similar to: Coefficient of determination in a regression model with AR(1) residuals

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Coefficient of determination in a regression model with AR(1) residuals"

2011 Apr 12
cross-validation complex model AUC Nagelkerke R squared code
Hi there, I really tried hard to understand and find my own solution, but now I think I have to ask for your help. I already developed some script code for my problem but I doubt that it is correct. I have the following problem: Image you develop a logistic regression model with a binary outcome Y (0/1) with possible preditors (X1,X2,X3......). The development of the final model would be
2009 Jul 15
Nagelkerkes R2N
I am interested Andrea is whether you ever established why your R2 was 1. I have had a similar situation previously. My main issue though, which I'd be v grateful for advice on, is why I am obtaining such negative values -0.3 for Somers Dxy using validate.cph from the Design package given my value of Nagelkerke R2 is not so low 13.2%. I have this output when fitting 6 variables all with
2000 Nov 28
Welcome to the "samba" mailing list
i got the following problem: [root@sun samba]# tail log.smb [2000/11/28 16:20:16, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174) ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes [2000/11/28 16:20:29, 0] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(667) Can't create or use IPC area. Error was Die Datei existiert bereits [2000/11/28 16:20:29, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(174) ERROR: Failed to initialise share
2012 Mar 05
Nagelkerke R2
Dear R community. I´m working with a generalized linear model which the response variable is a categorical one and the predictive variables are weather conditions. I have 250 different places where I need to fit the model. In some of these places I have strong correlations between some of the variables so I need to deal with this problem. I found a work similar than mine where they use tha
2010 Jul 08
Psudeo R^2 (or other effect size) in spatial gls regressions
Dear all, I have been using the function gls in the package nlme in R to fit some spatial regressions (as described in Dormann et al.). However, I have been struggling trying to find a way to calculate a measure of effect size from these models, so I wanted to know if any of you had an idea on how to do this. More precisely, I am producing a multiple model with an exponential correlation
2019 Apr 25
new CRAN package : modelplotr
Hi there! We would like to share the news that our package *modelplotr *has recently been added to CRAN with your audience. Here's a some text for the introduction: --------------------- *Title:* *modelplotr v1.0 now on CRAN: Visualize the Business Value of your Predictive Models * *Visual:* *Intro text:* Modelplotr - Build
2019 Apr 25
new CRAN package : modelplotr
Hi there! We would like to share the news that our package *modelplotr *has recently been added to CRAN with your audience. Here's a some text for the introduction: --------------------- *Title:* *modelplotr v1.0 now on CRAN: Visualize the Business Value of your Predictive Models * *Visual:* *Intro text:* Modelplotr - Build
2011 Apr 11
pseudo-R by hand
hello dear list! since we want to do a model analysis and some people would like to see pseudo-R^2 values for different types of glm of a logistic regression, i've decided to write a function that computes either nagelkerkes normed pseudo-R or cox & snells pseudo-R. however, i am not clear as in the decisive step, i need to calculate the log of (maximum likelihood estimates of model
2013 Jan 28
Adjusted R-squared formula in lm()
What is the exact formula used in R lm() for the Adjusted R-squared? How can I interpret it? There seem to exist several formula's to calculate Adjusted R-squared. Wherry’s formula [1-(1-R2)·(n-1)/(n-v)] McNemar’s formula [1-(1-R2)·(n-1)/(n-v-1)] Lord’s formula [1-(1-R2)(n+v-1)/(n-v-1)] Stein 1-(n-1/n-k-1)(n-2)/n-k-2) (n+1/n) Theil's formula (found here:
2007 Jun 14
Two problems
Hello, I have two problems: 1) Identify my card 2) Error message at dumping 1) It seems to me that I have a special version of the GeForce4 420 Go 32M because my card is a GeForce4 440 Go 64M but both have the same PCI device id. Is this important for the development of the renouveau driver or is this already noted? Outputs: lspci [...] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation
2007 Oct 11
maps does not work
Hello, I am trying to draw geographical maps with the maps package. However if I try to access the data following error occurs: > require(maps) > map() Fehler in zip.file.extract(file, "") : 'destination' existiert nicht # Error in zip.file.extract(file, "") : 'destination' does not exist > traceback() 4: zip.file.extract(file,
2011 Oct 27
Error installing packages
Hello, I got an error if I try to install a package. For example package emg: R CMD check emg Everything is fine. R CMD INSTALL emg I got the following errors: * installing to library 'c:/R_2_13_1/library' * installing *source* package 'emg' ... Error in file_path_as_absolute(dfile) : Datei './DESCRIPTION' existiert nicht ERROR: installing package DESCRIPTION failed fo
2003 Aug 27
how to calculate Rsquare
I think you've badly misinterpreted the purpose of the R listserv with this request: says "The `main' R mailing list, for announcements about the development of R and the availability of new code, questions and answers about problems and solutions using R, enhancements and patches to the source code and documentation of R,
2005 May 13
multinom(): likelihood of model?
