similar to: format numbers using 1000 separator

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "format numbers using 1000 separator"

2023 May 30
why does [A-Z] include 'T' in an Estonian locale?
Inspired by this old Stack Overflow question I was wondering why this is TRUE: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "et_EE") grepl("[A-Z]", "T") TRE's documentation at <> says that a range "is shorthand for
2015 Jun 08
Bug in loadNamespace?
On 07/06/2015 9:14 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote: > > On 7 June 2015 at 20:46, Duncan Murdoch wrote: > | I am seeing very strange behaviour in R 3.2.0 patched (r68272) and a new > | build of R-devel. The sessioninfo() from the former is below. > | > | Here's what I see: If I set the locale, and trigger a namespace load, a > | version comparison gives NA, and I get an
2003 Aug 27
alpha-numeric order bug (PR#3996)
I am running R version 1.7.1 on 3 different operating systems: Linux RedHat, Linux Slackware, and Windows 2000. R is ordering alpha-numeric character strings in different ways, dependent on the operating system. R orders strings exactly the same on Slackware and Windows, and this ordering corresponds to SPlus. It's the RedHat that is creating the problem. On Slackware, Windows, and SPlus:
2006 May 29
Special Characters on wine
Hi.. Guess this is asked alot, looked through the last 1000 posts but couldnt find anything so here goes =) Running a 10 finger training program originally made for win 95 on wine, and it all runs smoothly except that i cant get it to show the danish characters "???", if i press the keys on the keyboard they work fine so its not the keymapping thats wrong.. It just replaces the
2008 Mar 09
format numbers into percentages
Hi, I am currently using the following to formate numbers into percentages: x=0.00112 paste(round(x*100,2),"%",sep="") I am wondering if there is a built in R function that does the same. Does anyone know? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 16
2 error with large data sets
Dear List I have run into some problems with from package boot. When I try to obtain a confidence interval of type bca, returns the following error when the data set i large: Error in, conf, index[1L], L = L, t = t.o, t0 = t0.o, : estimated adjustment 'a' is NA Below is an example that produces the above mentioned error on my machine. library(boot)
2003 Apr 11
danish characters - installing R - linux redhat 8.0
I'm using R on a linux redhat 8.0 installation. The special danish characters (ÅØÆæøå) are showed wrong on the screen. Example: yy<-matrix(c(0,2,1,1,8),ncol=1,dimnames=list(c("Brøæå","AGF","AB","Farum","FC-Kbh." ),c("Stemmer"))) barplot(yy[1:5],ylab=names(,main="5. grade.... ") Any hints? Cand.
2013 Oct 16
Is there something wrong with R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing"?
Hi, pnorm(-1.53,0,1) under version 3.0.2 gives 0.05155075. I am pretty sure it should be 0.063. Is there something wrong with this version of R? I am using: R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing" Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 09
Which gls models to use?
Hi, I need to correct for ar(1) behavior of my residuals of my model. I noticed that there are multiple gls models in R. I am wondering if anyone has experience in choosing between gls models. For example, how should one decide whether to use lm.gls in MASS, or gls in nlme for correcting ar(1)? Does anyone have a preference? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML
2007 Dec 16
format numbers in a contingency table
Hi, I am constructing a contingency table using xtabs. The function works great: mo yr Sep Oct Nov Dec 1950 -7.164486e-02 3.152674e-02 -1.283389e-02 1.570382e-01 1951 3.054293e-02 4.665234e-02 -2.445499e-04 8.720204e-02 1952 3.937034e-02 -4.790636e-02 5.022616e-02 1.180279e-01 but I wonder if there is an argument I can pass to xtabs
2008 Apr 29
function to generate weights for lm?
Hi, I would like to use a weighted lm model to reduce heteroscendasticity. I am wondering if the only way to generate the weights in R is through the laborious process of trial and error by hand. Does anyone know if R has a function that would automatically generate the weights need for lm? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 31
stack charts right on top of each other
Hi, I tried to stack two charts on top of each other using the following R functions: par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(rnorm(1:3),xaxt="n",xlab="") plot(rnorm(1:3)) This created two charts, one on top of the other, but there is too much space between them. Does anyone know how to elimiate the space in between the charts? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Oct 22
How to reformat data from database into data.frame?
I'm trying to find a clever way to re-map data from a database query into a data.frame. Querying a database often returns a table (data.frame) like this: GeneID MethodID Value 6 1 123 6 2 456 6 3 987 7 1 234 7 3 432 8 2 190 8 3 34 8 1 864 Note that GeneID=7 doesn't have a value for MethodID=2. Note that GeneID=8 doesn't have the
2006 Oct 21
how do I find the row index number, or row name, of a given value in a vector?
Hi, I noticed that max(x) returns the maximum value of a vector, but the function doesn't give the user the option of retrieving the row index number instead. If I used max(x) to find the maximum value of vector x, then is there a function I can use to find the index number, or row name, of the maximum value? Thanks, Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 01
R function for percentrank
Hi, Does anyone know if R has a built-in function that is equvalent to Excel's percentrank, i.e., returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 04
question about scale() function
Hi, The documentation for scale() states:"If center is TRUE then centering is done by subtracting the column means (omitting NAs) of x from their corresponding columns". But it seems that R is subtracting something else instead of the column mean: > x=c(2,4,3,4,5) > mean(x) [1] 3.6 > x-mean(x) [1] -1.6 0.4 -0.6 0.4 1.4 > scale(x) [,1] [1,] -1.4032928 [2,]
2006 Nov 01
Problem with data type recognition and conversion
Hi, I have a CSV file with two columns; the first column is date, second column is numbers. I used read.csv() to load the file into the variable temp. Somehow, R could not recognize my numbers as double. Instead, it thinks these numbers are integer even though they all have decimal points (isn't that strange?). The problem I ran into is that if I tried to convert the numbers to double using
2006 Oct 19
use date as x-axis
Hi, I have the following data in two columns. The first column is the date, the second is data. Date Data 3-Jan-95 459.21 4-Jan-95 459.13 5-Jan-95 460.73 6-Jan-95 460.38 9-Jan-95 460.67 10-Jan-95 460.9 11-Jan-95 461.68 12-Jan-95 461.64 13-Jan-95 461.64 16-Jan-95 465.97 17-Jan-95 469.38 18-Jan-95 470.05 19-Jan-95 469.72 20-Jan-95 466.95 23-Jan-95 464.78 24-Jan-95 465.81 25-Jan-95 465.86 I would
2008 May 07
cross-correlation lag.plot?
Hi, Does anyone know if R has a function that is similar to lag.plot but instead of auto-correlation, it plots cross-correlation with lags? Thanks, -- Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 07
How to add background color of a 2D chart by quadrant
Hi, I have a 2D chart that is divided into four quadrants, I, II, III, IV: plot(1:10,ylim=c(0,10),xlim=c(0,10),type="n") abline(v=5,h=5) text(x=c(7.5,7.5,2.5,2.5),y=c(2.5,7.5,7.5,2.5),labels=c("I","II","III","IV")) I would like to fill each quadrant with a background color unique to the quadrant. Does anyone know how to do this in R? Thanks, --