similar to: How to fill out some columns? (Solved)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to fill out some columns? (Solved)"

2008 Apr 11
How to fill out some columns?
Dear R users, I'm working with 2 data sets which look like (for example) dx and dy in the next code: # Seed set.seed(4) # First data frame dx=matrix(rnorm(6*5),ncol=6) colnames(dx)=LETTERS[1:6] # Second data frame dy=matrix(rnorm(3*5),ncol=3) colnames(dy)=c('A','C','E') As you will notice, some columns in both data sets have the same names. At the end, what I need
2008 Mar 05
[PATCH] ioemu: fix SDL mouse events processing
ioemu: fix SDL mouse events processing - GetRelativeMouseState always returns the last position, so when the polling loop gets several mouse events in one go, we would send useless ''no move'' events. - So as to make sure we don''t miss any mouse click / double click, we should not use GetRelativeMouseState() to get the button state, but keep records of the button
2009 Aug 11
Lattice: How to do error bars
I am trying to add 2 stdev error bars to lattice type plots: panel.ebar<-function(x,y,dy=NULL,...) { panel.xyplot(x,y,...) panel.segments(x,y-dy,x,y+dy,...) } Then: xyplot(y~x|fc,data=dat,dy=dat$dy,panel=panel.ebar) This adds error bars but they are not conditioned on the factor fc. xyplot(y+I(y-dy)+I(y+dy)~x|fc,data=dat) This produces 3 series of points in different colors, conditioned
2011 Aug 11
Splitting data
I want to implement the following algorithm in R: I want to split my data, use a t test to compare both means of the groups to see if they significantly differ from each other. If this is a yes (p < alpha) I want to split again (into 4 groups) and do the same procedure twice, and stop otherwise (here the problem arises). As a final result I would have different groups of data. I made some
2002 Mar 21
legend - bug with argument angle (PR#1404)
When legend() is used with the angle argument as follows, not only the boxes beside the legend text, but also the whole legend box is filled with shading lines. I think this is not intended: plot(1:10) legend(8, 4, c("A", "B"), angle=c(10, 80), fill=NULL, density=20) I'd suggest as a fix (legend.R of R-1.5.0): 25c25 < rect2 <- function(left, top, dx, dy,
2005 Dec 08
kronecker(... , make.dimnames=TRUE)
Hi I'm using kronecker() with a matrix and a vector. I'm interested in the column names that kronecker() returns: > a <- matrix(1:9,3,3) > rownames(a) <- letters[1:3] > colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3] > b <- c(x=1,y=2) > kronecker(a,b,make.dimnames=TRUE) A: B: C: a:x 1 4 7 a:y 2 8 14 b:x 2 5 8 b:y 4 10 16 c:x 3 6 9 c:y 6 12 18 > The
2001 Oct 12
Hello, You know, I always worry about the precision and the float constants... and there is a large lookup table in the floor1.c ... and I figure out a way to keep the code size and speed, but to improve the precision at this lookup table. (the difference is small, but audible) Here is the modifications in the floor1.c: tatic unsigned long FLOOR_fromdB_LOOKUP[256]={
2011 Oct 02
deSolve - Function daspk on DAE system - Error
I'm getting this error on the attached code and breaking my head but can't figure it out. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, Vince CODE: library(deSolve) Res_DAE=function(t, y, dy, pars) { with(as.list(c(y, dy, pars)), { res1 = -dS -dES-k2*ES res2 = -dP + k2*ES eq1 = Eo-E -ES eq2 = So-S -ES -P return(list(c(res1, res2, eq1, eq2))) }) } pars <- c(Eo=0.02,
2011 Oct 03
deSolve - Function daspk on DAE system - Error (Vince)
Vince, When that happens, one possible reason is that your DAE is of index > 1, which cannot be solved by daspk. The solver radau, also from deSolve can handle DAEs up to index 3, but you need to rewrite the problem in the form M*y' = f(x,y), where M is a mass matrix. If you do that for your problem, and solve it with radau, then radau complains that the "matrix is repeatedly
2003 May 14
lme speedup question
I am hoping someone will be kind enough to have a look at the following piece of code and tell me if there is a way to run lme() so it is a lot faster. The inner loop, j in 1:15000, takes about 2 hrs on my 2.8GHz dual Xeon 4GB RAM machine. The timings I have done show the dominant execution time is in lme. options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.sum"))
2012 Oct 10
Generating random geographical coordinates
Dear all, I have two coordinates vectors, say X and Y of length n. I want to generate for each couple of coordinates X1,Y1 X2,Y2 X3,Y3....Xn,Yn a random coordinate which is located in a square define as X +/- dx and Y +/- dy. I saw the runif function which can generate for just one value at a time what I want : runif(1, X - dx, X + dx) for X and runif(1, Y - dy, Y + dy) for Y. I would like
2005 Dec 29
use of tapply?
