similar to: How to fill out some columns?

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2008 Apr 13
How to fill out some columns? (Solved)
Thank you so much to Mark and Gabor for their codes (please see below). Now I solved my problem : ) Best, Jorge # --------- Mark's code res=sapply(colnames(dx), function(.colname) { if (.colname %in% colnames(dy)) dy[,.colname] else {numeric(nrow(dy))} }) res # --------- Gabor's code res=as.matrix(replace( * dx), colnames(dy), dy)) # If dx were a data frame
2009 Aug 11
Lattice: How to do error bars
I am trying to add 2 stdev error bars to lattice type plots: panel.ebar<-function(x,y,dy=NULL,...) { panel.xyplot(x,y,...) panel.segments(x,y-dy,x,y+dy,...) } Then: xyplot(y~x|fc,data=dat,dy=dat$dy,panel=panel.ebar) This adds error bars but they are not conditioned on the factor fc. xyplot(y+I(y-dy)+I(y+dy)~x|fc,data=dat) This produces 3 series of points in different colors, conditioned
2012 Oct 10
Generating random geographical coordinates
Dear all, I have two coordinates vectors, say X and Y of length n. I want to generate for each couple of coordinates X1,Y1 X2,Y2 X3,Y3....Xn,Yn a random coordinate which is located in a square define as X +/- dx and Y +/- dy. I saw the runif function which can generate for just one value at a time what I want : runif(1, X - dx, X + dx) for X and runif(1, Y - dy, Y + dy) for Y. I would like
2002 Oct 06
error bars in line plots
Hi! Could you tell me how I can draw a graph with error bars? Sorry, I don't use R that often and I couldn't find it easily in the documentation. TIA -- myriam -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",
2011 Aug 11
Splitting data
I want to implement the following algorithm in R: I want to split my data, use a t test to compare both means of the groups to see if they significantly differ from each other. If this is a yes (p < alpha) I want to split again (into 4 groups) and do the same procedure twice, and stop otherwise (here the problem arises). As a final result I would have different groups of data. I made some
2002 Mar 21
legend - bug with argument angle (PR#1404)
When legend() is used with the angle argument as follows, not only the boxes beside the legend text, but also the whole legend box is filled with shading lines. I think this is not intended: plot(1:10) legend(8, 4, c("A", "B"), angle=c(10, 80), fill=NULL, density=20) I'd suggest as a fix (legend.R of R-1.5.0): 25c25 < rect2 <- function(left, top, dx, dy,
2012 Jul 29
Return od functions
Hi! I have some questions about R function. I try to write a function for multi-returns. The function code is as attachment. dgp.par<-function(ai, bi, t, n) { t0<-t+20 y0<-matrix(0, nr=t0, nc=n) y0[1,]<-ai/(1-bi) for(tt in 2:t0) { y0[tt,]<-ai+bi*y0[tt-1,]+rnorm(n, 0, 1) } y<-y0[21:t0,] x<-y0[20:t0-1,] z<-y0[19:t0-2,] z<-z[2:t,] dy<-y[2:t,]-y[1:t-1,]
2003 May 14
lme speedup question
I am hoping someone will be kind enough to have a look at the following piece of code and tell me if there is a way to run lme() so it is a lot faster. The inner loop, j in 1:15000, takes about 2 hrs on my 2.8GHz dual Xeon 4GB RAM machine. The timings I have done show the dominant execution time is in lme. options(contrasts=c("contr.sum", "contr.sum"))
2008 Feb 28
Collapse an array
Suppose I have a 4-D array X with dimensions (dx, dy, dz, dp). I want to collapse the first 3 dimensions of X to make a 2-D array Y with dimensions (dx*dy*dz, dp). Instead of awkward looping, what is a good way to do this? Is there a similar function like reshape in Matlab? Thanks, Gang
2010 Jul 19
par("uin") ?
