, hoping for some insights into why RH might (apparently) be moving to yum in preference to up2date (yum is now used within Anaconda). Other
2004 Nov 22
IPv6 and Asterisk?
Hi, I've been experimenting with an IPv4 and IPv6 VoIP setup using SER. I'm using Asterisk for voicemail, etc. but as this only works for IPv4, I had to do a number of tricks to get it going for IPv6 phones. I was wondering whether there is any interest or plans in the pipeline to have Asterisk IPv6-enabled. Any info, especially by the developers out there, would be welcome. Thanks, --
2006 Jan 19
How to remove disk
What is the procedure to remove a disk from a ZFS pool and remove the EFI label ? klm -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 May 31
Mac OS X crash bug?
Hi all, I want to check if this is a bug for which I should file a report. I am using R2.5.0 on OS X 10.4.9. When I invoke the data editor and when I change the values of individual cells, it seems to work as intended. However, when I try to delete/add a row/column, crashes. I've attached the crash log. Best, -Nathan -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and
2006 Feb 04
Mixed models and missing p-value...
Dear R-users, I computed a simple mixed models which was: mod<-lmer(nb ~ site + (1|patelle),tr) The output was: Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Formula: nb ~ site + (1 | patelle) Data: tr AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance 1157.437 1168.686 -574.7184 1164.523 1149.437 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. patelle
2007 Feb 13
Linux on a Thinkpad R40
I've just acquired a use IBM Thinkpad R40 model 2722-GDM. I'm contemplating what to run on it, and longer-term the likely candidates are: Centos 5 SLE{D,S} 10 OpenSUSE 10.2 Kubuntu - the latest. Kubuntu - Long Life (aka 6.04, Dapper, ...) I've booted Knoppix 4 in it and most seems well, including the Atheros Wireless card Windows can't find. The major flies in the
2006 Sep 15
Periodogram of Schuster
Dear All, Is there a function in R which can do a periodogram of Schuster ? Thanks in advance ! Guillaume Blanchet
2009 Jul 11
When you create a parser via ANTLR you specify the output language of the resulting recursive descent parser, at the moment there exists no C++ output template to my knowledge, thus you would have to generate the parser as C code for which a template exists. The runtime support should be there, at least partially but it won't use things like exceptions, nor will it have a very modular design
2006 Jan 31
Stepwise selection and F-enter anf F-remove values
Hello, I'm actually using the "Step" procedure in R for multiple regression analysis. I'm using the stepwise selection which alternates between forward selection and backward elimination (direction "both" in the step procedure). I would like to know which F-levels R is using to enter and then to remove variables? I also would like which is the procedure to change
2013 Nov 25
Sysinux 6 will not boot ISOs on BIOS (i.e. pre-UEFI) systems
On 11/25/2013 08:40 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote: > Hi, > > Ady wrote: >> I guess that being isolinux.bin 4.07 smaller than 32KiB (24KiB), >> while isolinux.bin 6.02 being bigger (42KiB), and with the addition >> of multiple alternative boot images in the same ISO, the chances of >> isolinux.bin being located on a higher sector in the media seem to be >>
2004 Aug 22
HELP - 'version mismatch' error?
On a linux RedHat-9 PC, I had wine set up and running fine (the version that came with the RH distro and perhaps updated via the RH update service when it used to be available). For example, I sucessfully ran Xnews on my linux box under wine. However, certain other windows apps did not work so i thought perhaps I would update to the latest cvs version of wine (the RH-9.0 version being well behind
2002 Nov 22
smbclient says NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE - how to change password?
After a thorough google and marc search i'm shocked to find this problem unmentioned... How does one go about changing the windows password from a unix machine with no physical access to the windows machine sharing things? samba 2.2.3a (debian woody) windows2000 server thanks! brad note: here's my latest attempt. I tried this with and without a -c parameter smbclient //coco2/c$ -c