similar to: prettyR 25% quartile, 75% quartile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "prettyR 25% quartile, 75% quartile"

2008 Jun 19
PrettyR (describe)
#is there a way to get NA in the table of descriptive statistics instead of the function stopping Thank you in advance #data x.f <- structure(list(Site = structure(c(9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L), .Label = c("BC", "HC", "RM119", "RM148", "RM179", "RM185",
2013 Apr 03
Can package plyr also calculate the mode?
I am trying to replicate the SAS proc univariate in R. I got most of the stats I needed for a by grouping in a data frame using: all1 <- ddply(all,"ACT_NAME", summarise, mean=mean(COUNTS), sd=sd(COUNTS), q25=quantile(COUNTS,.25),median=quantile(COUNTS,.50), q75=quantile(COUNTS,.75), q90=quantile(COUNTS,.90), q95=quantile(COUNTS,.95), q99=quantile(COUNTS,.99) )
2010 Jan 22
Quartiles and Inter-Quartile Range
Why am I getting a wrong result for quartiles? here is my code: > cbiomass = c(910, 1058, 929, 1103, 1056, 1022, 1255, 1121, 1111, 1192, > 1074, 1415) > summary(cbiomass) > IQR(cbiomass) The result R gives me is: For the summary > Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 910 1048 1088 1104 1139 1415 For IQR > 91.25 ********* The true Q1 is 1039
2008 Jul 23
Using PrettyR to produce LaTeX output
Hello everyone. I am new to R, so please bear with me. I am trying to find an easy way to export descriptive statistics and other information about my data frame to a LaTeX format. I have found the describe function in PrettyR to be very helpful in producing results in the exact format I'm looking for. However, the value of the describe function is a LIST (rather than a data frame) which I
2006 Aug 04
prettyR arrives
Hi all, I have finally gotten the prettyR package going (many thanks to Kurt Hornik for his patience). prettyR is a set of functions that allows the user to produce HTML output from R scripts. Given an R script that runs properly, an HTML listing complete with embedded graphics can be produced simply by passing the script to the core function htmlize (Phillipe Grosjean has not only offered
2009 Feb 12
Latex or html output for freq() in prettyR
Hi Everybody I need to create a lot of frequency tables with frequencies and percentages (and cumilative freq and % as well) for a report. freq() in prettyR give more or less what I need. I am trying to export the result of freq() to html but the html doesn't look look the console output. See the following example library(prettyR) library(Hmisc) x <- matrix(sample(1:3, 12,
2008 Oct 24
plotrix and prettyR
Hi folks, Both plotrix and prettyR have been updated. plotrix now has the "Matlab" style dotplot that was requested not long ago on the list, provided by that intrepid duo, Barry Rowlingson and Rolf Turner. Mike Cheetham has contributed an implementation of the Piper diagram, also in response to a request. prettyR has finally learned how to display SPSS value labels in the xtab and
2009 Feb 13
odfWeave & prettyR
Hello, I've been trying to use odfWeave and prettyR packages to create documents with both text and graphs, but so far I haven't been very lucky... With the function R2html () in prettyR package, when I try to use a source file, which works perfectly if I run it directly form R using "source("file")", it works for the first part and then it makes a mess, i guess
2007 Jun 16
Visualize quartiles of plot line
Hello, I'm currently using a simple plot to visualize some mean values. I'm having ~200 datapoints on the x-axis, each has 10 records. I'm currently plotting only the mean value of each of the datapoints. What I need is a way to visualize the quartiles/error/whatever of these points. I thought about boxplots, but I have to many points on the xaxis - it would be impossible to see
2010 Jun 06
Hi all, does anyone have any practical examples of how this command can be used in prettyR? add.value.labels(x,value.labels) I mean, can we have the SPSS style of using numbers and/or labels if we want to? Thank you for your time Jason Dr. Iasonas Lamprianou Assistant Professor (Educational Research and Evaluation) Department of Education Sciences European University-Cyprus P.O. Box 22006
