similar to: Error: value of 'SET_CXTAIL' must be a char or NULL, not a 'char'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error: value of 'SET_CXTAIL' must be a char or NULL, not a 'char'"

2001 Dec 07
Memory problem
Dear all, I have written a little R program to convert images. See below. Within the loop over j (the filenames) memory consumption grows constantly. rm( ... ) inside the loop did not help. Memory does not grow if I remove the writeBin statements between the two #-------- marks. But obviously this is not solution I want... Thanks for any advice. Manfred Baumstark P.S. As I'm new to R:
2002 Oct 14
R 1.6.0 Solaris crash with xmalloc: out of virtual memory
[some de-capitalization of *SXP done manually by mailing list maintainer ; the originally was caught as potential spam. MM] I have a little R program that crashes with the message xmalloc: out of virtual memory The code has a repeat{} loop that watches the sizes of some files. When there's an increase it updates things by reading the last 65 lines of each file, doing some
2017 Feb 20
another fix for R crashes under enable-strict-barrier, lto, trunk@72156
On 2nd thought, I think a better fix to the segfault is something like this: --- a/src/main/memory.c +++ b/src/main/memory.c @@ -3444,6 +3444,8 @@ R_xlen_t (XTRUELENGTH)(SEXP x) { return XTRUELENGTH(CHK2(x)); } int (IS_LONG_VEC)(SEXP x) { return IS_LONG_VEC(CHK2(x)); } const char *(R_CHAR)(SEXP x) { + if(!x) + error("de-referncing null. Check the validity of your data.");
2003 Dec 16
Memory issues in "aggregate" (PR#5829)
Full_Name: Ed Borasky Version: 1.8.1 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( R 1.8.1 seems to be running into a memory allocation problem in the "aggregate" function. I have a rather large dataset (14 columns by 223,000 rows -- almost 40 megabytes) and a script that performs some processing on it. The system is a 768 MB Pentium 4. Here's the console
2017 Feb 11
another fix for R crashes under enable-strict-barrier, lto, trunk@72156
I haven' t touched R for some 18 months, and so I have no idea if this is a recent problems or not; but it certainly did not segfault two years ago. Since it has been crashing (segfault) under 'make check-all' for over a month, I reckon I'll have to look at it myself, to have it fixed. I have been having the ' --enable-memory-profiling --enable-strict-barrier
2008 Mar 05
Press delete key three times in R-2.6.1 to get segmentation fault (PR#10892)
Full_Name: Poor Yorick Version: R-2.6.1 OS: 2.4.21-50.ELhugemem #1 SMP Tue May 8 17:10:31 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( After compiling R-2.6.1 with gcc-4.2.1 pressing the 'delete' key three times in an interactive session causes R to malfunction, spitting out an infinite stream of errors. I have also replicated the issue in R-2.5.1: R
2005 Jan 03
Memory problem ... Again
Happy new year to all; A few days ago, I posted similar problem. At that time, I found out that our R program had been 32-bit compiled, not 64-bit compiled. So the R program has been re-installed in 64-bit and run the same job, reading in 150 Affymetrix U133A v2 CEL files and perform dChip processing. However, the memory problem happened again. Since the amount of physical memory is 64GB, I think
2017 Aug 23
Error "translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP Execution halted"
Dear list, I installed R 3.3.2 on a Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.3 machine by adding the EPEL-repository and then installing it via yum. R starts up and seems to be doing fine at first sight. However, when I try to list the files in a directory with the command files <- list.files(path="/home/username/directory_name/", pattern="*.Rda",, full.names=T, recursive=FALSE) I get
2009 Oct 01
Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'character' & 'getEncChar' must be called on a CHARSXP
Hello, I have list of 600K lists, each sublist a list of two elements, the first a character, the second a list of six named elements, some characters some numrics. LISTA (600K) (:= h) |__ List of two elements |__ Character |__ Named List of 6 elements (characters and numerics) This works, sip <- lapply(h,function(r) r[[2]][['sip']]) but I wish to unlist this
2007 Jul 23
CHAR(STRING_ELT( - OK but CHAR(asChar(STRING_ELT( - not, why?
