similar to: significant variables in GPLS ?

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches similar to: "significant variables in GPLS ?"

2005 Jul 29
PLS component selection for GPLS question
How to select the number of PLS components for GPLS for data sets with few samples? Concrete problem: My data set: 9 samples of class A and 37 of class B with 254 descriptors. In the paper: "Classification Using Generalized Partial Least Squares", Beiying Ding, Robert Gentleman, Bioconductor Project Working Papers, year 2004, paper 5 Section 2.6 Assessing Prediction: Cite:
2008 Sep 06
New caret packages
New major versions of the caret packages (caret 3.37, caretLSF 1.23 and caretNWS 0.23) have been uploaded to CRAN. caret is a package for building and evaluating a wide variety of predictive models. There are functions for pre-processing, tuning models using resampling, visualizing the results, calculating performance and estimating variable importance. caretNWS and caretLSF are two parallel
2008 Sep 06
New caret packages
New major versions of the caret packages (caret 3.37, caretLSF 1.23 and caretNWS 0.23) have been uploaded to CRAN. caret is a package for building and evaluating a wide variety of predictive models. There are functions for pre-processing, tuning models using resampling, visualizing the results, calculating performance and estimating variable importance. caretNWS and caretLSF are two parallel
2004 Aug 23
A troubled state of freedom: generalized linear models wh ere number of parameters > number of samples
Check out the gpls package on CRAN. HTH, Andy > From: Min-Han Tan > > Good morning, > > Thank you all for your help so far. I really appreciate it. > > The crux of my problem is that I am generating a generalized linear > model with 1 dependent variable, approximately 50 training samples and > 100 parameters (gene levels). > > Essentially, if I have 100
2004 Nov 15
how to obtain predicted labels for test data using "kerne lpls"
You need to do some extra work if you want to do classification with a regression method. One simple way to do classification with PLS is to code the classes as 0s and 1s (assuming there are only two classes) or -1s and 1s, fit the model, then threshold the prediction; e.g., those with predicted values < 0.5 (in the 0/1 coding) get labeled as 0s. There's a predict() method for mvr
2004 May 17
Bioconductor 1.4 released
Greetings! The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 5th release of Bioconductor, version 1.4. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to upgrade existing tools and check out the new packages. Release 1.4 is intended to be operated with R version 1.9.x, which can be obtained at CRAN
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 1.3 release of the Bioconductor software. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to check them out. Release 1.3 is intended to be operated with R version 1.8.X, which can be obtained at CRAN ( -- WHAT FEATURES DOES THIS RELEASE PROVIDE?
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 1.3 release of the Bioconductor software. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to check them out. Release 1.3 is intended to be operated with R version 1.8.X, which can be obtained at CRAN ( -- WHAT FEATURES DOES THIS RELEASE PROVIDE?
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the packages implying that all loaded at once. But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor any of the menu "Packages" is not working. Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2003 Nov 01
Partial least squares.
Dear R-helpers, I am looking, quite unsuccesfully, for a number of functions/packages. Firstly, I am interested in a package for partial least squares. I have found that there seemed to exist a package called pls, but which seems not to run any more with modern versions of R. I have not been able to find certain "chemometrics package" I found some people discussing about in this
2004 Aug 20
Partial Least Squares
Friends, Is there a Partial Least Squares package implemented in R? Thanks, Lana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 27
Standards for delivery of GPL software in CRAN packages
I wondered if there were standard practices in CRAN for delivery of R source implementing functions in R packages. I has encountered a couple of packages where the gzipped version of source contains very little, primarily the Help files describing the functions in the package. In some cases I can find the source as the value of the function name. Given that these packages are released as GPL,
2007 Oct 30
trouble installing building packages from source using R 2.6.0 on Ubuntu Gutsy AMD64
I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu Gutsy and, for the first time, am using a 64-bit installation. After failing miserably to install R from source, not a problem for me in the past with a 32-bit install, I went the route of using the Debian Etch build. This went smoothly, but I am unable to update my numerous R and BioConductor packages, getting non-zero exit status errors on each package. Is
2015 Apr 27
Real sh? Or other efficient shell for non-interactive scripts
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at> wrote: > On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Joerg Schilling > <Joerg.Schilling at> wrote: > > > > > You should read the GPL and get help to understand it. The GPL does not forbid > > this linking. In contrary, the GPOL allows any GPLd program to be linked > > against any library under and
2008 Jan 15
things that are difficult/impossible to do in SAS or SPSS but simple in R
Hi all, I'm giving a talk in a few days to a group of psychology faculty and grad students re the R statistical language. Most people in my dept. use SAS or SPSS. It occurred to me that it would be nice to have a few concrete examples of things that are fairly straightforward to do in R but that are difficult or impossible to do in SAS or SPSS. However, it has been so long since I have used
2013 Aug 15
Red Hat CEO: Go Ahead, Copy Our Software Title says is all. Nice to know RH understands and accepts the relationship between CentOS and RHEL. Although it is complex. After all, if too many choose CentOS, there may no longer be a CentOS. However, I don't think I would refer to CentOS as a "parasite" as the author Matt Asay does. More appropriate
2006 Apr 08
MIT vs GPL vs LGPL for open source project
I intend to release a project I wrote with Rails. What is the right licensing scheme for a web application (content managing system) which could grow with plugins and add-ons ? Personally, I would prefer the GPL but does that mean any add-on to the CMS (like task management) will have to be GPL ? If some people contribute to the code could it still be double-licenced so that the people who