2011 Oct 31
How to get Quartiles when data contains both numeric variables and factors
When data contains both factor and numeric variables, how to get quartiles for all numeric variables? n <- 100 x1 <- runif(n) x2 <- runif(n) x3 <- x1 + x2 + runif(n)/10 x4 <- x1 + x2 + x3 + runif(n)/10 x5 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),n,replace=TRUE)) x6 <- factor(1*(x5=='a' | x5=='c')) data1 <- cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) data
2008 Jun 12
Problem with Freq function {prettyR}
Dear list, I have a problem with freq from prettyR. Please have a look at my syntax with a litte example: library(prettyR) #Version 1 test.df<-data.frame(q1=sample(1:4,8,TRUE), gender=sample(c("f","m"),8,TRUE)) test.df freq(test.df) #No error message #Version 2 test.df<-data.frame(gender=sample(c("f","m"),8,TRUE), q1=sample(1:4,8,TRUE)) test.df
2012 Jul 11
Hi, Here i have an matrix like this, ABC PQR XYZ MNO ------ ------- ------ -------- 3 6 7 15 2 12 24 15 20 5 1 2 25 50 15 35 i need to get the "MODE" - for each column-wise "VARIANCE" - for
2012 Oct 17
loop of quartile groups
Greetings R users, My goal is to generate quartile groups of each variable in my data set. I would like each experiment to have its designated group added as a subsequent column. I can accomplish this individually with the following code: brks <- with(data_variables, cut2(var2, g=4)) #I don't want the actual numbers, I need a numbered group data$test1=factor(brks,
2012 Jan 13
Quantiles in boxplot‏
Hi, I have a simple question about quartiles in R, especially how they are calculated using the boxplot. Quartiles (.25 and .75) in boxplot are different from the summary function and also don't match with the 9 types in the quantile function. See attachment for details. Can you give me the details on how the boxplot function does calculate these values? Cheers, Rene Brinkhuis
2008 Jun 13
Quartile regression question
I have data that looks like lake,loglength,logweight 1,2.369215857,1.929418926 1,2.426511261,2.230448921 1,2.434568904,2.298853076 1,2.437750563,2.298853076 1,2.442479769,2.230448921 1,2.445604203,2.356025857 ... 102,2.722633923,3.310268367 102,2.781755375,3.502153893 102,2.836324116,3.683407299 102,2.802773725,3.583312152 102,2.790285164,3.546419267 102,2.806179974,3.599118565
2007 Feb 12
Boxplot: quartiles/outliers
For boxplot(), is it possible to pass in a parameter to change the default way that the 1st and 3rd quartiles are computed? (specifically, I'd like to use type 6 described in the quantile function). Also, what are the options for how outliers are computed, and how can one change them? Thank you [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Oct 28
random number generation
Hi every one, I am trying to generate a normally distributed random variable with the following descriptive statistics, min=1, max=99, variance=125, mean=38.32, 1st quartile=38, median=40, 3rd quartile=40, skewness=-0.274. I know the "rnorm" will allow me to simulate random numbers with mean 38.32 and Sd=11.18(sqrt(125)). But I need to have the above mentioned descriptive
2008 Nov 06
new plotrix and prettyR
Hi all, I'm noting the appearance of new versions of plotrix and prettyR as I found a bug in the "brkdn" function that messed up the order of "value.labels" if they had been imported from an SPSS data file. For anyone using "brkdn", please upgrade to the new version of prettyR (1.3-5) if you are importing SPSS data files. If anyone discovers other problems,
2001 Jul 10
returning quartiles of a list?
Hi, all. I have a list: process <- c( 5 , 7 , 4 , 1 , 4 , 1) and I'd like to get each half (or each third or each quartile) of the list: process.firsthalf would be (5, 7, 4) and process.secondhalf would be (1, 4, 1). note that I'm not interested in the numeric quartiles (then I could use quantile or several other functions). what is the best way to get this kind of thing? for