Any idea why CHAR(asChar(STRING_ELT( produces NA whereas CHAR(STRING_ELT( gets a pointer to a string? It's generally expected that STRING_ELT should already be a character, but why the coercion does not work? Here is a simple example (consistent over R2.5.1-R2.6 rev 42284, I didn't check earlier versions, but it used to be different in 2.4): install.packages("inline")
2011 Dec 20
RODBC Error: 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP
I am trying to connect to an internal database and use the sqlQuery command to reduce and retrieve data using the following code: channel <-odbcConnect("some_dsn", uid="", pwd="") txt<-'SELECT Date, Region, Price FROM TableXYZ WHERE Type="Domestic"' sqlQuery(channel, cat(txt,"\n"),errors=TRUE,) close(channel) However, I get the
2009 Jul 09
bug in seq_along
Using the IRanges package from Bioconductor and somewhat recent R-2.9.1. ov = IRanges(1:3, 4:6) length(ov) # 3 seq(along = ov) # 1 2 3 as wanted seq_along(ov) # 1! I had expected that the last line would yield 1:3. My guess is that somehow seq_along don't utilize that ov is an S4 class with a length method. The last line of the *Details* section of ?seq has a typeo. Currently it is
2004 Dec 28
Configuration of memory usage
Hi, all; I know there has been a lot of discussions on memory usage in R. However, I have some odd situation here. Basically, I have a rare opportunity to run R in a system with 64GB memory without any limit on memory usage for any person or process. However, I encountered the memory problem error message like this: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 594075 Kb I got this error message while
2011 Feb 01
list.files() error message: 'translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP
I'm using list.files() on my home directory, like this: crnt.files <- list.files(, full.names=TRUE, all.files=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) With set to the full path to my home directory. After a while I get: Error in list.files(, full.names = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, : 'translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP This happens on one of my
2016 Aug 05
Extra copies of objects in environments when using $ operator?
My understanding is that R will not make copies of lists if there is only one reference to the object. However, I've encountered a case where R does make copies, even though (I think) there should be only one reference to the object. I hope that someone could shed some light on why this is happening. I'll start with a simple example. Below, x is a list with one element, and changing that
2007 Sep 28
CHAR () and Rmpi
Hi. I am the maintainer of Rmpi package. Now I have a problem regarding the change of CHAR () in R 2.6.0. According to R 2.6.0 NEWS: ******* CHAR() now returns (const char *) since CHARSXPs should no longer be modified in place. This change allows compilers to warn or error about improper modification. Thanks to Herve Pages for the suggestion. ******* Unfortunately this
2005 Mar 16
function-like macros undefined
Hi, Somehow function-like macros from Rinternals.h are not defined when I include the file. foo.c ################## #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #ifndef NILSXP #error("NILSXP") #endif #ifndef INTEGER #error("INTEGER") #endif ################### When compiled: vor/src% gcc -I/usr/local/lib/R/include -g -O2 -c foo.c -o foo.o foo.c:11:2: #error
2006 Nov 07
Getting the name of a SEXP type in package code?
Hi, Is there an alternative to type2char that is available for use in package code? It would be useful for producing more informative error messages. + seth
2009 Dec 16
What is the fastest way to see what are in an RData file?
Currently, I load the RData file then ls() and str(). But loading the file takes too long if the file is big. Most of the time, I only interested what the variables are in the the file and the attributes of the variables (like if it is a data.frame, matrix, what are the colnames/rownames, etc.) I'm wondering if there is any facility in R to help me avoid loading the whole file.
2002 Aug 06
Memory leak in R v1.5.1?
Hi, I am trying to minimize a rather complex function of 5 parameters with gafit and nlm. Besides some problems with both optimization algorithms (with respect to consistantly generating similar results), I tried to run this optimization about a hundred times for yet two other parameters. Unfortunately, as the log below shows, during that batch process R starts to eat up all my RAM,