similar to: problem in installing R packages on linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem in installing R packages on linux"

2007 Mar 19
sorting with criteria that are "out of order"
I try to sort this dataframe: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [1,] "CM" "BARBY" "INCREASED" " 0" " 2" " 0" " 1" " 1" [2,] "CM" "BARBY" "REDUCED" " 0" " 1" " 2" " 2" " 5" [3,] "CM"
2007 Nov 08
centile reference chart / clildren growth chart - what package/method to use
We are constructing growth charts (age/weight and age/length) for children with diagnosis that impacts weight/length. But we we don't know how to use R for producing growth charts. We are collection data of Age, Weight and Length. The data are used to produce diagnosis-specific Growth charts (like the CDC Growth Charts:
2003 Nov 18
howto improve sharpeness of fonts in a jpg-image produced by R ?
Hi. I've done a standard barplotexample using R1-8.0, redhat8, probably using a GhostScript-integration. How can I improve the "sharpness" of the fonts. See for example the barplot (originally jpg coming from R) which is part of this screendump: I'm not sure where to improve the this. Is it an
2004 Nov 22
RODBC and Table views
This question relates to the use of the RODBC package for retrieving data from a MS Access database. It is quite easy to retrieve data sitting in tables but is it possible to select from views based on these tables? The archives do not touch on this point. sqlTables() lets me see tables and views but only the tables yield data. Do I need to recreate these views on the R side of the connection?
2005 Feb 11
Saving graphs in formats other than PDF?
I am running R 2.01 on Mac OS 10.3.7. Whenever I save graphs, they are saved as PDF files. Are there any other file formats to which I could save my graphs. I would like to directly export my graphs to MS Word, if possible. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Jim Milks Graduate Student Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Program Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435
2003 Dec 01
wilcoxon-pratt signed rank test in R - drug-effiacy
Hi. I'm going to introduce the R-package for a group of medical doctors later this week and is a little confused about there use of a test named "willcoxon-pratt" for testing if the clinical and biochemical markers has decreased significantly after the use of some drugs for a group of patients. Looking into the R-functions I would in R recommand using a matched-pairs Wilcoxon
2003 Apr 11
danish characters - installing R - linux redhat 8.0
I'm using R on a linux redhat 8.0 installation. The special danish characters (ÅØÆæøå) are showed wrong on the screen. Example: yy<-matrix(c(0,2,1,1,8),ncol=1,dimnames=list(c("Brøæå","AGF","AB","Farum","FC-Kbh." ),c("Stemmer"))) barplot(yy[1:5],ylab=names(,main="5. grade.... ") Any hints? Cand.
2003 May 13
RMySQL crashes R
I have justed upgraded R v1.7.0 on Windows NT 4 and have installed the latest RMySQL (version 0.5-1)and DBI (version 0.1-5) packages. When I issue the following commands (tactfully adjusted) R just crashes and disappears, any ideas? require(RMySQL) m <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect(m, dbname="xxx", user="xxx", password="xxx",
2004 Feb 28
logististic regression (GLM). How to get 95 pct. confidence limits?
Dear R-list. I'm doing af logistic analyses using gml. The model explaines variations in Adverse events infections (0 og 1) using age as explanatory variable. model2d<-glm(formula=AEorSAEInfecBac~Age,family=binomial("logit"),data=emrisk) I want to get predictions with 95% confidence limits for age 30 and age 60. I've been reading the "google" and "search
2012 Nov 23
invalid colour name 'rgb(1.000,0,0)' error
Hi, I m working on latex and R and i need to dynamically generate colors. r<-paste("rgb(1.000,",0,",",0,")",sep="") # i m generating dynamically by paste command cars <- c(1, 3, 6, 4, 9) plot(cars, type="o", col=r) *Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid colour name 'rgb(1.000,0,0)'* How to fix this
2012 Nov 01
How to parse xml with same key name ?
HI, I need to parse an xml where key name are same but values are different. <root> <test> Some dummy text </test> <node id="1">one</node> <node id="2">two</node> <node id="3">three</node> </root> When i use xmlGetAttr() function i always get one as value. How
2012 Nov 22
How to read jpeg image with russian font in R?
Hi, I m working on R and read one image with russian font using readjpeg() function and write it on pdf (using grid). But russian text is not visible on pdf. How can i fix my pblm? Regards <> library(JPEG) library(grid) pdf("out.pdf" , width = 6.6 ,height = 4.2,family= "URWHelvetica", encoding="KOI8-R")
2012 Mar 22
How to draw table in Latex without using xtable?
Hi, I am working on table suing R and Latex. I am writing .Rnw file first in which i m reading input file and storing into dataframe. After filtering certain values from this dataframe. I am planning to display it. I don't want to use xtable since i need to change column names. *Sample .Rnw file* @ <<echo=FALSE>>= cat("\begin{table}[ht]")
2008 Jan 29
regression - cluster option in STATA - what in R?
My phd-student works in stata using cluster option in a regression model like this example: (from link: """ /* model 2 -- same as svy: regress with psu */ regress math homework, cluster(schid) """ I need to put som extra "blinded" data into the same model using R. This "cluster" option. Is
2008 Feb 19
How to use BayesTree or RBF for predict
Hi all, sorry for my english, but I don't speak yours language. I'm trying to use bart() and rbf(). The package I'm using now is "BayesTree" and "neural", respectively. I could create the models, but I can't predict my test data. Does anyone have such an experience? Any advice is appreciated! Thank you in advanced!. Andr? -- View this message in
2004 Mar 01
glm logistic model, prediction intervals on impact af age 60 compared to age 30
Dear R-list. I have done a logistic glm using Age as explanatory variable for some allergic event. #the model model2d<-glm(formula=AEorSAEInfecBac~Age,family=binomial("logit"),data=emrisk) #predictions for age 30 and 60 preds<-predict(model2d,data.frame(Age=c(30,60)), # prediction interval
2009 Feb 07
New package test results available
We've added a column at of test results using the Sun Studio compiler: it is intended that these will be updated weekly. The Sun Studio compiler is that used on Solaris: these runs were on the Linux version. All the other platforms are using gcc 4, so this provides an opportunity for checking for use of gcc-specific features and
2005 Dec 01
list of kernel patches --- where?
Traditionally, I've needed to compile my own kernel for my embedded headless systems. Traditionally, I've been on RH7.3; kernel source came with the distro. Now I'm looking at Centos 4.2 as my base, and two question arise 1: Where is the kernel source (I can hunt it down again, just wanting to know if anybody has a link to it they can paste please) 2: What are the patches applied to
2008 Apr 19
problem in caluclaring the multiple regression
I am trying to calculate the regression for the follwing input data stored in 'data.txt' file.I am reading this and storing it in the variable i .then i am trying to get the predicted value using f1 as dependent and others f2....f10 as independent variables.It is giving the following error. Also i want that i shoul get one predicted value for each row(y). What should i do. Please help me
2010 Oct 20
Myth? 21 disk raidz3: "Don''t put more than ___ disks in a vdev"
In a discussion a few weeks back, it was mentioned that the Best Practices Guide says something like "Don''t put more than ___ disks into a single vdev." At first, I challenged this idea, because I see no reason why a 21-disk raidz3 would be bad. It seems like a good thing. I was operating on assumption that resilver time was limited by sustainable throughput of disks, which