I inherited a function written either for an older version of R or SPlus to draw a brace, "{", in a graph. It uses par("uin") to determine the scaling of the quarter circles that make up segments of the brace, but that setting doesn't exist in current R. I'm guessing that, in the function below, ux, uy can be defined from par("usr") and
2000 Oct 06
R: plotting values on graphics
Everyone, I have an array of integer values which are located on a uniform 2-D grid. I want to plot the integer values at the node locations. The closest I have come is with the following code: for (i in 1:ny) { for (j in 1:nx) { ncell <- nx*(i - 1) + j ch <- as.character(ncount[ncell]) tx <- j*dx - dx/2 ty <- ny*dy - (i-1)*dy - dy/2 points(tx, ty, pch = ch, col =
2005 Dec 08
kronecker(... , make.dimnames=TRUE)
Hi I'm using kronecker() with a matrix and a vector. I'm interested in the column names that kronecker() returns: > a <- matrix(1:9,3,3) > rownames(a) <- letters[1:3] > colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:3] > b <- c(x=1,y=2) > kronecker(a,b,make.dimnames=TRUE) A: B: C: a:x 1 4 7 a:y 2 8 14 b:x 2 5 8 b:y 4 10 16 c:x 3 6 9 c:y 6 12 18 > The
2012 Nov 27
in par(mfrow=c(1, 2)), how to keep one half plot static and the other half changing
Hi, I'm trying to plot something in the following way and would like if you could help: I'd like in a same plot window, two plots are shown, the left one is a bird-view plot of the whole data, the right half keep changing, i.e., different plots will be shown up on request, so that when I select/click on some where in the left plot, the right plot will be the corresponding plot. What I
2005 May 04
Questions about the intersection area under two kernel densities
Hi there, I am working on a project which needs the value of the interaction area under two distributions( eatimated by kernel density estimators). For example: x<-rnorm(100,0,1) y<-rnorm(100,0.2,1) density(x) # This produces the summary of dependent variable and independent variable. How can I get the individual values of variables and reform a curve to calculate the area under
2005 Jun 07
Variables values on intersected intervals
Dear R-list, i have a problem, in the framework of simulations, i want to vectorize for earning time: a variable, say X, has values on intervals and an other variable, say Y, has values on other intervals. For example Inf Sup X 0 2 1 2 4 2 4 6 3 and Inf Sup Y 1 3 1 3 5 2 5 7 3 i want to create a matrix like this Inf Sup
2006 Jan 06
panel data unit root tests
When finally got some time to do some coding, I started and stopped right after. The stationary test is a good starting point because it demonstrates how we should be able to move the very basic R matrices. I have a real- world small N data set with rows: id(n=1)---t1---variable1 ... id=(N=20)---T=21---variable1 Thus, a good test case. For first id I was considering something like this: lag
2001 Aug 27
colorbar legend for image()
Hi, are there any plans to add a colorbar legend to image()? Or such a possibility already implemented which I just haven't discovered yet. Anyway, I will be willing to spent some time on the implementation if there isn't anyone working on that already. Thanks Thomas -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2008 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] Another compiler shootout
FYI. If anyone is motivated, please file bugs for the losing cases. Also, it might make sense to incorporate the tests into our nightly tester test suite. Thanks, Evan
2013 Nov 21
overlaying 2D grid on randomly distributed points
Hi, I have a cloud of randomly distributed points in 2-dimensional space and want to set up a grid, with a given grid-cell size, that minimizes the distance between my points and the grid nodes. Does anyone know of an R function or toolbox that somehow addresses this problem? This is a problem of optimizing the location of the grid, not a problem of deciding what should be the grid-cell size,
2001 Apr 19
Multiple linear regression
Dear R-users, I've a question regardiing multiple linear regression. Is it possible to regress a function of the type y=b0+b1*x1+b2*x2 constraining the partial derivatives dy/dx1 and dy/dx2 to be greater than 0 ??? Thank you very much for any possible suggestion. Best regards Marco -- Marco Pagani - PhD Student Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Sezione Geofisica Universita' degli