similar to: Re ad From EXCEL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Re ad From EXCEL"

2010 Feb 23
export tables to Excel files
Dear R users, I've just posted a similar question about Illustrator. This time I would like to export the results of my statistic tables and my dataframes into Excel files. Up to now I've used write.csv(), but I have to resave every file in .xls in Excel. I would like to know if there is a function or package to export directly into *.xls. I have found xlsReadWrite which would be
2007 Apr 18
importing excel-file
Dear R-experts, It is a quite stupid question but please help me. I am very confuced. I am able to import normal txt ant mat-files to R but unable to import .xls-file I do not understand the online help. Can please anyone send me the corresponding command lines? The .xls-file is attached. In my file we use commas for the decimal format (example: 0,712), changes might be needed. Thanks, Corinna
2009 Jan 08
R and Excel
Even using the VBA back of Excel to create interfaces with R would make a lot of sense. Suppose I could have access to VBA macros that import and export data into R , it would be great. The R GUI series like Rattle come even closer to a VBA _R_ExCel package might be useful to ordinary folks . Besides Excel costs money, so adding R functions to Open Office would help both of them ( if
2010 Apr 16
run R script from Excel VBA
I wrote a R script say called computeCovarMatrix.R and i want to call and run this piece from Excel visual basic. does anyone know how to do that? thanks, KZ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 29
reading dates in Excel into R
I am reading dates in Excel2007 into R. Here are the functions I used: library(RODBC) channel<-odbcConnectExcel2007("myfile.xlsx") tmp<-sqlFetch(channel,"1", The dates in myfile.xlsx are all in this format: mm/dd/yyyy. But when I read it to R, some columns look like "yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00", some columns look like "yyyy-mm-dd", and some
2012 May 21
Contactos en Madrid-ayuda con instalación
Hola a todos, Mi nombre es Juanjo. Llevo un tiempo intentado hacer funcionar un programa que necesita de la instalación de RPROJECT y REXCEL. He mirado varias guías e instalado los programas pero obtengo varios errores. El principal es que tras instalar RProject, Rexcel y statcon y al intentar correr esta macro desde Visual Basic… Sub Start() RInterface.StartRServer
2007 Aug 28
A common process when data is obtained in an Excel spreadsheet is to save the spreadsheet as a .csv file then read it into R. Experienced users might have learned to be wary of dates (as I have) but possibly have not experienced what just happened to me. I thought I might just share it with r-help as a cautionary tale. I received an Excel file giving patient details. Each patient had an ID
2012 Oct 27
help install RExcel
Hello, I just installed RExcel but I have some problems. I am writing you the set of commands that I used: > install.packages("RExcelInstaller", "rcom", "rsproxy") > library(rcom) > comRegisterRegistry() > library(RExcelInstaller) > installstatconnDCOM() > installRExcel() But when I select RStart from add-ins I see this written "No R server
2012 Jul 09
Issue with installing RExcel
Hi community. I'm fairly new to R and have a basic question. When I try to install RExcel with the code: install.packages("RExcelInstaller", "rcom", "rsproxy") I get the message below: Warning in install.packages("RExcelInstaller", "rcom", "rsproxy") : 'lib = "rcom"' is not writable Error in
2010 Feb 22
RExcel + RCOM + Linux
Dear all, does anyone know if it is possible to connect a Windows RExcel instance to a linux R instance? Within Rexcel, I find the option "Remote Server Address", but I wonder what the installation procedure on my linux (ubuntu) R looks like (if possible at all)? Thanks Philipp
2009 Jan 30
run query using rexcel runrfile and rodbc sql query
Hi, I'm using R-2.8.1 for windows. I wrote a script calls the RODBC package to run sql queries against an oracle database. It runs fine when run from the rconsole and returns a data.frame with a summary for a set of experiments. I want to run this script using the rinterface.RunRFile command in an excel plugin, using the rexcel package. When I run the code from my excel plugin I
2005 Dec 31
hello all i have a quick question. i have been using the RODBC library (trying to read Excel data into R but i am doing this by using Rexcel. this is probably not the correct forum - sorry for this). my code is shown below: Sub A() 'start the connection to R Call RInterface.StartRServer RInterface.RRun "library(RODBC)" RInterface.RRun "A =
2010 Mar 14
R-Excel Macro Problem
Hi, I was trying to run your code in my VBA editor, however could not succeed. The execution stumbled in the line "Call Rinterface.StartRServer" itself. I have RCOM package installed into my R environment. Do I need to install anything else to run that? Would guys here guide me? Thanks -- View this message in context:
2012 Jan 10
unir en .dbf luego de aplicar read.xls a varios archivos
Estimados: Tengo un directorio con varios archivos Excel quiero importarlos todos y grabarlos en un único archivo .dbf. Haciendolo uno por uno lo logro de la siguiente manera (solo tomo 2 archivos): archivos <- list.files(pattern = 'xls') a1 <- read.xls(archivos[1], perl="C:\\strawberry\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe",skip=12,dec=",",header=F, a2 <-
2009 Apr 29
Help with RExcel (running code)
Hello: First, RExcel completely rocks! Hat tip to the development team. However, I don't understand something very basic about it. Suppose I put the following code in two cells and choose the Run Code option plot(runif(20),runif(20)) text(.5,.5,"Hello") I get the expected plot. HOWEVER, if I put the following in a cell and hit Run Code, I get nothing. runif(20) HOWEVER, If I
2007 Jun 25
Good morning to everybody, I have a problem : how can I import excel files in R??? thank you very much Erika Frigo Università degli Studi di Milano Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Veterinarie per la Sicurezza Alimentare (VSA) Via Grasselli, 7 20137 Milano Tel. 02/50318515 Fax 02/50318501 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 11
Hi, I am installing Excel using package "RExcelInstaller". When I tried to run installRExcel() I got this error message: You don not have the R package rcom installed. The (D)COM server installed which will aloow you to use the background server in RExcel. Since rcom is not installed, foreground mode will be unavailable. You may continue with the installation, but in most
2009 Feb 23
Dates and times from Excel
I have used xlsReadWrite to read data from an Excel spreadsheet. I had a problem with converting times of the day so that I could create POSIXct date-time objects. I was wondering if there was a better solution. Excel stores times of the day as fractions of a day so I wrote a function to convert the fraction to a number of seconds, extract the hours, minutes and seconds and output it in ISO
2009 Oct 19
source and textConnection
Is this warning given on purpose? > myconn<-textConnection("print(11*11)") > source(myconn) [1] 121 Warning message: In source(myconn) : argument 'encoding = "native.enc"' will be ignored Could it be omitted, since the docs state that encoding is only use if the corresponding argument is a file name or url? -- Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
2009 Jun 27
Creating Excel-Charts via RDCOMClient
Hi R-users! I'm trying to create an easy Excel chart using the package RDCOMClient. The following example is working fine: #------------------------------------------------------------------- library(RDCOMClient) xlLocationAsObject <-2 xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers <- 73 ex <- COMCreate("Excel.Application") wb <- ex[["Workbooks"]]$Add() sh <-