similar to: reading Excel file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "reading Excel file"

2010 Feb 09
Comparing means and trends in short time-series
Dear R-list, I have a statistical problem with the comparison of short time-series, representing densities of fish in different streams. For each stream (6 in total, here below showed only part of the dataset) I have 8 years of density data, as follows: year density stream 1 2000 0.51 stream1 2 2001 0.87 stream1 3 2002 0.68 stream1 4 2003 0.56 stream1 5 2004 0.50 stream1 6
2009 Feb 25
how to label the branches of a tree
Hi, I am using rpart package to fit classification trees. library(rpart) fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis) plot(fit,uniform=T) text(fit, use.n=TRUE) But I am unable to label the branches (not the nodes) of the tree. Can somebody help me out in this? Thank you, Regards Utkarsh Singhal | Amba Research Ph +91 80 3980 8017 | Mob +91 99 0295 8815
2008 Dec 29
How to get unique solution from nnet function
Hi R, I am using nnet function of nnet package to fit neural networks. Now I want to get a unique solution every time I run the function for the same data. If I give rang=0, it solves my problem but I am not sure whether I am doing the right thing. Any comments are welcome. Thank you, Regards Utkarsh Singhal | Amba Research Ph +91 80 3980 8017 | Mob +91 99 0295 8815 Bangalore * Colombo
2009 Dec 24
help in merging
Hi All, I want to "merge" two datasets by column "ID" and I don't want the result to be sorted by "ID". I am doing the following: > z = merge(x, y, by = "ID", sort=F) The result is not sorted by "ID". But (as oppose to what I expected) it is not even in the original order of either "x" or "y". Can
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
Hello everyone, I want to import data from huge sas files with 100s of columns. The good thing is that I am only interested in a few selected columns. Is there any way to do that without loading the full dataset. I have tried two functions: (1) read.sas7bdat *[from library 'sas7bdat']*, and (2) read_sas *[from library 'haven']. *But couldn't find what I am looking for. Best
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
hi, the sas universal viewer might be a free, non-R way to convert a sas7bdat file to non-proprietary formats, not sure if it's windows-only. those other formats should be easier to import only a subset of columns into R.. On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 7:42 AM, peter dalgaard <pdalgd at> wrote: > I had a look at this
2009 Jun 02
bigmemory - extracting submatrix from big.matrix object
I am using the library(bigmemory) to handle large datasets, say 1 GB, and facing following problems. Any hints from anybody can be helpful. _Problem-1: _ I am using "read.big.matrix" function to create a filebacked big matrix of my data and get the following warning: > x = read.big.matrix("/home/utkarsh.s/data.csv",header=T,type="double",shared=T,backingfile
2010 Dec 17
[Fwd: adding more columns in big.matrix object of bigmemory package]
Hi, With reference to the mail below, I have large datasets, coming from various different sources, which I can read into filebacked big.matrix using library bigmemory. I want to merge them all into one 'big.matrix' object. (Later, I want to run regression using library 'biglm'). I am unsuccessfully trying to do this from quite some time now. Can you please
2009 May 04
Splitting a vector into equal groups
Hi All, I have vector of length 52, say, x=sample(30,52,replace=T). I want to sort x and split into five *nearly equal groups*. Note that the observations are repeated in x so in case of a tie I want both the observations to fall in same group. This seems a very common task to do, but still I couldn't find an R function to do this. Any help would be highly appreciated. Regards Utkarsh
2010 Jan 05
why is object.size is more for constant numeric vector?
Hi All, I ran the following lines in R: print(object.size(a <- rep(1,10^6)),units="Mb") print(object.size(a <- rep(3.542,10^6)),units="Mb") print(object.size(b <- rep("x",10^6)),units="Mb") print(object.size(b <- rep("xyzxyz xyz",10^6)),units="Mb") print(object.size(b <- 1:10^6),units="Mb") print(object.size(b
2009 May 18
intermediate iterations of stepwise regression
Hi all, I am performing a stepwise regression by running the "step" function on an "lm" object. Now I want to save the intermediate iterations. I know the argument trace=T will print it on the console, but I rather want to assign it to some R object or may be output it in a CSV or text file. Any help will be appreciated. Regards Utkarsh
2017 Aug 10
Import selected columns from sas7bdat file
I had a look at this a while back and it didn't seem to be easy. The path of least resistance would seem to be to use SAS itself to create a data set with fewer columns, but of course that requires you to get access to SAS. Otherwise, I think you'd have to modify sas7bdat::read.sas7bdat to drop unselected columns. That function is pure R code, so it might not be quite as hard as it
2009 Nov 23
FUN argument to return a vector in aggregate function
Hi All, I am currently doing the following to compute summary statistics of aggregated data: a = aggregate(warpbreaks$breaks, warpbreaks[,-1], mean) b = aggregate(warpbreaks$breaks, warpbreaks[,-1], sum) c = aggregate(warpbreaks$breaks, warpbreaks[,-1], length) ans = cbind(a, b[,3], c[,3]) This seems unnecessarily complex to me so I tried > aggregate(warpbreaks$breaks, warpbreaks[,-1],
2009 Jun 30
R version-2.9.1 for Linux
Hi All, I am currently using R version 2.8.1 on linux cent os 4.4 (i386) and want to upgrade to version 2.9.1. It seems to me that version-2.9.1 is it not for my OS. Am I right? Regards Utkarsh [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 03
using 'lrm' for logistic regression
Hi R, I am getting this error while trying to use 'lrm' function with nine independent variables: > res = lrm(y1994~WC08301+WC08376+WC08316+WC08311+WC01001+WC08221+WC08106+WC0810 1+WC08231,data=y) singular information matrix in (rank= 8 ). Offending variable(s): WC08101 WC08221 Error in j:(j + params[i] - 1) : NA/NaN argument Now, if I take choose only four
2009 Apr 30
problem in
I never understood that why is the value returned by function in the library(survival) never matches with the description given in the help file: Following is the extract from ? Description: Converts any of the following character forms to a Julian date: 8/31/56, 8-31-1956, 31 8 56, 083156, 31Aug56, or August 31 1956. Usage:, order = "mdy", ...)
2009 May 27
Defining functions - an interesting problem
I define the following function: (Please don't wonder about the use of this function, this is just a simplified version of my actual function. And please don't spend your time in finding an alternate way of doing the same as the following does not exactly represent my function. I am only interested in a good explanation) > f1 =
2009 Jun 16
Testing if all elements are equal in a vector/matrix
Hi All, There are several replies to the question below, but I think there must exist a better way of doing so. I just want to check whether all the elements of a vector are same. My vector has one million elements and it is highly likely that there are distinct elements in the first few itself. For example: > x = c(1,2,rep(1,100000)) I want the answer as FALSE, which is clear from the
2013 Jun 23
R Programmer / Data Scientist (, CA, USA) is a well funded financial start-up based out of Santa Monica, CA. We are looking to grow our data science team with a Data Scientist who has superlative R programming skills and experience in scaling R-based analytics to large data stores. Details at: Thank you! -- *Ajay Gopal, PhD* *Director, Data Science & Analytics* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Oct 12
Is this an incorrect use of the R-API?
Hi, I am trying to create a small extension for R here for embedding the current time on the R prompt: Things seem to be working overall, but `R CMD check .` raised a warning: > File '[truncated]..Rcheck/extPrompt/libs/ > Found non-API call to R: ?ptr_R_ReadConsole? > > Compiled code should not call non-API entry points in