similar to: How to estimate a hazard ratio using an external hazard function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to estimate a hazard ratio using an external hazard function"

2010 Dec 31
survexp - example produces error
Dear All, reposting, because I did not find a solution, maybe someone could check the example below. It's taken from the help page of survdiff. Executing it, gives the error "Error in floor(temp) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function" best regards, Heinz library(survival) ## Example from help page of survdiff ## Expected survival for heart transplant patients based
2010 Nov 15
Proportional hazard model with weibull baseline hazard
Dear R-users, I would like to fit a fully parametric proportional hazard model with a weibull baseline hazard and a logit link function. This is, the hazard function is: lambda_i (t) = lambda_0 (t) psi (x_i* beta) where lambda_0 is a weibull distribution and psi a logistic distribution. Does someone know a package and/or function on R to do this? Thanks. -- M.L. AvendaƱo [[alternative HTML
2004 Sep 28
Validating a Cox model on an external set
Good morning, Sorry to trouble the list. I have a problem I hope to seek your advice on. Essentially, I am trying to 'validate' a multivariate Cox proportional hazards model built in a training set, by testing it on an external test set. I have performed a survfit using the Cox model to predict survival for the test set, and obtained individual predictions for survival time, with
2007 Aug 02
how to plot a differential equation?
Hi, I would like to plot the following equation: dF(x)/dx=(k1+k2F(x))(1-F(x)) where k1 and k2 are parameters that I have estimated already. How can I plot the curve in R? Thanks! Montserrat Rue Universitat de Lleida (Spain) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 26
lme: random effects of a quadratic term
Hello, I am estimating the following model: so2.lme<-lme(so2~1+I(alcadakm^2)+dia,data=subjectes2,na.action=na.omit) And when I try to plot the random effects of the quadratic term with respect to a covariate (mam) I get an error: > so2.lmeRE<-ranef(so2.lme,augFrame=T) > plot(so2.lmeRE,form=I(alcadakm^2)~mam) Error in plot.ranef.lme(so2.lmeRE, form = I(alcadakm^2) ~ mam ) : Only
2011 Dec 30
Joint modelling of survival data
Assume that we collect below data : - subjects = 20 males + 20 females, every single individual is independence, and difference events = 1, 2, 3... n covariates = 4 blood types A, B, AB, O ?m = hazards rates for male ?n = hazards rates for female Wm = Wn x ?, frailty for males, where ? is the edge ratio of male compare to female Wn =
2010 Nov 11
Evaluation puzzle
The survexp function can fail when called from another function. The "why" of this has me baffled, however. Here is a simple test case, using a very stripped down version of survexp: survexp.test <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, rmap, times, cohort=TRUE, conditional=FALSE,, scale=1, npoints,,
2011 Apr 20
survexp with weights
Hello, I probably have a syntax error in trying to generate an expected survival curve from a weighted cox model, but I can't see it. I used the help sample code to generate a weighted model, with the addition of a "weights=albumin" argument (I only chose albumin because it had no missing values, not because of any real relevance). Below are my code with the resulting error
2009 Jan 19
further notes on model.frame issue
This is a follow-up on my note of Saturday. Let me start with two important clarifications - I think this would be a nice addition, but I've had exactly one use for it in the 15+ years of developing the survival package. - I have a work around for the current case. Prioritize accordingly. The ideal would be to change survexp as follows: fit <- survexp( ~ gender,
2007 May 16
log rank test p value
How can I get the Log - Rank p value to be output? The chi square value can be output, so I was thinking if I can also have the degrees of freedom output I could generate the p value, but can't see how to find df either. > (survtest <- survdiff(Surv(time, cens) ~ group, data = surv,rho=0)) Call: survdiff(formula = Surv(time, cens) ~ group, data = surv, rho = 0) N Observed
2008 Dec 04
Comparing survival curves with "survdiff" "strata" help
ExpeRts, I'm trying to compare three survival curves using the function "survdiff" in the survival package. Following is my code and corresponding error message. > survdiff(Surv(st_months, status) ~ strata(BOR), data=mydata) Error in survdiff(Surv(st_months, status) ~ strata(BOR), data = mydata) : No groups to test When I check the "strata" of the variable. I get .
2007 Apr 26
Extract p-value from survdiff function
Hi list, I want to use the p-value from the survdiff function (package survival) to reuse within a function in a Kaplan-Meier plot. The p-value is somehow not a component of the value list ?! Thanks in advance -- A. Goralczyk G?ttingen, Ger.
2000 Apr 05
problem with survexp in survival5
survexp in survival5 doesn't seem to work for me. see below: > library(survival5) Attaching Package "package:survival5": The following object(s) are masked from package:base : sort.list > library(chron) > data(ratetables) > survexp(~ratetable(year=julian(6,1,1991), + sex=1,age=35*365.24),times=(0:30)/6*365.24) Error in as.character([, 3]),
2012 Oct 19
Question about survdiff in for-loop.
Hi everyone!! I have dataset composed of a numbers of survival analyses. ( for batch survival analyses by using for-loop) . Here are code !! ####### dim(svsv) Num_t<-dim(svsv) Num<-Num_t[2] # These are predictors !! names=colnames(svsv) for (i in 1:Num ) { name_tt=names[i] survdiff(Surv(survival.m, survival) ~ names[i], data=svsv) fit.Group<-survfit(Surv(survival.m, survival) ~
2018 Feb 14
Fleming-Harrington weighted log rank test
Hi all,? The survdiff() from survival package has an argument "rho" that implements Fleming-Harrington weighted long rank test.? But according to several sources including "survminer" package (, Fleming-Harrington weighted log-rank test should have 2 parameters
2012 Feb 23
Survival analysis and comparing survival curves
Hei, I have a one simple question which does not seem to be that simple as I cannot find any solution/answer: Is it possible to compare multiple survival curves in R with survdiff-function when there is interaction term involved in predictor variables (and this interaction is significant)? Example: survdiff(Surv(death,status)~treatment*gapsize) R is making "problems" with it ie.e.
2012 Jan 26
extracting from data.frames for survival analysis
Hi, I have a data frame: > class(B27.vec) [1] "data.frame" > head(B27.vec) AGE Gend B27 AgeOn DD uveitis psoriasis IBD CD UC InI BASDAI BASFI Smok UV 1 57 1 1 19 38 2 1 1 1 1 1 5.40 8.08 NA 1 2 35 1 1 33 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1.69 2.28 NA 1 3 49 2 1 40 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.30 9.40 NA
2007 May 01
logrank test
how do l programme the logrank test. l am trying to compare 2 survival curves --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 16
Teasing out logrank differences *between* groups using survdiff or something else?
R Folk: Please forgive what I'm sure is a fairly na?ve question; I hope it's clear. A colleague and I have been doing a really simple one-off survival analysis, but this is an area with which we are not very familiar, we just happen to have gathered some data that needs this type of analysis. We've done quite a bit of reading, but answers escape us, even though the question below
2012 Oct 18
looping survdiff?
Hello, I am trying to set up a loop that can run the survdiff function with the ultimate goal to generate a csv file with the p-values reported. However, whenever I try a loop I get an error such as "invalid type (list) for variable 'survival_data_variables[i]". This is a subset of my data: structure(list(time = c(1.51666666666667, 72, 72, 25.7833333333333, 72, 72, 72, 72, 72,