I'm still learning how to program with R and I was hoping someone could take the time to show me how I can rewrite this code? Many thanks Tom data.intersects<-data.frame( x=c(0.230,0.411,0.477,0.241,0.552,0.230), y=c(0.119,0.515,0.261,0.431,0.304,0.389), angle=vector(length=6), length=vector(length=6),
2001 Mar 21
Suggest new outer for R-1.3
Hi everyone, Can I suggest the following modification of outer for R-1.3, in the interests of speed and size of calculation: ******************************************************************* "outer" <- function (X, Y, FUN = "*", ...) { no.nx <- is.null(nx <- dimnames(X <- as.array(X))) dX <- dim(X) no.ny <- is.null(ny <- dimnames(Y <-
2009 Jun 04
type = 'b' with Grid
Dear all, I feel like I've been reinventing the wheel with this code (implementing type = 'b' for Grid graphics), Has anyone here attempted this with success before? I found suggestions of overlapping large white points to mask the lines but it's not ideal. I welcome any comments on the code.
2007 May 19
Crash in blur.c (SIGSEGV)
Hello. System info: OS: FC6 x86_64 video: Nvidia GF 7900 GT, driver version 97.55 compiz version: git config backend used: ccp I can reproduce this crash every time on my system. When blur plugin is active and I try to access any right-click menu, regular application menu or drop-down list, compiz crashes. Backtrace produced by crashhandler plugin shows crash in blur.c in function
2012 Nov 27
in par(mfrow=c(1, 2)), how to keep one half plot static and the other half changing
Hi, I'm trying to plot something in the following way and would like if you could help: I'd like in a same plot window, two plots are shown, the left one is a bird-view plot of the whole data, the right half keep changing, i.e., different plots will be shown up on request, so that when I select/click on some where in the left plot, the right plot will be the corresponding plot. What I
2011 Nov 30
How can I pick a matrix from a function? (Out Product of Gradient)
Hi all, I would like to use optim() to estimate the equation by the log-likelihood function and gradient function which I had written. I try to use OPG(Out Product of Gradient) to calculate the Hessian matrix since sometime Hessian matrix is difficult to calculate. Thus I want to pick the Gradient matrix from the gradient function. Moreover, could R show the process of calculation on gradient
2006 Jan 06
panel data unit root tests
When finally got some time to do some coding, I started and stopped right after. The stationary test is a good starting point because it demonstrates how we should be able to move the very basic R matrices. I have a real- world small N data set with rows: id(n=1)---t1---variable1 ... id=(N=20)---T=21---variable1 Thus, a good test case. For first id I was considering something like this: lag
2009 Jun 06
large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep
Dear All, We aim to remove the spatial structure of our data using Moran Eigen Vectors and spdep package . Our data has 3694 samples and 13 variables. The computer stop working after almost 4 days of processing (we found it emitting a sharp sound and with all colors on the screen. No wories, it was restared without problem!). And we are left with nothing: no result file was produced since the
2006 Sep 01
difference between ns and bs in predict.glm
I am fittling a spline to a variable in a regression model, I am then using the predict.glm funtion to make some predictions. When I use bs to fit the spline I don't have any problems using the predict.glm function however when I use ns I get the following error: Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras, extranames, : variable lengths differ (found for