Hi all, I'm working on a multinomial (or "polytomous") logistic regression using R and have made great progress using multinom() from the nnet library. My response variable has three categories, and there are two different possible predictors. I'd like to use the likelihoods of certain models (ie, saturated, fitteds, and null) to calculate Nagelkerke R-squared values for
2009 Jul 15
negative Somers D from Design package
Dear R help My problem is very similar to the analysis detailed here. If we use the mayo dataset provided with the survivalROC package the estimate for Somer's Dxy is very negative -0.56. The Nagelkerke R2 is positive though 0.32. I know there is a difference between explained variation and predictive ability but I am surprised there is usch a difference given that even a non predictive model
2002 Dec 22
Mail-Adresse für Peter Reichensperger ist nicht mehr vorhanden
I will be out of the office starting 21.12.2002 and will not return until 31.01.2003. Die betreffende Mail-Adresse existiert nicht mehr. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich unter:
2005 Jan 18
address statistics
Guten Tag Im Rahmen einer Studienarbeit an der Hochschule fuer Technik in Rapperswil (HSR), zum Thema SPAM, haben wir Ihre E-Mail Adresse auf einer CD-ROM gefunden welche bei EBay gehandelt wird (Adresshandel). Wir haben insbesondere alle E-Mail Adressen von Schweizer Unis und ETHs herausgesucht. Nun ist es fuer unsere Statistik wichtig, dass wir wissen welche der gefundenen Adressen noch aktiv
2005 Jan 18
address statistics
Guten Tag Im Rahmen einer Studienarbeit an der Hochschule fuer Technik in Rapperswil (HSR), zum Thema SPAM, haben wir Ihre E-Mail Adresse auf einer CD-ROM gefunden welche bei EBay gehandelt wird (Adresshandel). Wir haben insbesondere alle E-Mail Adressen von Schweizer Unis und ETHs herausgesucht. Nun ist es fuer unsere Statistik wichtig, dass wir wissen welche der gefundenen Adressen noch aktiv
2010 Dec 27
Nagelkerke R square for Prediction data
Hello I found some small postings dated to 22 Oct 2008 on the message subject. Recently, I have been working with binary logistic regressions. I didn't use the design package. Yet, I needed the "fit" indices. Therefore, I wrote a small function to output the Nagelkerke's R, and the Cox-&-Snell R from a fitted model. I am no professional programmer by far, yet, I hope, that
2012 Oct 21
R^2 in Poisson via pr2() function: skeptical about r^2 results
Hello. I am running 9 poisson regressions with 5 predictors each, using glm with family=gaussian. Gaussian distribution fits better than linear regression on fit indices, and also for theoretical reasons (e.g. the dependent variables are counts, and the distribution is highly positively skewed). I want to determine pseudo R^2 now. However, using the pR2() of the pscl package offers drastically